Weak upper body - HELP!

cgm2 Posts: 14 Member

I feel like I am not doing the right exercise for my body. I know I have to do some weights to loose weight faster but when I do my strength workout my arms get tired very fast. I either change to lighter weights or I do the exercise with no weights. At the end I feel like I could have done more but my arms are so painful and I am not sure how to make them stronger. Should I do more repetitions with light weights for a while or just do less repetitions with more weight so I get them stronger?
Thank you,


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I feel like I am not doing the right exercise for my body.

    Which exercises are you doing? List them along with the weight, # of sets, and # of reps.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    are we supposed to divine what you're doing, how much you're using, and how you're doing it in order to give you advice?

    also, lifting weights won't help you lose weight faster, but it will help you lose fat at a higher rate. that's a difference you'll want to be aware of so that you can adjust your expectations accordingly
  • cgm2
    cgm2 Posts: 14 Member
    I am doing Sugar Fitness upper body workouts with weights that go from 3lbs to 10 lbs. The workouts work all arm muscles with dumbbell with exercises such as biceps curls, Triceps Extension, Overhead Press and basic exercises.
  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    How many reps are you doing per set? If your arms get tired fast I'd try to do the ones with more weight and less reps. This should help you get stronger and help build up your endurance.

    Best thing is to just keep doing it though, it only gets easier if you keep doing it. Also make sure you're eating enough, I would get super tired during my workouts because I was eating less and not eating my exercise calories back. Once I started eating more on workout days it made everything a lot easier.
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    Push ups are great for building strength. You can do 2 minute drills in different positions.
  • annkimr
    annkimr Posts: 7 Member
    As someone who also has always had a weak upper body, here's my 2 cents:

    You need a plan, and you need to stick with it.

    When wanted to get stronger I decided to go with kettlebells. I bought a kettlebell (15lbs) and a DVD, Lauren Brooks Volume 1. I used it 2x's a week, sometimes 3. I eventually bought Volume 2, and a 26lb (12kg) bell. I then moved on to her 12 week program. I know have a 16kg and 20kg bell too (she has a book and a 12 program you buy online). I highly recommend you find a plan, something that tells you what to do and how often.

    You don't have to go with kettlebells, that is just what I used. There are bodyweight programs, and free weights as well as circuit programs. But you should find a program. There is a web site, BreakingMuscle.com that has lots of free workout programs. They are pretty good, but you may want to invest in something.

    If you are feeling that sore, you are either overdoing it, you have poor technique, or you are not giving yourself rest days. Poor technique can injure you, so do make sure you learn how to do the moves you're doing properly. This really is important. You could be over extending, or keeping your shoulders down and in place. Make sure you understand the mechanics of the exercise so that you don't hurt yourself.

    Once you know you are doing the moves correctly, and you have a solid plan, keep working at it and you will make progress.
  • cgm2
    cgm2 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you all for your help! I decided to go with the Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 program and also add some arm workouts with more weights and less repetitions. I hope this is the right way...