question about cardio vs weights

I'm wondering, if you are doing a lot of cardio, is that enough to build up the muscles in your legs, or do you need to be doing weight-bearing leg workouts on top of that? I'm doing upper body and core weight-bearing exercises, but I'm doing a lot of treadmill or elliptical as well. I'm not trying to get bodybuilder muscles, I just want to lose a little more fat and build up my overall strength. Is it necessary to do the additional leg workouts?


  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    Are you increasing your intensity on a regular basis? If not, then you will maintain the muscles you have. To build, you need to challenge your muscles, yes, by weight-bearing exercises. Do you do squats and lunges? That would be a way to start if you don't have access to the gym or weights...
  • missADS1981
    missADS1981 Posts: 364 Member
    the cardio is going to help to remove the layer of fat over the muscle you have. but in order to build the muscle you will need to do weight training exercises to build them up. as mentioned lunges are great, squat jumps, box step ups, squats, hamstring curls, leg press, all of these will help you build up your muslce.
  • amlynn16
    amlynn16 Posts: 20 Member
    As a general rule of thumb, you DO need to do some weights on legs in addition to what you do on elliptical and/or treadmill, because in some cases, you're not strengthening the legs enough. Doing extra resistance on the elliptical or treadmill isn't going to be enough. Now, lets say you are running a lot at high intensity or high incline, you may not need to do so much. However, you will want to do at least squats, lounges, and if you're at the gym, do a couple weights that will stretch out the hamstrings.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Cardio can build endurance if you are specifically training for it. It can not "build muscle," though. Lifting progressively heavier weights, along with adequate rest and protein, can build muscles.

    Compound lifts > targeted lifts
  • tquill
    tquill Posts: 300 Member
    I'm wondering, if you are doing a lot of cardio, is that enough to build up the muscles in your legs, or do you need to be doing weight-bearing leg workouts on top of that? I'm doing upper body and core weight-bearing exercises, but I'm doing a lot of treadmill or elliptical as well. I'm not trying to get bodybuilder muscles, I just want to lose a little more fat and build up my overall strength. Is it necessary to do the additional leg workouts?

    Yes, please incorporate strength training.

  • kbrister85
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    You're not trying to get bodybuilder muscles? Are you a bodybuilder? If not, I wouldn't worry about it....

    Seriously, muscle is extremely hard to put on.......for guys. It's exponentially harder for women.

    Are you eating at a deficit, or a surplus. If a deficit, you're not going to gain much muscle (if any), no matter the exercise.

    To build up the strength, HIIT, hills, sprints, etc... would work, but IMHO throwing in lower body strength would be very beneficial as far as strength gains go, not to mention it'll make you a stronger runner.
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    I'm wondering, if you are doing a lot of cardio, is that enough to build up the muscles in your legs, or do you need to be doing weight-bearing leg workouts on top of that? I'm doing upper body and core weight-bearing exercises, but I'm doing a lot of treadmill or elliptical as well. I'm not trying to get bodybuilder muscles, I just want to lose a little more fat and build up my overall strength. Is it necessary to do the additional leg workouts?

    Cardio will not build muscle in your legs. I used to run 60+ miles per week. I waited too long to start doing lower body weight training, and it was such a mistake. Start NOW!
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    Okay, I do know that weightlifting won't make me "bulky", and I'm not concerned that I might get "bulky", either. I just wanted to clarify my goals so people would know what I was trying to achieve.
    I will start adding some leg exercises to my workouts and thanks to everyone who posted. I appreciate the support and suggestions.