Friends that Workout at Home



  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    Hi i have been on here a few weeks now. I work out strictly at home, I cant really afford a gym membership and gyms make me uncomfortable. I always feel like people are staring (I know they aren't) but im self conscience that way. I also never know what to do so workout videos make me feel like I have a trainer. I get all my workouts off pinerest or youtube and I am slowly accumulating weights, sand bags, stability balls ect. Any who I would like friends in general, but i would also like friends who workout similar to me. Thanks!

    If you don't follow them yet, try FitnessBlender on YouTube. Kelli's form is stone cold perfect. Daniel is very good at explaining exercises. They are both reasonable in their approach to nutrition and fitness.
  • ShayShayFletch
    ShayShayFletch Posts: 89 Member
    Hi there, I work out at home as well. I was never into the gym and I found it more comfortable and more flexible at home anyway. I am currently doing dance central on xbox 360 and I find it works. Love this site and love having and meeting new fitness pals!
    I have sent you a friends request as well.
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    I solely workout at home. I'll send you an add! \o/
  • iAmStarStuff27
    iAmStarStuff27 Posts: 109 Member
    I mix it up between home and a local climbing gym. I like the comfort of watching Netflix or blasting Pandora while I work out that working out at home offers. Nice to know I'm not wallowing in others workout juices too. Added.
  • dehumanised1
    dehumanised1 Posts: 21 Member
    I attempt to work out at home but am never strict enough with myself. Anyone who would like to kick my *kitten* into shape, by all means add me =)
  • Ketzalitzli
    Ketzalitzli Posts: 15 Member
    I work out at home too. Really can't afford a gym membership either but I invested in Wii Fit and I love it! It shows me how to do the workouts and yoga poses correctly and keeps track of my progress. Plus, I do belly dancing and zumba off of Youtube. When I get more comfortable with myself, I'll venture out.

    Anyone feel free to add me!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I workout at home too, though not out of shyness or anything, I just like the convenience of coming home, getting my workout done and showering in my OWN shower. I have built up quite the home gym, with dumbbells, barbell set and weight bench, next on the list is a squat rack. My workouts vary between Turbo Fire, Focus T25, Fitness Blender and BeFit. No excuse to not workout, bad weather be damned. Friend me if you like.
  • AngieA007
    AngieA007 Posts: 10 Member
    I workout at home as well. P90, Jessica Smith videos. If you have Brighthouse cable they actually have a fitness channel with a variety of free exercises. please feel free to add me and good luck on your journey. :-)
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I workout at home, or out in nature. Only reason is … I can't afford the gym. I know what it feels like to worry about the other guy, but after years and years of gym memberships … I found that they really aren't looking at you and passing judgement. Yes I thought they were too, and it was hard for me to go at first and then I realized that they were just as self conscious. Made friends with the people I thought were judging me and the gym became a friendly place I looked forward too. Fast forward to today … broke … can't afford a gym membership … I workout at home, or out in nature.

    I am lucky in that I have outfitted my basement with all the things I would have enjoyed in the Gym. It has taken a while and has been a slow process. I have bought some equipment secondhand, and some has been given to me, and yes on some I paid retail. However, I have a great basement gym and I love it! Some friends come over and workout with me, which gives me the camaraderie that I miss about the gym. It also gives me the freedom to workout whenever I can and not worry about another business's hours.
  • tinamariecleg
    tinamariecleg Posts: 99 Member
    I work out at home. I feel like it's my only option having a 13 year old waiting for dinner :)
  • I only work out at home too :-) I'm SO self conscientous at the gym and the one trainer I've had in my life was a bully ... I really enjoy the Leslie Sansone workouts (I tore my achilles a couple years ago and can only do low impact stuff still), I also have a recumbent bike and the bowflex revolutions (which we just uncovered in the basement last weekend *lol*). In the spring/summer/fall I do a lot of biking on the paths around my city as well.
  • Paula5130
    Paula5130 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi my daughter and myself do both gym and DVDs, DVDs ranging from leslie sansone walking DVDs, to slim in 6 and parts of insanity, we keep it varied to say the least ... I am 195 lb now and T times I feel self conscious at the gym (crunching etc) but on the whole I don't, cos it shows I'm making the effort and really don't give a squat for any other gym goers opinions, unless they are positive of course. But you have to enjoy what you do and how you do it, exercise should be fun add me if you want, the more people the better x
  • Another self-conscious person here - always felt awkward at the gym. My husband and I walk 5-6 nights a week at our local high school track (2-3 miles each night) and I recently bought some weights. Once the time changes this weekend, we'll get our bikes out of storage and alternate between walking and cycling. I attempt yoga at home, but I'm horribly un-coordinated :) Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • Wow its so good to know there are others that like to work out from home. For a while i was worried I could never get a "gym body" without going to the gym but lately Ive found it is possible if i push myself and do it right. Its nice to "meet" everyone and i look forward to pushing each other and sharing home workout tips :wink:
  • healthywtb
    healthywtb Posts: 80 Member
    I work out at home or outside. I like Easy to follow, no music - but you can provide your own entertainment. All different levels and choices.
  • vedalewis
    vedalewis Posts: 37
    Hey! I work out strictly from home as well. I also have been accumulating weights, etc here and there and I finally got my husband to buy me an elliptical machine, I have zumba for the wii but i have slowly slid away from doing it.. I plan to start back soon. I also have downloaded some cardio workouts from you tube that look very challenging.. but i know they will pay of in the long run.. Sending you a request :)
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    I and my husband both workout at home. We both quit the gym a while ago. He has done Insanity and 3 rounds of P90x and will be starting T25 next week. I have done T25 and am working on p90x3. I love the short 30 minute or less a day workouts and no driving to the gym only to find out I left my clean undies at home. I have not missed a single workout since I started and we both just set up workouts that fit our schedule. I like doing mine first thing in the morning to get them out of the way. We have a few different mats and a set of dial weight but no real "special" equipment. Now that we have a few different workouts we just mix and match as we see fit. My husband has lost 85 lbs and I have gotten back into shape after getting out of a wheelchair post getting hit by a car. So yeah these home workout work. Would love to tell you more.. feel free to send me a friend request.
  • MissLCWolff
    MissLCWolff Posts: 69 Member
    I work out at home (I have a spin bike, a 6-inch step for step aerobics and jump training, and a few hand weights) and by walking or jogging with my dog around my neighborhood. I hate noisy, crowded environments, so I gave up on gyms years ago.
  • kelsiekae
    kelsiekae Posts: 65
    Feel free to add me! I log every day and I'm focusing mainly on workouts at home right now too. Mainly TurboFire and using the Wii for Zumba and fitness. :)
  • suncluster
    suncluster Posts: 539 Member
    I am not a gym person either.
    All of my workouts are in the comfort of my own living room or outside under the big blue...uhem cloudy gray sky :)