Processed Foods

I'm thinking about eliminating processed foods from my diet. So does that include wheat bread and granola bars? I think i have it down to eating things like fruits, veggies, snacks like yogurt, peanuts etc.

Do I have the basics of it? Or am i missing something?


  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    There are many varying degrees of doing this. Be sure to consider at what point does cutting out everything remotely processed not make it beneficial anymore. It's one thing to cut out hormone infused meat, frozen meals, potato chips etc - and another to cut out everything. It's not necessarily THAT much healthier for you. I try to limit processed foods, where possible, and there are a lot more I could cut out, but I don't think I could or would ever cut it ALL out. But with bread etc, I try to get more healthy versions - no HFCS, I can read all the ingredients on the list, etc.
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    Some people suggest, when trying to eliminate processed foods, that you shouldn't purchase anything with an ingredient listed that you cannot pronounce. I think this guideline is meant to suggest that if amongst the ingredients is listed a lot of chemicals and colourants, you should think about what it is you're putting into your body and why.
  • ironsister
    ironsister Posts: 9 Member
    Many people refer to this as clean eating and you can get a ton of information, including recipes, online if you google clean eating. There is even a clean eating magazine and Tosca Reno has a couple of books that pertain to this topic.
  • tameka1220
    tameka1220 Posts: 517 Member
    Many people refer to this as clean eating and you can get a ton of information, including recipes, online if you google clean eating. There is even a clean eating magazine and Tosca Reno has a couple of books that pertain to this topic.

    I will definitely look up clean eating
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I am one of the extremists here....................

    However -

    I bake my own breads, cleaning supplies, can and freeze fruits and veggies, make home made jellies, etc.

    I only buy local and in season foods and from local farmers. Aka - CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) membership.
  • tameka1220
    tameka1220 Posts: 517 Member
    I am one of the extremists here....................

    However -

    I bake my own breads, cleaning supplies, can and freeze fruits and veggies, make home made jellies, etc.

    I only buy local and in season foods and from local farmers. Aka - CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) membership.

    I LUV ur quote at the bottom!!! awesome!