More GF

I'm looking to incorporate more Gluten-Free foods into my diet. I don't have celiacs, but I've heard great things about moving way from gluten products. Any suggestions for how to start?


  • coleyj95
    coleyj95 Posts: 6 Member
    I have a health food store down the road from me I get all of my groceries there. Everything I eat is gluten free and organic. Common things- gluten free bananna chips and Oatmeal they taste the same or maybe even a little better than regular. Also if you are trying to cut out pasta's Kelp noodles are fantastic! you can use them instead of any kind of noodle. They go great with anything.
  • CardiacKev28
    CardiacKev28 Posts: 172 Member
    I chose to be GF because I have found that I can get off all inhalers for my asthma . I can breathe so much better now. My pulmonologist is amazed at my results! There are so many wonderful products out there like rudi's GF bread (in your freezer section) I find this bread is fantastic and love it!. I also buy ronzoni GF pasta's - you can't tell they are GF. Friend me if you want and I will share through my diary all the GF foods I like. I also love quinoa and my wife has some great recipes for that. I wish you luck and I know you will feel better in the long run.
  • 3P0X
    3P0X Posts: 302
    I have a health food store down the road from me I get all of my groceries there. Everything I eat is gluten free and organic. Common things- gluten free bananna chips and Oatmeal they taste the same or maybe even a little better than regular. Also if you are trying to cut out pasta's Kelp noodles are fantastic! you can use them instead of any kind of noodle. They go great with anything.

    Sounds good, but isn't it a lot more expensive?
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Any suggestions for how to start?

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Any suggestions for how to start?


    Hi, Rock!
  • luca15306
    luca15306 Posts: 111 Member
    i struggled with weight loss for a very long time, was exercising, eating sensibly, everything, nothing ever worked. I was looking one day for my next why I'm fat excuse, when i came across food intolerance testing. I decided it would be interesting if nothing else. The test showed that my body would appreciate less wheat flour. From then I completely cut down on gluten and potatoes, just allowing myself gluten products occasionally, meals out etc. Over 18months I've lost 45lbs.
    Gluten free products are an ok substitute in some cases but i only really have the pasta or biscuits. I also eat a lot of sweet potatoes (as spicy wedges) or brown rice. Theres loads of ways to cut down and not feel like you are missing out, though i wouldn't want to cut it out completely in case your body develops more of an intolerance. I did this at first, and when i had wheat again, i felt quite ill, so smaller quantities less often is the key :) not sure if thats what you were asking! but hope its some food for thought!
    Best of luck :)
  • FatKidAtHeart88
    FatKidAtHeart88 Posts: 89 Member
    GF is not always healthier. I have a friend who actually has celiacs and we have shared many not so healthy gluten free meals. I love gluten free pizza dough from donatos. Oh and lots of ice creams are GF. And the GF cookie doughs are pretty delicious too. It all comes down to choosing the right macros for your diet.

    Google is your friend :)
  • lilymae71
    lilymae71 Posts: 23 Member
    I have Celiac disease.

    Your best bet is whole foods, such as meat, fruits and vegetables. This is an hour long but has a lot of great info, some of which I didn't know and I have it!
  • theBeesKnees35
    theBeesKnees35 Posts: 17 Member
    the easiest way to start is by increasing your consumption of whole foods--think lots of fresh veggies, greens, and some fruit.

    moderation is always a good idea for processed food. processed crap is processed crap. gluten free or not.
  • coleyj95
    coleyj95 Posts: 6 Member
    It really depends on what you get somethings are mpre expensive and others are about the same.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,189 Member
    If your not intolerant, then why complicate eating?