walking/dvd workout

Hey everyone

Just a quesiton, would you lose much weight if you were only walking either outside for a 60 mins or the treadmill for 60 mins 3-4 times a week? I've just started with doing this I love walking but having snow on the ground makes it hard to get out esp with my 2 year old in the cold, so I'm mostly sticking to the treadmill for now, I have been her any there doing a work out dvd by Valerie Bertinelli called losing it and keeping fit,not if anyone has heard of it do used it before,I can't seem to get my self to wanna do it alot anymore like I use to cause me because of not getting enough sleep from my 2yr old to,I fine since I have mile case of cp my hurts the back of my legs and my feet alot even tho walking hurts also it is something I can handle doing and I have Asthma aslo so with other work outs I need to take a 1 min rest.so I fine that walking it best for me to do since i dont need to rest I can keep going for the 60mins. anyways do you think with just the walking 3-4 days a week would I lose much weight with it? or should I just suck it up and do the dvd the days I aint walking?


  • manicrover
    It's hard figuring out a workout routine with kids! Anyway, I'll give you my thoughts…any exercise will help but you won't burn too many calories just walking…you'll want to make sure your eating is really on track. How is your eating? Are you tracking your food?

    The DVD would help but I'm not sure you really like it. I look forward to the programs I have cause they're actually pretty fun…have you tried other programs? You might find them more fun. Keeping it fun helps with motivation a lot! Working out should not be a chore.

    Anyway just a couple of thoughts….happy to help more...
  • twin_butterfly
    thank you for ur reply I do love the dvd its just hard to do now with my 2yr old she hears me doing it and then wants to come join me so then I cant keep my mind on track of it, if I let her come join in she'll just jump all over me so then its not like I am getting a work out. Igot the biggest loser ones but I fine there to hard on my asthma, My eating I can do better with but I try to eat as well as i can,yes i do log my food I've just started back on track with this site. could I ask you what programs your doing? I love my walks and some days i love the dvd other days i hate it, I know I can do this I lost over 60lbs before my daughter with doing this same dvd 3 days a week with 3-4 days of walking or just picking my nephew up from school and walking him home I just think with the change my body went through to have my daughter its just making it harder this time around,I've only lost 36lbs since having her,I'm so stuck now :(
  • manicrover
    No problem! Happy to help! My girl like to join in too, but she's 8 so quite a difference. I'm glad you like the program! It's really important to enjoy what you do. Is it possible to get help from your family or friends? Could someone in your life look after/play with/entertain your daughter 3-4 times a week so you can get your program in? Do you have people who support your fitness goals?

    And 36 pounds is awesome!! it always take times, and as you mentioned, you're busier and not always getting enough sleep. All those factors will make it harder.

    I'm doing Focus T25 right now, but it's not what I started with. I tried P90X and found the workouts too long. I spent a lot of time with Jillian Michaels programs too…Body Revolution helped me the most because it was an incremental 90 day program, but she has lots of other good ones to. I really like any program that comes with a schedule, cause it makes it so easy. You just need to find the time to get the program done.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    have u tried the Leslie sansone walk at home dvds. you can find loads in you tube. i use some hand weights when i do it. walking is fine for exercise. you might have to do it when little one is sleeping. the main thing though is your food intake for weight loss. good luck
  • twin_butterfly
    yes my husband is pretty good when I ask him I watch her so I can work out tho most times now with his work he only can do it 2 days a week when he is off so the other days I have to work out at night once he gose to work and my little one is in bed so I don't get work outs to my DVDs till like 10-11 at night. so not sure if that is a issue also working out that late.my eatting I do need to get it to 100% better for the most part I eat good but lately with the stress with loseing a family member has made me like to snack on not so good things at night so since it's a new month today I'm starting over and going to kick my butt in to gear starting today. yes I use to have one of the Leslie DVDs with us moving a few times I have lost it some where in the move so I'm looking to get a new one I also have a box set of the firm not big in to some of the DVDs in it because you need to buy a lot of the work out stuff to do them I'm not sure if I just used what I have if it would still work I have always been told if you moving durning a DVD then it'll work for you tho I pulled it out last night and did the abs one and wow I really I joined that one it works ur abs great
  • MyLittleOwl
    MyLittleOwl Posts: 217 Member
    I have been using the Leslie Sansone DVD's and LOVE them. I find I get good calorie burns on them as well. she has a lot on YouTube, though I did just make the $24 investment for her 30 Day Walk it Off set (three dvd's and toning band included). The 4 mile powerwalk is awesome! When I started out, I actually was able to find quite a few of her dvd's at my library and used them first to see if I would like it.

    I have a 5 year old and occasionally he will hang on me when I do my workouts, but I'm usually able to get him set up with something to keep him occupied :-). Her videos are great because you have 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 mile options. So even if you do a 1 mile (in 15 minutes) in the morning and again later on it is still something.

    Have fun and good luck!
  • mkladyjmm
    mkladyjmm Posts: 25 Member
    I have been using Walk Away the Pounds video also. I have never exercised before, so I'm starting with 5 minutes at a time and I'm now built up to 15 minutes at a time. The middle of Michigan is completely inhospitable to walking outside this time of year. I bought my DVD on eBay.
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    Heres the 2 Leslie Sansone walking workouts I really love! It has really worked for me. I started out only being able to walk 10 mins at a time. I'm now up to 60+ mins most days!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXtRCuOeEzI <
    Absolutly LOVE this one!!! :love: :love:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rnB9rDRrCM <
    This one uses small hand weights along with straight up cardio!

    Hope this helps! There are free workouts all over the internet to take advantage of! :smile:

  • Fit4Yah
    Fit4Yah Posts: 39 Member
    I too do the free Leslie Sansone workouts on youtube. I have a 7 month old and a 2 yr old (plus 3 older ones LOL) but for my little ones I have a really good baby carrier a Tula and an ErgoBaby. They distribute the weight of your child evenly so it doesn't hurt your back. They love it when it's time to "workout" whether it's on the treadmill or youtube video. I can wear one in front and one on my back and still be okay using these baby carriers but I also do the workouts while they nap so it depends on my mood really LOL.

    ETA: I also do The Firm! I have the "old" purple and blue fanny lifter square steps LOL. I've had them for 11 years now!! I would say that is my favorite workout! Great cardio and strength all in one!
  • lucky46
    lucky46 Posts: 7
    I have arhtritis in my back, knees, hands and neck so doing some exercises makes it hard to enjoy them.

    I am currently using a Bally fitness Stepper with resistance bands and love doing it when I am able to.

    I just got back from a family emergency, so while I was away I put on 3.5lbs but am not discouraged because I know it will come off in a week or two.

    My feet hurt really bad because of excema on them but what i do is put my runners on (I have sketchers shape up runners) and do five minutes at a time, once I am use to that I will then up it to six minutes and so on. Any time you can do on the treadmill, stepper or walking outside will help but as others have said watch what you take in food wise.

    Drink plenty of ice water, add cinnamon and unpasturized honey to a cup (1tsp cinnamon and 2 tsp unpasturized honey) boil a cup of water. Put the cinnamon in the cup, add the boiling water and let steep until warm enough to drink, then add the honey and only drink half of it, put the remainder in the fridge covered and drink cold in the morning on an empty stomach.

    Add lemon, lime or crystal light to the water if you don't like drinking plain water.

    Hope this helps a bit.
  • manicrover
    It sound like you're doing lots well. Don't worry about when you work out. The best time to work out is when you can. The only problem with working out late at night is it can make you hyper and not sleep well. If you're looking for more information and motivation, I'm part of Facebook private group community for weight loss/fitness. If you'd be interested in that, just fire me a message and i"ll fill you in on the details.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Like the others have said, watching {and logging} what you eat is as important as what kind of workout you do. It was much easier for me in the beginning to eat less than to exercise. {But walking was easier on my old arthritic knees than any other exercise. Now I have a stationary bike, and some other equipment I bought used} By taking in less calories, you will need to burn less to lose. The more you lose, the easier it is to exercise. And the easier it is on my knees. So I would start with the food, keep up the walking, and work your way into the other forms of exercise as you progress.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I second the honey and cinnamon advise. But I do 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 2 of honey. I put it in my morning coffee and it has helped me with apatite suppression. On days I skip it, I snack all morning long.
  • twin_butterfly
    thank you everyone for your help I'll keep in mind everything and hopefuly I'll be on the right track again:) I'm already down 2lbs yay