
bameyers Posts: 30
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi you guys. Im brittney. I am very excited for my weightloss journy to begin & i hope being on here will be motivating for me. Thanks!


  • It will Brit! It has motivated me!... I had a question I needed someone to answer. So seeing that it is pass 12 which makes it technically a new day does that mean I add what I ate to the Dec 5th entry or the Dec 6th entry if I just ate something????
  • It will Brit! It has motivated me!... I had a question I needed someone to answer. So seeing that it is pass 12 which makes it technically a new day does that mean I add what I ate to the Dec 5th entry or the Dec 6th entry if I just ate something????

    if its before i go 2 bed i add it to the same day (so the 5th) but everybody does things differently I guess
  • i would say to the 5th. i wouldnt start the 6th til like breakfast time. thats just me:)
  • welcome! this site is really awesome I think you'll love it
  • oh ok!!!!! Thank you... And congrats to the 18lb weight loss.. thats great!
  • yes! great job on the 18 pounds! keep on!
  • thanks :) i started about 2 months ago. this site helps alot!! good luck to u both
  • may i ask how? if you dont mind ofcourse.
  • So do you ever go over your calorie intake. I went over today by 200. But I also just found that I was feeling week because I was hungry and didn't eat enough. I wanted to lose 5 pounds by Dec 20th, Im not sure of how reasonable that is. But i graduate in May and want to be down 15 to 20
  • how did i lose it or how does the site help? but either way... i lost it from sticking to the daily limits the site recommended for me (i set mine for 2 lbs a week).. and ive been exercising a little. i do either the 1 or 2 mile walks on demand or use the tredmill. the site helps because if u are tracking the foods on here it makes it easier and they have a phone app so u can use it on the go. and the support and tips from other people helps too.
  • So do you ever go over your calorie intake. I went over today by 200. But I also just found that I was feeling week because I was hungry and didn't eat enough. I wanted to lose 5 pounds by Dec 20th, Im not sure of how reasonable that is. But i graduate in May and want to be down 15 to 20

    once in a while but i try to stay within the limit. i always tend to go over my sugar and fiber intake though cuz they set it really low. but i try to only eat the "good sugars" like in fruit. i use splenda for everything else like coffee or oatmeal.
  • queencelina
    queencelina Posts: 68 Member
    HI and WELCOME :)
  • rozsbluejay
    rozsbluejay Posts: 303 Member
    Welcome. I started yesterday. I now have high hopes for my self. Add me if you wish. :)
  • rozsbluejay
    rozsbluejay Posts: 303 Member
    Welcome. I started yesterday. I now have high hopes for my self. Add me if you wish. :)
  • good to you :)
  • ccsongbyrd
    ccsongbyrd Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone, I am new to this site still. I wanted to reach out and ask about other journeys and how sucessful you've been so far.
  • I've just started,today. I wasnt very proud of myself. But everyone here seems to be very helpful & motivational
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