Self control?

One major issue I have with weight loss is that I don't know how to control myself. I'll see a bunch of candy sitting around and I'll tell myself to only eat 1, which then eventually turns into 10. How do you guys contain your cravings and tell yourself no? Are there rewards you give yourself? I seem to never be able to control myself, however I have been doing a lot better by not having soda since New Years Eve and occasionally saying no when I'm offered sweets. Please share how you overcome temptations!(:


  • CrazyLovelyMe
    Same problem with me. Someone pointed out I may have BED (binge eating disorder) I have no control over certain foods. The more I restrict, the worse it gets. I just keep trigger foods out of the house and if I want cookies or something I buy a single serve so I can't eat the whole box.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I've given up. Currently looking for a mistress.
  • SGM_Adonis
    SGM_Adonis Posts: 1,565 Member
    Same problem with me. Someone pointed out I may have BED (binge eating disorder) I have no control over certain foods. The more I restrict, the worse it gets. I just keep trigger foods out of the house and if I want cookies or something I buy a single serve so I can't eat the whole box.

    Sometimes I just have to eat the whole box. Errrmuuuugaarrssshhhh.

    Especially if it's a juice box.
  • jodyah124
    I think buying boxes of stuff is what gets me the most because I feel like I can just keep eating the food and I don't realize how much I'm eating
  • suncluster
    suncluster Posts: 539 Member
    I sit next to the candy table...not a candy dish - a whole table of sweets.
    So, I have been bringing in more and more of my own healthy snacks to reach for when I feel a craving start to come on.

    I have also been working on drinking more water, eating slower and more often. Now, I really don't go for >2hrs without eating something.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I'm honestly amazed that i have the self control i do this time around. i think it helps that i found healthier snacks that take the place of candy. I haven't even been raiding the fridge for leftovers, my major weakness, and i'm not sure why. Guess part of me is serious about losing the weight this time.
  • JoanneC1216
    JoanneC1216 Posts: 166
    Don't start, that is the only way I am able to control myself.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Log every bite. Decide if it is worth skipping dinner because you ate a whole meals worth of calories in candy. If you want to lose weight, you either make those snacks fit into your calories, or you start to change your habits. You decide. Once you take responsibility, then you are in full control.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Log every bite. Decide if it is worth skipping dinner because you ate a whole meals worth of calories in candy. If you want to lose weight, you either make those snacks fit into your calories, or you start to change your habits. You decide. Once you take responsibility, then you are in full control.


    Personally, I don't restrict myself. If I want a cookie/beer/cupcake, etc...I have it, I don't eat all of them, and there was a time I would. It comes down to how bad do you want it? If you want it bad enough you'll tell yourself to stop.

    Have faith in yourself, believe that you CAN stop. Because you can, you had 10 because you chose not to stop. But you can.
  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    I tend to only eat sweets, cake etc in the evening after I've had all my meals for the day. Then I know how many calories I have left and find it easier to say to myself 'ok you have enough for 2 biscuits and that's it '
  • jodyah124
    Great! Thanks guys :) and keep up the good work
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    I've been doing horribly the past 3 days, I just can't get a grip. UGH. I'm getting very frustrated. )))):
  • brianna49415
    I have ALWAYS had this problem and it's a huge reason as to why I had gotten chubby. I still struggle with this, and I'm a personal trainer, so I feel so so so so guilty sometime but for some of us the binging and the temptation is a REAL problem, but I have made huge strides with BABY STEPS.

    I started by limiting myself to my three meals a day at the same time every day. The more you're working out the more you need to up the amount you are consuming anyways for your muscles and whatnot so it works out at first when eating at 7:30 then 12:00 then 5:00 is difficult and I need a little extra snacks in between, but eventually I was able to eat more during my three meals and actually be hungry during those times after about two weeks.
    I also drink a lot of detoxing tea which helps with hunger and metabolism.

    Then I worked on WHAT I was eating, which is by far the most difficult part, but I've been planning my meals for the week so that it is harder to stray from. But I started by just eating slightly better each week so I can eventually get to a point where it is just healthy food.

    I also give myself Sundays as "break days" so that I'm not just quitting cold turkey because it makes my binge sessions so much worse and one day a week when I'm working out 5 days a week for 2-3 hours really isn't so bad.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    On the rare occasion i go over my goal for the day i make up for it the next day but cutting back that much. Luckily it's never more than one less granola bar.
  • AwesomeGuy37
    AwesomeGuy37 Posts: 436 Member
    I constantly graze, lol. I try to eat every 2-3 hours so I don't ever get hunger pangs. I eat many high protein foods. I drink a lot also.
  • firelight4321
    firelight4321 Posts: 60 Member
    Best way to control it: don't buy it!!! Keep it out of your house! Only go shopping when you are full, so those cravings don't guide your choices.