Pulling myself together.

Hi all

I have posted a few times lately about struggling. To cut a long story short I have been averages 3000 calories over my 1200 goal for the last 16 days.
The problem I have always had in the past is that I have one bad meal that turns in to a bad day and a bad week etc. I have finally come to realise today that the only person I am hurting is myself by doing this and pulling myself further and further away from my goal. I know the damage is going to be huge and I may even have put back on the 16 pounds I have lost but I know the longer I leave it the worse it will get.
So tomorrow is a new day and I will be working with a renewed determination to succeed. I was going to delete all my history and start again but I have learnt from these past few weeks and I am proud of that so I will keep the history to learn from it and move forward.
I just wanted to share this as I am sure I am not alone in this experience and I know that this time I have to be kind to myself and help myself realise my full potential. I also thought writing it down would make it more of a pledge to return to being healthy and loose weight. Wish me luck guys! :-)


  • backerayla
    I think it's a solid move not deleting your history. Wounds hurt, scars remind us to not do it again. When they are allowed to fade on their own it tends to be long after we no longer need reminding of why to travel on a different path.

    I too am struggling with three good days, one bad day, two good days, two bad weeks... I have no answers there except I keep making mistakes and I have faith that every time I make a mistake it at least takes from the pool of available mistakes, you know. Someday I will run out of wrong turns, and I will do everything I can to try and make that day today.

    What I do know is that there is a fine line between overindulgence and self-compassion, but checking in with others you trust is often a helpful compass when I am having a hard time figuring out which way I'm leaning.

    Cheers, to occasionally giving giving in and never giving up.