Just Starting Out - Overwhelmed



  • Ketzalitzli
    Ketzalitzli Posts: 15 Member
    Start out with small goals. Focus on week by week and not the big picture. I actually invested in a Wii and got the Wii Fit video game and me and my kids work on that together. So fun! The other goal I started working on was enlisting some new ideas for adding more "green" food to our diet. Keep it simple, make it fun and it won't seem so overwhelming.
  • You've already gotten lots of great advice... so I will just say, keep the faith!! A long-term goal like yours will teach you so much. Think of it as a blessing-- it will teach you a lot of patience, discipline, and faith in your own ability to change for the better. Think of the tough days as the days that teach you the most :) Keep the faith!

    PS if you're looking for something more concrete: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/398850110720620266/
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    I think the most important thing I did was to start slowly. I actually just logged without worrying about totals the first two weeks. It was a real eye opener to what I was eating that was high-density in calories that wasn't really worth it. And what was low-density that I loved and could ad more of.

    Then I set myself up to lose ½ pound a week. Even though I had 161 pounds to lose. I thought it made sense to gradually get used to less and less food and more and more exercise. And it made sense to lose slowly and get used to the changes in my body and mind. Because there are changes you go through in how you view food, your body, your whole self.

    I lost 61 pounds in the first 15 months. I've been resting for the past 6 (gaining and losing the same 5 lbs over and over) and am now ready to start down again. But note: I didn't stop losing and just throw in the towel. I stopped losing and maintained. And that is a huge victory. Don't think of plateaus as failure. They are just rest stops on the journey. I've learned a lot and gained a lot of confidence in these 6 months. And I couldn't be more thrilled with what I've accomplished so far.

    Patience, self love, reason. All important in figuring it all out. Good luck.
  • gidge680
    gidge680 Posts: 10 Member
    You've already gotten some great advice, so I'll try not to duplicate. :) I also work full time and have a 2 year old and an almost 4 year old. What I've found is that it's pretty hard for me to work out at home without getting distracted/becoming a human jungle gym for my boys. I'm able to go in early to work and leave early sometimes, so I work out after work usually. I love having some time just for me to just zone out and do my thing. Lots of other people have luck getting up early and getting it out of the way before the kids wake up.

    Lots of workouts are available on YouTube. It's worth looking there 1st before buying a dvd...sometimes the same dvd's are there for free. :)

    I've found it helpful to set "fitness goals" as well as weight loss goals. For instance, if you're going to walk for a half an hour, try to walker farther/faster the next time. If you like jogging/running, the couch to 5k program or zombies, run! programs are great for this.

    I personally have better results when I lift weights as well as some cardio. It can be a little intimidating, but once you do it a few times, it can be quite addictive.

    The diet change that made the biggest difference for me was measuring out my cereal. I eat it every day..sometimes more than once.. ;) and who knew my cereal bowl held multiple servings??

    Anyway, just my 2 cents. Feel free to send a friend request if you want. :)