can anyone suggest good hunger/craving suppressants?



  • Michelle_Padgett13
    Michelle_Padgett13 Posts: 417 Member
    Grapefruit essential oil can help...or SlimNSassy oils by doTERRA. (it's a blend of all natural essential oils) Not a "magic pill" but it will help with the cravings and grapefruit helps boost metabolism and burn fat. Feel free to message me.

    I hope you're not suggesting people ingest essential oils. Essential oils are highly toxic, concentrated substances. They are to be used on the body externally within a carrier oil, or on some sort of diffuser as an air freshener. Please do not ever take essential oils internally.

    That said, try knitting. When my husband and I watch movies at night, it's hard to keep from absently shoving food into my mouth. Knitting, gum, and hot tea help. :drinker:
  • jeanniesaragosa
    jeanniesaragosa Posts: 8 Member
    Many of these posts were really good ideas. Here's my "tricks". I usually do all 3 things. 1) Hot bath with epsom salts and a few drops of lavender oil (and candles :-) 2) Hot tea (decaffeinated in the evening) with vanilla or regular Stevia. After my tea and bath, I brush my teeth really good, floss and swish with a minty mouthwash. My mouth feels really clean and sweet, I'm relaxed and smell good and I give up on the cravings! Good luck!
  • peralesmary
    peralesmary Posts: 13 Member
    Cucumbers!! Their very filling because they contain alot of water. Also lots & lots of water, gum and a zero calorie monster drink. Those will do the trick. Good luck!
  • 24lol25
    24lol25 Posts: 49
    Drink water, eat fiber rich foods, & don't eat sugar if fat rich foods (junk food.)
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    i often find myself craving things all the time, no matter how much i eat. i was wondering if anyone can suggest any good ways to either distract myself from these cravings or to completely suppress them.
    im not looking for foods that will fill me up btw. im just looking for ways to avoid eating completely at times when i know i shouldn't.

    yep, less carbs unless they are vegies. more water, more protein, and more fiber. This will help out tons. also exercise lets you eat more and you cant eat when you are sweating. Please don't take pills/drugs. You could have a heart attack or die. Please don't.
  • kgasser
    kgasser Posts: 333 Member
    High protien, low carb diet...whole grains if you HAVE to have carbs other than a bit of fruit.
  • cricket_77
    cricket_77 Posts: 165 Member
    Drink water. Make sure I'm getting protein at each meal. Brush my teeth.
  • besee_2000
    besee_2000 Posts: 365 Member
    If I get myself into a hobby, I can work passed a meal on occasion. Scrap booking, knitting, painting... one that doesn't work well is baking though I love it! The bowl needs to be licked clean before it goes into the dishwasher, right?

    Anything that uses your hands so you can't snack in-between is an activity that fights boredom cravings.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I know some people probably are okay with it, and I know that some doctors are okay prescribing them, but I'm not a big fan of suppressants.

    First thing, as most people said, drink LOTS more water. That will actually help because body actually confuses "thirsty" with "hungry" a lot.

    Second thing: increase your fiber intake. I remember talking with a dietician and telling her I was still hungry all the time. She suggested increasing my fiber intake, and that helped A LOT!! I get Chocolite Protein bars from - they actually have about 10g protein and about 10g fiber. 1-2 of those a day, and I'm usually good!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Learn to differentiate between thirst/bordeom/actual hunger. Honestly, it made a big difference for me when I first started.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Personal choices: Psyllium Husk. Black coffee. Dram of milk. Carb Master yogurt.
  • MickeyCastello
    fuji apples

    This. It has become my candy.
  • Karen25K
    Karen25K Posts: 1
    One teaspoon of Yacon Syrup from Mothers Market ( organic one) one half our before meals, if I had not tried it myself I would not
    believe it. It REALLY curbs my hunger. My friend saw it on Dr. Oz and I thought why not?
  • Zumaria1
    Zumaria1 Posts: 225 Member
    Are you sleep deprived or dehydrated? Not getting enough sleep or not drinking enough water can cause cravings, I've noticed when I don't get to bed at a decent hour or drink enough water I have really bad sugar cravings in the afternoon/evening. Try getting more sleep and drinking a ton of water to see if that helps. I also agree that brushing teeth early in the night helps as well.
  • mandi272
    mandi272 Posts: 32 Member
    Sugar free gum..keeps my mouth busy
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    Google EC stack. (Ephedrine & Caffeine) I have to force myself to eat when running it. It also give the metabolism a slight boost and acts as a thermogenic.
  • aleggett321
    aleggett321 Posts: 186 Member
    Google EC stack. (Ephedrine & Caffeine) I have to force myself to eat when running it. It also give the metabolism a slight boost and acts as a thermogenic.

    ephedrine has been banned by the FDA in the US since 2004. Probably good to steer clear.
  • Meggpie93
    Meggpie93 Posts: 12
    Green tea helps me :)
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    Food. Seriously. I agree with learning to identify whether it's true hunger or not, but being overly restrictive tends to lead us to failure.

    I had a lesson in this recently.

    "Oh, man. Why am I so hungry all the time"

    Because I needed more food, that was why.
  • AbigailWins
    I'd give you an answer for what works for me but you deactivated your account....