Operation Wedding!

I got Engaged in February to my boyfriend of 5 years! Were getting married in October and although I been starting a healthier lifestyle over the last month or so I am very serious about weight loss before the wedding! I'm so very excited to change my life and gain friends and healthy habits along the way. I've been here before and been successful just haven't kept on top of it and I want some motivational friends to share the journey with. Two weeks down along with 10 pounds I don't ever wanna see again!

Sooo with that said add away looking forward to new friends :D


  • nwood2691
    nwood2691 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! Congrats on the engagement! I am getting married in October too :). I have been on here for a little over a year and seem to have hit a plateau which is very frustrating! The mission has kicked into high gear though the closer we get to October, and I am always open to new friends so feel free to add me!
  • deannasueknutson
    deannasueknutson Posts: 38 Member
    Oh that is so random. I got engaged in February and is getting married this October too. I'm currently working on slimming down for my friends wedding in May. Then I'll be working to lose some more after that for my own. :-)

    Congrats on losing 10 lbs so far. Keep up the good work.
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Congrats!!! So exciting! I got engaged in February too - and although my wedding isn't until next July, it really adds fuel to the motivation fire lol. Feel free to add me!
  • MeyMey_91
    MeyMey_91 Posts: 17
    Not my wedding but my sisters wedding is this coming june! I'm hoping to be down at least 15-20lbs between now and then ( you know pictures and all) Best of luck to you!
  • paigebeverly
    paigebeverly Posts: 46 Member
    My wedding is in October too. So far down 20 pounds since Jan 7th. 30 more to go... Already got my dress so I look forward to my before and after pictures in my gown. Good luck with your weight loss.
  • FriendlyNeighborhoodRumHam
    Awesome! My niece is getting married in October! (I'm a bridesmaid though) I'm getting married next July! I need to make some friends on here, so please add me! I like to inspire others and need inspiration BAD! Lol! :smile:
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    Yay for weddings!!! Although I'm not getting married yet myself (Been with my boyfriend for a year at the end of this month. I'm convinced he's the one, but I know it'll be a while before a proposal happens), I do have my first ever wedding that I'll be a bridesmaid in on May 17! I am the shortest & chubbiest of all the bridesmaids, and I want to be as confident as possible for the day and pictures! I started beginning of February at 158, and currently at 155. I would LOVE to be at 130 by May, but thinking that may be a bit of a fantasy... So just to lose as much fat and get toned-up as much as possible by May! Maybe be in a bikini for summer (I live in walking distance to a beach!).

    Congratulations to all of you! Hopefully I'll be there this time next year... A girl can only hope!
  • Operationweddings
    Operationweddings Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I'm new to the board. I'm finally setting a date with my partner- been together 10 years! ( I'm 27) I really don't want to be a fat bride :( I'm hoping to shed about 80lbs ( 4-5 stone ) before Christmas. I've already lost 4lbs since Thursday. My friend has asked me to be her bridesmaid next year too :/ I find dieting and exercising easy, keeping it off is the hardest part for me!
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    I've been with my fiancé for 5 yrs too and we've been engaged for 3 yrs and have no clue when we'll finally tie the knot (both very busy-it will be like the 7 or 8 yr engagement. Lol) but I do try to stay healthy for myself and one day that wedding!! Sending you a friend request and a big congratulations to you and your fiancé :)
  • lemonshredding
    lemonshredding Posts: 71 Member
    Congratulations! I'm not engaged, but the other night I was talking to the partner I now live with and we definitely foresee ending up together, we're just a little young :)

    This is inspiring me/motivating me to get serious! I only want to lose about 20lbs and if I start now I can be confident that if/when that special day ever comes I'll feel beautiful in my dress just like I deserve to, and you do too!

    Maybe get a picture of a gorgeous wedding dress and pin it on a bathroom mirror for motivation on tough days (because there willllll be tough days :) )

    Good luck! xxxx