Not new to Myfitnesspal, just starting over!

Hiya everyone!

I'm getting married next July 4th and I decided to restart Myfitnesspal! I've got a couple people on here I know, but only 1 or 2 of them are still using MFP. I need some motivation!

I have a hard time keeping track of my exercise on MFP, because it feels like what I enter is wrong. I need to get one of those heart rate watches eventually! :)

Anyway... if you're good at motivating people or need some motivation or maybe you're getting married too and want to make some friends on here like me! Add me!



  • 06mommy87
    06mommy87 Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome back!
    I recent return to MFP as well. I am trying to lose weight after having my second child. I will gladly be around to help keep you motivated. I am on day 8 and taking it one day at a time!
  • thisonewillwork
    thisonewillwork Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Aimmee
    I would be happy to lend support if you will support me too. Let's keep each other motivated. This is day one for me with this system. I just hope it works for me because I have a whopping lot of weight to lose! :bigsmile:
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome back Aimee and welcome others.

    Congrats on your upcoming wedding. ahhhh weddings. So romantic.

    Now, lets see you look HOT in your wedding dress!!!

  • TracieLynne57
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. I am not new either. Never really got started the first time. Hopefully will have better stick to it iveness this time. I agree, it is hard to get it to recognize exercise but I have figured out that I can simplify the exercise and it handles it better....aerobics, push ups, etc. I'll support you if you'll support me. I am needing to lose 164 lbs and unfortunately it is getting harder and harder each year. I am 57 and it does get harder as you get older...interestingly I have needed to lose about 160 for several years but only in the last year I have begun to feel every pound and I am done with it.
  • thisonewillwork
    thisonewillwork Posts: 74 Member
    Hi there. I'm willing to support you if you support me. I know where you're coming from - with how it gets harder each time you try. Let's get together?