weight gain from hormones, help

I just recently got diagnosed and am being treated for low thyroid, and very low progesterone. I have mysterously gained weight from this in the last couple of years. 15 lbs. On a bad day. The kind of weight that wont come off. Now that im getting treatment, how soon for is to level out and what has worked for u in the past. After trying everying, i plan on sticking with mostly paleo and about 1200 calories. Which sounds like a feast after the stuff ive tried!!! Any encouragement or advise is welcome.


  • fitmomforu
    fitmomforu Posts: 80 Member
    I to just had my physical and came out healthy but I told him I've never in my life been able to drop weight like everyone else. I gave him my stats of heat rate at 170 as per trainer, working out 6 days a week with cardio and weights. He said my thyroid is off but not bad enough to be on mess for the rest of my life. He did say that he can proscribe me a low dose of 30 and it should fix itself in 4 months. So I to am on the thyroid medication and have no idea what to expect. Will it be easier to lose weight? So forth. I'm on day 4 so we can definitly do this journey together. I love working out and usually get results in inches only but that's fine with me:) add me and keep me posted!!
  • CBC435
    CBC435 Posts: 103 Member
    So, I have a wonderful doctor and she discovered that low progesterone can be a culprit for young women and cause weight gain. Although, I don't want to reveal too much as to why I dropped but she has prescribed bioidentical progesterone and phentermine. I just started the prog. about a month ago and have lost 12 pounds and still taking the phentermine for 1 more month. Not sure if it's the prog. helping me drop the weight or the phentermine or both. I am only 26 and turning 27 in a few weeks. I would love feedback with those who are on compounded progesterone and around my age. But maybe look into that option porterorchard!
  • Yayi50
    Yayi50 Posts: 1
    Hi ... I've put a lot of weight ... I think is for menopause and I tried several diets without success. I am desperate ... I was reading about the 3 days diet... Has anyone tried this diet? I started today and I hope it works because I am really unhappy with my body, I'm pettite (5'1") with 165 lb on me... I feel so bad, my self estime isvery low plus I feel tired all the time. Please advise. Thanks
  • CBC435
    CBC435 Posts: 103 Member
    I would advise you find a doctor to check your hormone levels. Diets don't work and it's about changing your whole eating habits. 3 days will only allow you to gain it back. If you're struggling with energy etc. I would talk to your doctor about hormones.
  • porterorchard
    Yes i just started on bioidentical progesterone and thyroid. Not quite two weeks yet. Im having certain signs that are showing me its working a bit, im so excited to see the weight come off so my pants fit comfortably again! Get this....its all in my upper body mostly, my pants still fit......not well but they do. From what ive read, that is a sign it was from hormones. Make it go away!!!!!!!
  • CBC435
    CBC435 Posts: 103 Member
    That is so great!!! Can I ask how old you are?? I promise they will help especially with diet and exercise! That is so great and you're so right about the upper body. My face was the first to slim out, then my arms, and now noticing my stomach area. What mg are you on?? Yay! Congrats that is so exciting and keep at it!
  • anniemewong
    anniemewong Posts: 5 Member
    Hiya, I know what you mean Im 50, 5'3 and started at 182lbs. I was so chuffed with all my efforts when I weighed yesterday after my first week and I had lost 2lb. It didn't feel so great when I hopped onto the scales this morning and I was up 4lbs. Why? Id been for a very brisk 4 mile walk last night and havent touched anything until my breakfast which was only cornflakes. Is this my body telling me something is not right or is this the norm as we get older? Im feeling quite dispondent but I refuse to waste last weeks efforts so will plough on. Anyone got any advice? :ohwell: :ohwell:
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    MFP has a Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism group: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/770-hypothyroidism-and-hyperthyroidism

    I have Hasimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease) and take Synthroid. I lost way more slowly than most MFPers, but I lost. I did it by eating at a deficit & following the advice in this post: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • CBC435
    CBC435 Posts: 103 Member
    Hiya, I know what you mean Im 50, 5'3 and started at 182lbs. I was so chuffed with all my efforts when I weighed yesterday after my first week and I had lost 2lb. It didn't feel so great when I hopped onto the scales this morning and I was up 4lbs. Why? Id been for a very brisk 4 mile walk last night and havent touched anything until my breakfast which was only cornflakes. Is this my body telling me something is not right or is this the norm as we get older? Im feeling quite dispondent but I refuse to waste last weeks efforts so will plough on. Anyone got any advice? :ohwell: :ohwell:

    Anniemewrong- Just know that water weight plays into the scale and honestly, it can be discouraging. I have been told measuring inches is a more efficient way to track your progress and the scale will fluctuate. For example, Sunday, I hopped on the scale and hit a new amount then hopped on today and was up 3 pounds. This has happened on and off for the past two months and then the next day it's down 4-5 pounds than the day before. Our weight REALLY fluctuates with water and look for a body measuring tape on amazon or so! I think I bought mine for $7 last week!! Good luck to you and if it becomes more of a problem, I would seek a doctor. Good luck!
  • JoanneC1216
    JoanneC1216 Posts: 166
    You are all depressing me :cry:

    I'm 49, 5'3 and 180 lbs. I don't have a thyroid disorder at least I didn't last year but I will be getting checked again soon. My hormones are all over the place from perimenopause. I can't take any hormones due to a history of breast cancer so they put me on antidepressants which has helped my moods.

    I am hoping this does not affect my attempts to lose weight. I just started within the last two weeks. Lost 4lbs (yay) but I'm sure it's just water weight.

    I wish the best for all of you!
  • anniemewong
    anniemewong Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks cbcalderen I realise water can play a huge part on the scales, it was very depressing this morning seeing it had shot up so much in such a short time. Ive done a few measurements already but dont expect to see any results from them just yet.
    Watch this space! Im so miserable as I am at the moment nothing is going to stop me from trying to lose this weight now Ive started.
    I also did a little bit of checking and think Im not eating enough calories so have upped my daily allowance, being depressed and starving myself is not a good combination.
    Joanne dont get upset I really think age makes it harder but I believe it wont be impossible. You and I CAN do it just take a day at a time and we will get there! :flowerforyou:
  • CBC435
    CBC435 Posts: 103 Member
    Thanks cbcalderen I realise water can play a huge part on the scales, it was very depressing this morning seeing it had shot up so much in such a short time. Ive done a few measurements already but dont expect to see any results from them just yet.
    Watch this space! Im so miserable as I am at the moment nothing is going to stop me from trying to lose this weight now Ive started.
    I also did a little bit of checking and think Im not eating enough calories so have upped my daily allowance, being depressed and starving myself is not a good combination.
    Joanne dont get upset I really think age makes it harder but I believe it wont be impossible. You and I CAN do it just take a day at a time and we will get there! :flowerforyou:

    Just remember, if you starve your body, you will not lose weight! As crazy as that may sound BUT that means clean foods= fuel for your body! I would say instead of cornflakes, try substituting your meals with protein instead. So, for breakfast maybe some egg whites, lean grilled chicken breast for lunch, some fish or lean meats for dinner and paired with green veggies. Try to stay away from starches and loading up on fruit. Fruit has a lot of sugar that can add up in calories. And try to eat 1200-1500 calories a day. Weight will go up one day and go down another! You just have to play with the foods you eat and your exercise. Another misconception I had was that whatever I work off in exercise- I can eat up those burned calories. Don't do that! Haha big mistake! I know weight can cause sadness and depression but there are so many people that feel the way you do and you've made it here to reach out for help. You can do it and don't give up :) Weight loss is a slowwwww process and we are in a society where we want everything quick and fast, right? Just breathe and I promise, there are people out there who will help and support you :) Keep on going! xoxo
  • CBC435
    CBC435 Posts: 103 Member
    You are all depressing me :cry:

    I'm 49, 5'3 and 180 lbs. I don't have a thyroid disorder at least I didn't last year but I will be getting checked again soon. My hormones are all over the place from perimenopause. I can't take any hormones due to a history of breast cancer so they put me on antidepressants which has helped my moods.

    I am hoping this does not affect my attempts to lose weight. I just started within the last two weeks. Lost 4lbs (yay) but I'm sure it's just water weight.

    I wish the best for all of you!

    JoanneC1216 - I know we've been talking on the other thread but I read a REALLY interesting article about women over 40 should focus their time on weight training and lifting vs cardio. Cardio is still great to get your heart rate up etc but lifting weights helps aid in weight loss. There's so many items around the house too that you can use for this if you can't get to a gym or find small weights at Walmart, Target or on amazon! That could be an option for you and maybe that would help out to also kick start your metabolism. You're so sweet and wishing you all the best and hope you don't lose hope because you're definitely not alone as you can see here! Best to you and your daughter xo