Need support

I can go so long before i get discouraged. I have lost some weight. Yay! Then I go to try on some jeans. While the current pairs are lose, the size smaller is a little too snug. I have small legs and carry all my weight around my middle (think of a spare tire). I see all these women that look great, I want to look great. I know this stuff takes time but it takes forever to lose and be healthy. I have to find time to exercise, just like I am finding the time to eat right. I am asking if you can find the time to help encourage me? To give me suggestions on menu or time management for exercise? I live 92 miles away from work. It takes me forever to get to work and to get home. It seems like I wake up, go to work, come home and go to sleep. Please can anyone help me with suggestions?

Thanks so much,


  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    Congrats on your loss! I can't imagine having such a long work commute! Feel free to add me, I'll help however I can.

    Does your job have an on site or nearby 24 hr gym where you could go in early and work out or stay an extra hour to work out?
  • george7527
    george7527 Posts: 267 Member
    hi well done on your weight loss
    we all have ups and downs never being happy with how far we have come with weight loss always looking at others wishing we were like them but they may also hade insecurities.
    Feel free to add me you can have a look at my food dairy to give you ideas.
    sometimes you have to find time for exercise even if its only 30 minutes maybe a keep fit DVD which you can do at home.
  • LVCeltGirl
    LVCeltGirl Posts: 473
    I know I could've responded on FL but this way more people see the introduce yourself post. Walks at lunch. I know where you work (okay I sound like a stalker LOL) and when not raining, you have a lot of walking space. If you can delay going home by 1/2 hour, then take another walk after work (not sure how that works with traffic). Involve your precious boys on the weekend, get them out doing things if you can. Take them for walks, maybe install Couch to 5k (c25k) program on your phone and teach the boys and yourself how to run.

    You can do this! I'd say feel free to add me but you already have! LOL
  • PlayBall5
    PlayBall5 Posts: 125
    I too have a long commute. Not nearly as long as yours but I found a way at work to excercise and drop the lbs. Feel free to add me and I can tell you what I did to drop 26 lbs in the last two months. I know it is easier for males to lose weight fast however I have some ideas for you. Feel free to add me or message me. Good luck to you on the weight loss journey.
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 766 Member
    Congrats on your loss. Wow that is a super long drive to work. I used to drive 50 miles one way so you are basically almost 4 hours traveling. Feel free to add me. Good luck on your journey.
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    Wow, I can't imagine driving that far every day!
    Try to fit in exercise during your day. Exercise during your lunch break. Park furthest from the entrance. Little things like that add up.

    And so far as your jeans go, what size are you? Sizes above 12 have a larger difference between them. I think 1.5 inches or maybe 2 inches, whereas the difference between, say, an 8 and a 10, is only one inch. So if you are larger than a size 12, you will probably need to lose around 20 pounds to go down a full size. So there's an awkward period of your old clothes being a little too big but the next size down being too tight. As you lose more weight, this will be less of a problem because it won't take as long to go down a size.
  • brendan42
    brendan42 Posts: 2 Member
    congrats on your weight loss ... my best app is myfitnesspal keep going
  • Is there any place that you can go walk at work? I get 2 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch. There is a sidewalk all the way around my building I work at and it is about 1.12 miles total. I usually walk 1/2 a mile to 3/4 a mile in 15 mins and I can make it all the way around the building...the whole mile, walking in (best time so far) 22 minutes. I just started on my weight loss journey on 1/10/14 and am severely out of shape so I am by no means an expert at this exercise thing. :) Even if you work in a building with stairs or long hallways, do laps inside. I live in Texas where it can get SUPER HOT - too hot to exercise during the day - and I plan on climbing the stairs in my building, 4 flights, when we reach that temperature.

    If you have a job where you sit all day, google exercises to do at your desk. They are mainly strength building exercises but I do a round of those a day (they are called wooden leg (lift legs), desk push ups, the mermaid (stretches), etc). It is slow going but just keep thinking of the end result.

    I am also in the same boat where my current size is too big/loose but the next size down is still too snug to be comfortable. Isn't it crazy how EASY it is to put the weight on but takes forever to take it off? Chin up...we are here for you! :flowerforyou:
  • TamMacedon
    TamMacedon Posts: 3 Member
    You can do this I too was in your shoes but have since made up my mind to just do it. If I have a bad day I make the next day better. I am a marketer so I am in my car all day and it is hard to stay healthy but I have found a way and made no excuses for myself. This is working for me. Hope this helps.
  • ChelseaGoneAwry
    ChelseaGoneAwry Posts: 53 Member
    First off, kudos for reaching out! This is a great community, and you will definitely find support!
    Second, I completely understand the stress of a jam packed schedule! Find ways to work out at work - take a walk during your lunch break (while eating something healthy!) If possible, lift small dumbells at your desk or, if your job involves more standing than sitting, wear a weight belt under your clothes just to increase your calorie burning!
    At the end of the day, if working out isn't fitting into your schedule enough, your diet can still get you those results. Only allow yourself to buy healthy foods. Never grocery shop on an empty stomach!
    I know you can do this!(:
  • mikkella
    mikkella Posts: 4
    First you need to learn to prepare the night before, or on your day off, cook the weeks meals and portion them out so it's done, and there's no excuse to eat fast food.

    Second, drink half your body weight in ounces. Most people don't drink enough water to flush a toilet, never mind run the human body properly.

    Third, find a work out that you will STICK TO. For me that was P90x. Then Insanity. Then Asylum.. etc. You get the picture. Once you start, and you see actual results, you challenge yourself more. It becomes FUN. I don't care what you choose, but DO SOMETHING!!

    And stay off the scale. They suck. I'll take inches lost over pounds lost any day. Get your starting weight, and take a before picture, and get sweaty. Do this every single day .. and on day 7 just rest. Live a little. Eat some carbs. Have a beer. Relax.

    Consistency is key. You're going to screw up. You're going to have days where you're so damn tired you can't see straight. It's ok. There are other days. As long as the good out weigh the bad, your doing great.