Problem with eating on the weekends

Okay, so on the week I'm doing great. I don't eat junk food or any other crap. Strictly vegetables, meat, fruits etc. But on the weekends when I'm home with my family all day (they cook some amazing food, but high on calories) I'm going crazy. I'm eating nutella, buscuits, pancakes for dessert, and it's starting to become like a tradition - great on the week, bad on the weekends. I don't eat much food in quantity, but like various crap...
How to stop this vicious circle?


  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Forgot to say that I'm 19 years old, female, 165cm/52kg. I'm trying to get to 50kg. I'm eating 1200 calories, plus half of my exercise calories most of the time.
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    Just average your calorie count for the week. Unless you're blowing your whole week by massively overeating on the weekends, I wouldn't worry about it.
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    Also, you could easily eat more food instead of trying to do a VLCD. Considering your height/age/weight, you really should be eating more. You can use this calculator: to see what you can should be eating and at what rate you'll lose weight.
  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member
    I'm on maintenance but eat at a 250 deficit M-F (at least 1500cals/day usually more depending ob Fitbit stats) so that I can eat pretty much what I like at w/e. I've done that for over a year and maintained no problem. I always did similar when in wt loss.

    I dieted on around 1400cals and am nonly 5.2ish and lost 28lbs.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You're already at a healthy weight, so a weekend treat isn't that bad!

    Is it affecting your weight loss? Can you just portion-control the weekend stuff? I think the issue is how you are feeling about it, rather than its impact on weight loss.
  • lulavenus
    lulavenus Posts: 14 Member
    Enjoy the tasty meals at lunch and dinner time it if you're happy to exceed the calorie limit - but when it comes to things like dessert and snacking (biscuits, pancakes) that's where your self restraint needs to kick in. I definitely eat more at the weekends (I think that's how I manage to stay so good during the week) but I still exert some control.

    Enjoy more, but don't completely over do it.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Intentionally trying to become underweight is never a good strategy, and definitely not at your age! Stop eating 1200 calories and start eating normally to maintain your weight. You already are at the lowest healthy weight for your height, and putting on a couple of kilos would probably be a better plan than losing.
  • suskee65
    suskee65 Posts: 1
    Yes I agree the weekends are the worst for wanting to eat everything that is not good or too high in calories. I try to counter this by doing more exercises like taking extra walks with the dog. She thinks she getting a treat but in reality this helps me keep on track.
  • danni187
    danni187 Posts: 10
    I have a real problem with this too - when you are in your working routine things seem so much easier!
    It's so hard when people are having takeouts and going out drinking too!

    I found making a homemade 'takeout' is a good idea on a Saturday night - my boyfriend and I will make chicken stir fry and thai green curry full of veg and with so much less fat than a takeaway!

    Everything in moderation though, if you are having a bad day don't stress just cross it off and make sure your next meal is a healthy one!
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    You're already at a healthy weight, so a weekend treat isn't that bad!

    Is it affecting your weight loss? Can you just portion-control the weekend stuff? I think the issue is how you are feeling about it, rather than its impact on weight loss.

    Yep, I think this is it. I feel so bad after that. And I know it's not a problem, because I'm doing this since Christmas... and I didn't gain weight I even lost some, but I still feel bad because It's like - I don't eat crap and then all of the sudden I eat kit kat, m&m, nutella and such. It's always the sweet stuff.
    Intentionally trying to become underweight is never a good strategy, and definitely not at your age! Stop eating 1200 calories and start eating normally to maintain your weight. You already are at the lowest healthy weight for your height, and putting on a couple of kilos would probably be a better plan than losing.

    I'm not trying to become underweight. 50kg is just my goal weight, but when I'm 52kg I'm not worried - I like the way that I look. It's just I don't like the way I feel after eating like that. I can't call it binge because I'm not even over maintaince when I over eat, but still...
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Thank you, all. It's good to know that I'm not the only one going through this. It's becoming like a tradition for me... :(
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    The weekends are hard for a lot of people. For me, I try to keep my weekdays at 1200-1300 calories and my weekends to 1500 calories. Sometimes I go over or under but my average for the week is usually good. I read somewhere that it's good to alternate between eating more and eating less because it keeps your metabolism from getting used to the same amount every day and slowing down (or something like that). Not sure if that is true or not but it's something to keep in mind to help you not feel so guilty about eating a little more on the weekends.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    The weekends are hard for a lot of people. For me, I try to keep my weekdays at 1200-1300 calories and my weekends to 1500 calories. Sometimes I go over or under but my average for the week is usually good. I read somewhere that it's good to alternate between eating more and eating less because it keeps your metabolism from getting used to the same amount every day and slowing down (or something like that). Not sure if that is true or not but it's something to keep in mind to help you not feel so guilty about eating a little more on the weekends.

    Yeah, that make sense. Thanks