One weekend off...3lbs gained :(

Need motivation to carry on - I've had one weekend off and yes I did go a bit crazy but I've put 3lbs on!! It doesn't help that I feel like I'm starving all the time and yet my weight loss seemed to slow down completely before the blow out weekend. Any tips to keep going would be much appreciated! I only had 7lbs to lose before being able to try on wedding's now 10lb!


  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    It may just be water retention if you ate a lot of salty food. Drink plenty of water and just get straight back on track. One bad weekend is not a disaster I promise.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Weight can fluctuate quite a bit. I've seen it happen to me. If you had some not-as-healthy food this weekend, it probably had a ton of salt in it. That can make you retain water, which will bump up your weight. Give it a few days of eating healthy whole food and getting in your exercising (if you are doing so) and it should drop back down.

    How many calories are you eating per day? Are you exercising? If so, how?

    I'd be more than happy to chat more about this with you any time.

  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    Also, take measurements as well as weighing yourself. I find inches going down is what I'm after more than a number on a scale anyway.
  • cschiff
    cschiff Posts: 209 Member
    1) do NOT panic -- this is very normal
    2) seriously stop panicking! :)

    it's probably mostly bloat and water weight from the dietary change.

    1 lb of stored fat = 3500 calories. So to actually gain 3 lbs you'd have to have eaten an EXTRA 10,000+ calories. Which I doubt you did.

    ps. even if you did, you are back on track now. don't beat yourself up and don't live in the past. each day is a new day. stay positive-- you can do this!
  • nomad1000
    nomad1000 Posts: 206 Member
    Relax. It is most likely water weight.

    Shoot, I went out for chinese for dinner one Saturday evening and even though I stayed within my plan I was up 2 lbs the next day. Next week's weigh in, I had lost that plus some.
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    Exactly what everyone else said about relaxing about one weekend. Just cross it off as a blow-off weekend and move on!

    Now as for the fact that you say you are starving all the time, does cause for concern. What exactly are you eating? What kind of a calorie plan are you on? Are you making sure to munch down on healthy/clean foods? If you are starving, find some baby carrots, peapods, celery, etc to snack on! Non-salted almonds help me! (Plus they are loaded with healthy fats and protein to help curb hunger and keep me full.) Don't be so concentrated on the numbers on the scale, more with how you feel! Limit how much you are weighing yourself to once a week, or less! Weight fluctuates way too much to worry about it on a daily basis!
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    Exactly what everyone else said about relaxing about one weekend. Just cross it off as a blow-off weekend and move on!

    Now as for the fact that you say you are starving all the time, does cause for concern. What exactly are you eating? What kind of a calorie plan are you on? Are you making sure to munch down on healthy/clean foods? If you are starving, find some baby carrots, peapods, celery, etc to snack on! Non-salted almonds help me! (Plus they are loaded with healthy fats and protein to help curb hunger and keep me full.) Don't be so concentrated on the numbers on the scale, more with how you feel! Limit how much you are weighing yourself to once a week, or less! Weight fluctuates way too much to worry about it on a daily basis!

    Agreed. If you are eating below your BMR or not hitting your macros then your body is not getting the nutrition it requires, so you get negative side effects. Getting overly anxious or beating yourself up over scale fluctuations is a slippery slope. One junky weekend is just water retention, deep breath.
  • backstep28
    Just a small road bump, stay on course and you'll be fine. As some have mentioned already, very likely water retention from deviation in diet.
  • velocityc6
    velocityc6 Posts: 2,137 Member
    I find it amazing how much the scale goes up and down. Usually after a few days it settles back or below where you were. Since I've started here and began looking at labels almost everything you buy has an abundance of sodium. Stay with your plan and don't be discouraged. There are lots of helpful people on MFP.
  • LMSB1979
    LMSB1979 Posts: 2
    Thanks everyone for your encouragement after my wobble! This community is fab! I'm meant to have 1200 calories a day which I usually manage to stick to plus I power walk half an hour each day. I must do something more energetic exercise wise. I am really hungry each day though! Need to shrink my stomach I think!
    Thanks again for all your lovely messages and taking the time to reply.
    I'm back on it and won't weigh myself for a week! x
  • kellymac518
    kellymac518 Posts: 132 Member
    it is probably mostly water weight... i don't see how you could gain 3 lbs of fat in 2 days! drink a lot of water for the next few days and the water weight should drop. just use this as a learning experience... don't go a whole weekend off track. maybe just let yourself go off track for one meal next time around.