Thinking of buying a Fitbit one

I just wanted to hear some advice. Are they worth it? I mostly exercise via running and walking. I work casual hours and it's very inconsistent (I may have one shift where I walk around carrying food but another where I'm carrying drinks).

Do you think the fitbit one will work for me?


  • jodazary
    jodazary Posts: 144 Member
    I just bought one that is not a fitbit but a thing similar and a lot cheaper I couldn't afford the actual fit bit and I didn't want something that had to be worn on my wrist like a bracelet cause they are bulky and ugly lol also some friends who have them are having serious rash problems from them. the one I got at walmart was 24 and it clips to your waistband or your shoe it shows steps miles and calories and you can sync it up with the map my walk app and myfitnesspal I love it
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Depends on what you're using it for. I love my FitBit One. It helps me gauge my TDEE for the week, so I know if I'm eating in a deficit or not. I don't really use it as a "motivator," more of just a metrics tracker.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
  • LynndaMaree
    LynndaMaree Posts: 88 Member
    Hello, can you please give me the brand name of the fitness tracker that you purchased from Walmart. I can't afford the more expensive ones either. Thank you.
  • Evrgrn247
    Evrgrn247 Posts: 15
    I use the fit bit one. I love it . I clip it on my pants pocket, with a safety clasp so I don't loose it. With MFP I record my calories in , with the fit bit I have the calories out. I have friends on Fit Bit they have there daily steps and I see it as a motivator to keep up my steps (exercise). I think its a great tool.
  • Phoenix612
    Phoenix612 Posts: 43 Member
    I use the fitbit force, it has definitely helped motivate me to move around more during the day. The dashboard website is also very nice as well. I didn't realize how restless I was during sleep lol!
  • mdoyle28
    mdoyle28 Posts: 62 Member
    I strongly recommend the Fitbit is worn on waist band or bra strap or similar. I have had mine for 9 months and love it. I don't like watches or bulky and this one is far from either of those so it works great for me. It may be a bit more pricey than some but reading reviews the one is better than so many of them and if you are going to do it you might as well do it right vs getting something not as accurate. Save $10 a week til u have enough, check ebay, watch for sales, check is doable price wise if you plan for it and shop around. Best of luck!
  • rosanna421
    rosanna421 Posts: 65 Member
    the fitbit one is great, only downside to the fitbit in general is that it sometimes measures driving and hills as steps and stairs, other than that, it gives you a good estimate on how much you burn, it makes me feel better about increasing my calories, especially just going by mfp, mfp doesnt account for days that you are very active unless you log it yourself, with fitbit, it estimates how much it expects you to burn and it allows you to adjust based on that. i still go under by 100 cals or so due to inaccurate measurments from driving which makes it seem like you burned way more.
  • thyme4
    thyme4 Posts: 35 Member
    I have had my Fitbit One since early this year, and I love it. I like it better than the Flex (which my husband uses) because I didn't want to wear something on my wrist, and it lets me review my measured data without using my phone/tablet.

    For me, having the Fitbit is like having a food scale - I am verifying my assumptions about step-based activity, just like I verify actual amounts of food I eat. Having a history of consistent data to refer to where my food and activity are concerned is very useful to me, especially as I move into maintenance. LOL, that data driven outlook led me to ALS pick up a wrist worn heart rate monitor that I wear to measure (my) calorie burn during more cardio oriented activities. I only wear that when I'm measuring; not all the time. I really have been able to use this feedback to work through plateaus and tune my prorpgram.

    Hope that helps!
  • ashleycde
    ashleycde Posts: 622 Member
    I'm curious about these FitBit products... do any of their products actually measure your heart rate, or are they just pedometers? I want a heart rate monitor and have been debating between different products.
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    i like the fitbit ONE. it works great for me. i like that you can have "friends" of other fitbit users and see their steps it is motivating to "keep moving"

    a pp mentioned it being a wristlet. its not it clips to anything a waistband a pocket even your bra strap. i love it.
    it does come with a soft wristband for night time as it can calculate sleep....i dont find this to be a very accurate feature but nonetheless a kind of cool extra that i give mild credit to.
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    I'm curious about these FitBit products... do any of their products actually measure your heart rate, or are they just pedometers? I want a heart rate monitor and have been debating between different products.

  • Thanks guys! Looks like I'll be heading up the shops tomorrow then :D
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    I'm curious about these FitBit products... do any of their products actually measure your heart rate, or are they just pedometers? I want a heart rate monitor and have been debating between different products.

    They're just nice pedometers, if you're looking for an HRM you want something different.

    OP, I have a Fitbit One that I bought last year. It's been revolutionary for me. I've dropped almost 25 lbs (which is my ultimate goal weight), my boyfriend (who has had his about a month and a half) has dropped fifteen pounds since getting it, and my best dude friend is probably going to hit 100 lbs lost this week. All three of us have been using the Fitbit / MFP combo.

    Weight loss is about making sure your burn is greater than your intake over time. MFP is great because it helps you figure out what your intake really is. Activity trackers like the Fitbit are great because they help you figure out what your daily burn really is. Together they give you both sides of the equation.
  • gmstarr1
    gmstarr1 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm curious about these FitBit products... do any of their products actually measure your heart rate, or are they just pedometers? I want a heart rate monitor and have been debating between different products.

    They don't have a heart rate monitor. For a heart rate monitor, I use a Mio Heart Pro Petite that I bought on eBay for about $25 bucks total. And between the two for me, I think Fitbit was the more useful purchase.

    For the OP who was asking about the Fitbit, I love mine. The first thing I realized was I am REALLY sedentary. I walk for exercise almost every day, but other than that, I don't move much during the day. On days that I didn't intentionally go walk, I was barely hitting 1500 steps. So for me, it's a great motivating tool. I continually try to change things about my day to get more steps in. I still haven't hit the 10,000 step goal, but I'm working on it.

    I've had cheaper pedometers, and what I like about this one is that it doesn't count any accidental movement as steps. I've had some that you could just shift in your chair, and suddenly it would give you 20 extra steps. I hook mine onto my bra and leave it there all day. There's no chance I'm going to lose it, and I don't have to worry about losing it or whether or not I have it with me.

    As for the someone who said that it counts car rides as steps, it does. But when I get home, I go into the Fitbit dashboard and add that as an activity, and it'll take that off. I had some people tell me that theirs doesn't add enough steps while driving to bother with it, but mine adds quite a few steps to the drive.

    Before I bought mine I looked at a lot of reviews because $100 was a lot for me to spend. Some people said that it didn't do anything for them, but there were more people who said that if they lost theirs, they would immediately go out and buy another one. So I bought it, and I really do love mine!
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    As for the someone who said that it counts car rides as steps, it does. But when I get home, I go into the Fitbit dashboard and add that as an activity, and it'll take that off. I had some people tell me that theirs doesn't add enough steps while driving to bother with it, but mine adds quite a few steps to the drive.

    I wonder if this is a placement issue. I keep mine in my pocket and I *maybe* will see 10 steps over the course of my 90 minute commute, and my car has an intentionally stiff suspension.