hello everyone. I'm Melissa!

29 y/o mommy of 3
Looking for fellow friends who like living an active healthy lifestyle.
My fitness goals are losing FAT and building muscle.
I'm an herbalife junkie :)
I love hearing about peoples fitness journeys and transformations.
Lets help eachother out and build a support/motivation system!
Without support and motivation you're setting yourself up for setbacks.
Add me or msg me.


  • brandi712
    brandi712 Posts: 407 Member
    Hi Melissa. Welcome to MFP. This is an amazing website. Good luck in your fitness journey
  • JobyHux
    JobyHux Posts: 178 Member
    Welcome! Just stay motivated, to help show you and your kids that health and fitness can be fun!
  • Melissa6392herbalife
    Melissa6392herbalife Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Melissa. Welcome to MFP. This is an amazing website. Good luck in your fitness journey

    Thanks so much
  • Melissa6392herbalife
    Melissa6392herbalife Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome! Just stay motivated, to help show you and your kids that health and fitness can be fun!

    Thanks. They are still so young but already so interested in exercise and why I do what I do. Its cute.
    My motivation is going strong! Ready to make this a lifestyle change
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Actually, I don't NEED support, and I can handle my own motivation, thanks, working for me just fine. Good luck to you.
  • Stuartw31
    Stuartw31 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi Melissa, started this for real last week and already made some great friends who have definitely help motivate me and in return I hope I can say I help motivate them back, feel free to add me - Stuart
  • JobyHux
    JobyHux Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks. They are still so young but already so interested in exercise and why I do what I do. Its cute.
    My motivation is going strong! Ready to make this a lifestyle change

    They catch on to a lot of stuff that we do at a young age. My son is 5 and he came up to me one day asking if he could go workout with me. He is also determined to drink all of his "muscle" water at dinner. haha
  • rjwriter78
    rjwriter78 Posts: 205 Member
    Hi Melissa! Im completely motivated in providing motivation amongst the masses who need it and looking for that same motivation back. Im all about that healthy and fit lifestyle. Send me a friend request.
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
    Hi Melissa. I'm Jason.

    Happy to motivate and be motivated.

    Anyone who fits that mold is free to send a FR. :)
  • Melissa6392herbalife
    Melissa6392herbalife Posts: 10 Member
    Actually, I don't NEED support, and I can handle my own motivation, thanks, working for me just fine. Good luck to you.
