biking etiquette



  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    I do the "passing on your left" bit when needed. I agree most folks nowadays are rocking headphones anyways so you just have to slow down and be careful Bike lanes should be used when possible. I ride a hybrid style bike so my speeds never exceed 20 and i try to stay in the comfort of my usual neighborhood/block routes. Riding is so much fun but can be stressful with traffic and lots of pedestrians.

    I guess we could also mention that you don't have to stay on the pavement. You can navigate around in the grass to pass somebody that may not be moving over far enough (be it with or without ear buds, head phones, etc...). Just make sure your bike handling skills are okay. ;-)
  • kaypee65
    kaypee65 Posts: 120 Member
    Nothing to add other than to commend the OP for being a courteous cyclist.

    I'm often running with one of my dogs on leash. Nothing is more frightening and dnagerous than a cyclist whizzing past us without warning. I do want to be sure that my dog and I are out of the path so that others can pass safely, but I can't do that if I don't have the information I need.

    I always appreciate people like the OP who make every effort to keep us both safe.
  • SamanthaD1218
    SamanthaD1218 Posts: 304 Member
    Ride with the flow of traffic, there's no reason for you to be on the sidewalk.
    There are lots of reasons. Like not being killed or seriously injured by other vehicles. Or allowing other vehicles past and so on.

    By this logic, I should be able to drive my car on the sidewalk because I'm worried about other vehicles driving into me. I'm much less likely to get hit by another car if I'm on the sidewalk. I'm sure as long as I toot my horn when I approach a pedestrian, I'll be fine.

    But seriously, don't ride your bike on the sidewalk. If you aren't comfortable biking in the street (which is totally understandable), then find a bike path or an area that doesn't have a lot of traffic.
  • archaichoney
    archaichoney Posts: 132 Member
    Actually depending on your state laws and where you are at, you should be on the road, not on the sidewalk.

    I live in Portland and... well, this is bike and pedestrian city. You'll have *kitten* who just won't pay attention to what's behind them or be aware of their surroundings. Sometimes you have to be aggressive, even if it means pissing someone off. If they don't hear you the first time due to headphones, slow down and YELL it. Sometimes you just have to.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    That's a risk cyclists take. Shifting your risk to pedestrians on the sidewalk isn't cool. If you're scared of getting hit, drive your car to your destination. For me, I don't ride on "commercial" roads but rather stick to residential and bike paths for my safety. I realize that drivers are pricks to cyclists, and that doesn't entitle me to be a prick to people on sidewalks.
    Except it's not quite shifting the risk in the same way.

    Regardless, you said there was no reason. There ARE reasons, even if you don't like them.
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    Ride with the flow of traffic, there's no reason for you to be on the sidewalk.
    There are lots of reasons. Like not being killed or seriously injured by other vehicles. Or allowing other vehicles past and so on.

    Right, because running over pedestrians is so much better. Bikes don't belong on sidewalks, and in every place I've lived, it has been a crime for a cyclist to be on the sidewalk. I know that when I run/walk places without sidewalks, I am taking a risk. When I'm on the sidewalk, I shouldn't have to also worry about being run down by a cyclist who is too afraid to ride with traffic like they're supposed to.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    While I certainly understand a reluctance to ride on the road, really, biking etiquette would dictate that you do not ride on the sidewalk.

    I am fortunate in that I live in a very bike friendly city and we have a very good system of bike paths in conjunction with bike lanes on traffic streets to get pretty much anywhere you need to go relatively safely. Obviously, even if you are in a bike lane on a traffic street, there is greater risk of someone swerving into that lane without seeing you, etc...and that is one of the risks of road riding and to be sure, there are a number of "ghost bikes" on the routes I ride. Though I would also say that unfortunately, the majority of bike accidents that I have seen are as a result of riders being irresponsible and not following the rules of the road.


    I generally do not ride on roads that do not have a dedicated bike lane or a wide shoulder. I will occasionally hop onto the sidewalk as necessary, but do not make a habit of riding on the sidewalk for any length of time. If I encounter pedestrians on the sidewalk, they have the right of way and I will slow down in order to safely pass them or let them by, is my responsibility as they have the right of way on a sidewalk.

    It is typical on a bike path or bike lane to pass on the left and to call out, "on your left" when passing...but you cannot expect pedestrians out for a walk on the sidewalk to know these things and again...they have the right of way in this instance.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Ride with the flow of traffic, there's no reason for you to be on the sidewalk.
    There are lots of reasons. Like not being killed or seriously injured by other vehicles. Or allowing other vehicles past and so on.

    That's a risk cyclists take. Shifting your risk to pedestrians on the sidewalk isn't cool. If you're scared of getting hit, drive your car to your destination. For me, I don't ride on "commercial" roads but rather stick to residential and bike paths for my safety. I realize that drivers are pricks to cyclists, and that doesn't entitle me to be a prick to people on sidewalks.

    Where's the like button?
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I have not read this entire thread, so I don't know if it has been mentioned, but get a bell for your bike. I know some people think this is seriously dorky, but I run regularly (and bike) on a multi use path and I wear my headphones. It is always helpful when cyclists come up behind me and ring their bell to alert me of their presence. These are often serious cyclists coming at a strong pace and I would not want to have a collision with them. I always appreciate the bell, so much that I got one for my bike.

    ETA: This is not to suggest that you should be riding on the sidewalk. I agree that this is a poor idea. I ride on rural roads with little or no traffic, on roads with wide shoulders or designated bike lanes, or on a bike path
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bikes do not belong on sidewalks, period.
    Not sure why we care about you being on your period ;).

    My dad was killed cycling on the road when I was 11. Pretty damn devastating affect on my life - I had chosen to live with him when my parents split, too.
    I can well understand people wanting to not be cycling on the road. (He had mirrors on it too.)

    Wow...really, REALLY sorry about your Dad.
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    I do most of my riding on MUPs (Multi Use Paths) where I run into all the sidewalk issues except that I have a right to bike on the path.

    I hate trying to pass people who take up too much room, wander from side to side, travel two or more abreast, or pick a path straight down the middle. In other words, I hate it when people are hard to pass. To make it worse, a lot of these people are wearing headphones and are shut off to the world around them.

    A bell is good for people like that. It's easy to announce your presence far earlier when you have a bell. And it gets people's attention. I'm not sure, but I think some people are wondering why an ice cream truck is overtaking them.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Bikes belong on the street. End of discussion.
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    I have not read this entire thread, so I don't know if it has been mentioned, but get a bell for your bike. I know some people think this is seriously dorky, but I run regularly (and bike) on a multi use path and I wear my headphones. It is always helpful when cyclists come up behind me and ring their bell to alert me of their presence. These are often serious cyclists coming at a strong pace and I would not want to have a collision with them. I always appreciate the bell, so much that I got one for my bike.

    I had one on my hybrid but bought a new road bike toward the end of last year. I didn't think the bell was cool enough for the new bike. (It's a road bike but I still ride it on the same paths.) After reading through this thread, I'm going to put the bell back on.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    If it's a bike path proper etiquette is to say "passing on your left" and then pass on their left. Proper etiquette on a side walk is to get off the side walk and onto the road way. Bikes stay to the right and follow the same road rules as cars (including stopping at signals and signaling turns.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Here is my final update on the subject...I did call the Police Department for the city I live in. I told him that I never even thought it could be illegal to ride my bike on a sidewalk and told him which streets I was talking about. I also advised that I asked for advice on this forum and got a lot of people who told me never to ride on the sidewalk and that I had to ride in the street. He told me that no law enforcement person in the city would make me get off the sidewalk. He suggested a light for the bike in case I was riding at night and I did say that I would be getting a bell (as a result of advice from some on this forum). He said he would rather I possibly startle a few pedestrians than have to clean me up off the road. So I will get a bell to alert people to my passing on the sidewalk and will slow down or stop if necessary to get around them, but I won't be riding on the street when I feel it is way too dangerous.

    But also looking for designated bike paths in the area!
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    If you are approaching someone from behind you can't expect them to jump out of the way for you. If there's not enough room to pass, that's your problem. You need to ride around them using the grass, the street, however you see fit. Don't expect people to make room for you when they can't see you. Calling out "On your left" is good practice, but it sometimes startles people and you still have to wait until they move over until you pass them.

    It's like driving, if you are approaching some from behind, you do not have the right of way. The person in front of you does not need to make room for you (although it is polite). You either need to slow down to their speed or find a way around them. If you are not capable of riding on the grass for a short distance than you shouldn't be biking on the sidewalk.

    But really, you should be biking in the street anyway unless it is a designated bike path.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    That's a risk cyclists take. Shifting your risk to pedestrians on the sidewalk isn't cool. If you're scared of getting hit, drive your car to your destination. For me, I don't ride on "commercial" roads but rather stick to residential and bike paths for my safety. I realize that drivers are pricks to cyclists, and that doesn't entitle me to be a prick to people on sidewalks.
    Except it's not quite shifting the risk in the same way.

    Regardless, you said there was no reason. There ARE reasons, even if you don't like them.

    There may be reasons but none of them good (the most obvious one being an incompetent cyclist)

    Dress for visibility, ride defensively, learn and obey traffic regulations........a cyclist can seriously injure or kill a pedestrian, stay off the sidewalks unless you're a kid just learning to ride.
  • Bocch
    Bocch Posts: 191 Member
    At Lisa, I can understand your frustration. I went to the Florida State website and found the following.

    Ten Tips for Successful Cycling


    Courtesy of CyclingSavvy

    1) Ride on the road.

    Think about where each of these motorists is looking before crossing the sidewalk.

    Adult bicyclists do not belong on the sidewalk. Sidewalk cycling increases conflict for cyclists, motorists and pedestrians. Sidewalk cycling is not only inconvenient and slow, it actually increases your risk of being hit by a car because it aggravates turning and crossing conflicts. The sidewalk also presents many more hazards such as poles, posts and branches.
    - See more at:

    It does sound like you are a nervous bicyclist and riding on the road when you are nervous is not a good idea. I also agree that I do not think a cop will give you a ticket or summons for cycling on the sidewalk although it is against the law. The cops probably have bigger fish to fry.
    I have ridden in Florida in the Tampa area. I know that there are some crazy drivers there. Florida is not known as a bicycle friendly state.
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    He told me that no law enforcement person in the city would make me get off the sidewalk.

    Lucky. I got a ticket for riding my bike on the sidewalk when I was 15...

    Lots of good advice in this thread, I would toss in, if you do ever ride in the street, you are considered a vehicle. That means you have to follow traffic laws. Stop at stop signs!!! I almost hit a cyclist last summer because they blew a stop sign when I was about 1/3 of the way through the intersection. Incredibly terrifying for me, and they had the nerve to give me the finger. Then another driver started screaming at the cyclist through the window about obeying the traffic was scary.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I do most of my riding on MUPs (Multi Use Paths) where I run into all the sidewalk issues except that I have a right to bike on the path.

    I hate trying to pass people who take up too much room, wander from side to side, travel two or more abreast, or pick a path straight down the middle. In other words, I hate it when people are hard to pass. To make it worse, a lot of these people are wearing headphones and are shut off to the world around them.

    A bell is good for people like that. It's easy to announce your presence far earlier when you have a bell. And it gets people's attention. I'm not sure, but I think some people are wondering why an ice cream truck is overtaking them.

    I'll use your term -- MUPs -- and say that I know the frustration. I always try to offset that by remembering that, if bike paths were designed only for cycling, there likely wouldn't be any. By that, I mean it's the broad-based support that comes from multiple users that make the bike paths possible in the first place.

    It's also important to remember that bike paths are for recreational use, not exercise training. Not addressing you personally, but, in general, I think it is unrealistic to expect to be able to do training rides on MUPs. We have a nice network of crushed-gravel/partially paved paths in my area (Illnois Prairie Path and Fox River Trail). I have used them in the past for training rides, but with the full realization (and accepting full responsibility) that, for that use, I basically had to yield to everyone else, since I was the one using the path in ways it was not intended. That means getting up early before the families get out there, using primarily routes that are less-used, and gearing down and just accepting that when you go through Wheaton, St Charles, Geneva, or Batavia, it was going to be slow going.