weight goal rewards?

meca85 Posts: 81 Member
Back in 2011 I shed about 23lbs in about 2 1/2 months.
My drive was my upcoming wedding. So I kicked my butt working out like a mad woman and was very successful. :)

Now I want to lose all my baby weight and lazy weight but I don't have much to look forward to except the summer.
So I'm wondering if any of you have a certain reward you're going to treat yourself to once you reach your goal weight?
The only thing that comes to mind is treating myself to an infrared Wrap?? Supposedly it helps tighten your body, but I don't know if it would just be a waste of money and if there would even be significajt results if I am already workig out.

I just started last Wednesday and so far have shed 3.5lbs, so I want to focus on something before I lose myself.
any ideas??


  • bugbldr
    bugbldr Posts: 9
    I'm planning a backpacking trip in August. Can't wait to go. I need to reach my mid-way point of my final goal to feel up to the task.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    This is going to sound very bad and don't get me wrong, I love my husband to death, but my reward will be when all the other men at our bars stare at me in awe and he gets jealous. I tell my husband that he should be flattered that other men think I'm hot and HE'S the one I go home with. MTW, we own a karaoke business, so when I say our bars, I mean the ones we work at on weekends.
  • scooterjen
    scooterjen Posts: 28 Member
    I want a professional photo session with my hubby. I love all the photography ideas on Pinterest with old cars, tractors, etc. I HATE being in pictures now. My goal is to not hide from the camera anymore!
  • brandyk40
    brandyk40 Posts: 78 Member
    When I reach my goal, I am going to do the Princess Half Marathon at Disney. I have never been to Disney and I have always wanted to do a half marathon so I think this would be perfect! The signups are in July and as long ad I am halfway to my goal of 101lbs, I am going to sign up!
  • meca85
    meca85 Posts: 81 Member
    Wow good ideas ladies!
    A lil trip getaway sounds good to enjoy a new body and show off, but we got a one year old, a trip to Target is sometimes overwhelming in itself LoL

    and omg I was just thinking of doing a run, maybe I should look them up and see what is available in the area therefore I would HAVE to workout and train to endure it.

    Thanks ladies.
  • bradXdale
    bradXdale Posts: 399
    I really want to start competing in lifting competitions.

    My goal is to get my weight down and start packing on muscle so I can fit into a good weight class/range & compete.

    Also for all the health benefits that comes along with a good healthy weight!
  • lauramblair
    lauramblair Posts: 74 Member
    I'm with madhatter. After being "invisible" in public for the last 10 years or so, I love that I'm now getting looks again!
  • meca85
    meca85 Posts: 81 Member
    LoL I like her idea too.
    2 years ago when I was losing some of my married weight lol, my husband agreed he would take me to this club I love if I hit X-lbs which motivated me to look forward to working out and start looking at nicer clothes,
    BUT then, turned out I was pregnant and I couldn't keep up nor go clubbing LoL

    Sooooo looking for a positive reward to focus on has been kinda hard for fear of the stork showing up, but this time if it does show up rather than let go and balloon, I'd still want to try to care of myself working out and stay on track
  • erin6989
    erin6989 Posts: 29 Member
    so in order to stay focused I need to have little rewards and big rewards I'm working for! Every wednesday when I go to my weekly weigh-in at my fitness club, if I lost weight that week, I will take a bubble bath before bed. I could take a bath anytime I wanted but don't normally take the extra time to indulge myself so it is a nice little reward for sticking to my eating plan! I also have bigger goals (like losing 8lbs in 8 weeks, or 15lbs by my next birthday or w/e). My reward for that will definitely be a 5K with unlimited margaritas at the end (since alcohol got nixed due to the calories, it will be nice!)