just venting

running_mom Posts: 204 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I have totally gone off counting calories for the last 2 days! I have done so good then BAM nothing lost for a whole year?! But, I did run my first half marathon and loved it! Im even going to push myself to try a whole one next year. And, I did my first spinning class last night. Other than my *kitten* being to big for the seat I really enjoyed it : ) But even though I ate a swiss roll cake and cinnamon doughnut I did ok. I still had 100 cals left.

So I will start all over again my next meal. Im even thinking about skipping dinner to try and get back in the swing of things. I need to do something. A whole year and no weight lose really SUCKS!!! I never thought stress played a role in weight but Im starting to rethink that. It doesn't help that I have a husband who it NOT supportive. So Im trying to do this by myself. Only 25 more lbs to go!!!

Ok, Im done venting.



  • You also have to remember though that muscle weighs more than fat. I've you've just finished a half marathon, you probably gained a lot of muscle training for it while losing fat at the same time. You're losing weight, but you're gaining muscle. Don't be too discouraged! A half marathon is HUGE! Congrats!
  • You also have to remember though that muscle weighs more than fat. If you've just finished a half marathon, you probably gained a lot of muscle training for it while losing fat at the same time. You're losing weight, but you're gaining muscle. Don't be too discouraged! A half marathon is HUGE! Congrats!
  • You are not alone...you have all of us!!!! You can do it!!!!
  • mommy2jx3
    mommy2jx3 Posts: 1 Member
    You go girl! Men can be such boobs. I'm proud of you for saying, "Screw you!" and getting back on track. You're not doing it by yourself though. There are lots of us out here to support you. Hugs!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I have totally gone off counting calories for the last 2 days! I have done so good then BAM nothing lost for a whole year?! But, I did run my first half marathon and loved it! Im even going to push myself to try a whole one next year. And, I did my first spinning class last night. Other than my *kitten* being to big for the seat I really enjoyed it : ) But even though I ate a swiss roll cake and cinnamon doughnut I did ok. I still had 100 cals left.

    So I will start all over again my next meal. Im even thinking about skipping dinner to try and get back in the swing of things. I need to do something. A whole year and no weight lose really SUCKS!!! I never thought stress played a role in weight but Im starting to rethink that. It doesn't help that I have a husband who it NOT supportive. So Im trying to do this by myself. Only 25 more lbs to go!!!

    Ok, Im done venting.


    I think stress can play a large roll in weight loss.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Don't skip dinner. It is not good for your body. Maybe try a meal replacement shake instead. Or a bowl of fruit?
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    You also have to remember though that muscle weighs more than fat.

    NOPE! It weighs the same, 1 lb is 1 lb, it just takes up more space.
  • FeistyKitty808
    FeistyKitty808 Posts: 53 Member
    I understand your Husband plight, mine thinks the answer is to just not eat and that is definitely NOT the answer.

    Don't skip dinner, just make a smart choice, skipping is depriving and that only leads to more stress and frustration. Have a healthy salad and continue to make good choices moving forward. Skipping is also punishing yourself, that is the worst thing you can do. Don't beat yourself up; you are all you have (well, you have us too) and you need to cheer yourself on. Hard thing to do sometimes, but it will be okay. You have the right attitude by saying you are starting over, attitude is EVERYTHING! :happy:

    Good job on the marathon, I really want to start training for one. Have some health issues keeping me from too much walking right now, but I am working through it with my Dr. and hope to start a walking routine soon and then increase to a jog eventually. Nike has a Walk to Run program that I will be looking into when I get the go ahead from my Dr.

    Just keep moving forward!
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 494 Member
    Totally understand. And at least there wasn't a gain, huh? :laugh: I say stick with it and be sure that you stay at at least 1200 cal so that you don't go into starvation mode. Good luck on your journey and remember to keep it moving and be sure you track your cals at least until you get a good idea and memorization of how many cals you r consuming at your meals. I find it easier when I can't get to my computer to track that at least I know I stay within the 3-400 cal range for that meal. Good luck and we're here for ya even if no one else is, k? :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    you might want to wear a HR monitor while running to check your calories.. when i was running more, i thought i could eat whatever i wanted.. I think it actually made me gain rather than lose weight
  • BK120
    BK120 Posts: 107
    Stress has a lot to do with weight loss. I have days where I am very stressed and started taking tract of every bite I eat. Though I didn't realize it I was eating way more than I thought. Just a bite here and there. Not biggy. WRONG! Also not having support from your hubby can add to your stress and trying to fix meals for him and you can be hard. Good for you on getting back on track. If you haven't already done so you might want to get your measurements. When I don't loss weight I do notice my inches go down. GREAT JOB on the marathon.
  • If you haven't already done so you might want to get your measurements. When I don't loss weight I do notice my inches go down.

    I completely agree!!! Many think muscle weighs more than fat, but 1lb is 1lb, as someone said earlier. Just because you don't weigh less, doesn't mean you aren't losing inches. If you are active and running, you could be building that muscle replacing the fat, but not noticing a decrease.
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