Gaining Weight with discouraged

So discouraged right now. I know I have just started back to MFP but instead of losing weight (or even maintaining), I am gaining weight. I have tracked for 9 days now and joined a gym so I could do the stationary bike and weight train since I have a foot injury and can not do much more. In the past 3 days, I have gained 3 pounds. I am drinking plenty of water (sworn off soda). I have set my calorie intake to 1200 (this was when I was on complete rest for my foot). Should I increase this amount now that I am getting somewhat active again? Has anyone experienced this and can give me a positive outlook on this???!!!!


  • kethra
    kethra Posts: 85 Member
    Check this out. You're most likely retaining water and/or gaining muscle.
  • SkinnyMel78
    SkinnyMel78 Posts: 434 Member
    Don't get discouraged. Your body is probably retaining water for muscle repair! Keep at it and the pounds will come off. Also, don't just rely on the scale. Take your measurements every few weeks! Good luck!
  • FitCowgirl8
    FitCowgirl8 Posts: 175 Member
    Since you just started changing your diet and a new exercise routine chances are that you are just retaining some water weight. This should level out in time if you keep consistent with your workouts/diet.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    You aren't building muscle as it is very difficult to build muscle, especially in a calorie deficit, but it is likely just water weight. Continue on for a week or two and reevaluate.
  • RagDolll690
    Muscle weighs more than fat. I know that I always seem to weigh more when I start working out and I even feel fatter, but once I get over the hump "about 2-3 months" I start slimming down.
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Muscle gains only 9 days after starting a workout program will be negligible. However, your muscles will be retaining a ton of water to repair themselves - especially since you just started. I shot up almost 7 pounds after I started back training after the holidays. No big deal. It comes back down with time. So, have patience grasshopper and check back in a month. I'm sure you'll be happier then :bigsmile:
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    Yes, everyone has experienced this. 3 lbs. is nothing, you can fluctuate that much day to day. It can be you're retaining water (are you tracking sodium as a macro? Too much can make your body retain water) or it can be that you are losing fat but gaining muscle. Don't worry so much about the scale, a truer way to track progress is to take measurements. You'll be able to tell that you're making progress by the way your clothes fit. 9 days is also nothing, your body can plateau no matter how hard you hit the exercise & track the food. I've had a couple of times over the past year + where I have plateaued for a month or more even though I kept doing what I was doing, keep at it & have faith - you WILL move in the right direction as long as you don't give up......
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Seriously folks, she is eating 1200 calories per day. She isn't building muscle.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Agreed, likely just water weight (definitely not muscle) and completely normal.

    As far as your calories go, assuming the goal on your ticker is correct, make sure you're set to lose 1/2 a pound per week as that would be most realistic for the amount you have left to lose. Maybe 1 pound per week at most. And make sure you eat back at least half of the exercise calories earned.
  • dramm674
    dramm674 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the encouraging words. Nice to know that I am not the only one. Loved the "grasshopper" name. :smile: It made me smile and I really needed that today, thanks.

    Not looking to build muscle, just want to lose weight and tone. :)
  • gypsyGIRL159
    gypsyGIRL159 Posts: 78 Member
    Yes, I've had all sorts of strange results :noway: on my Lifestyle Change Journey. Weight loss must not be rushed. It took a long time, but NOW I AM IN THE ZONE! I used to be 400 lbs - I am 213 now! Praise God!

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

    Give it more time because your body will respond...... but it takes time. You might actually need to UP your caloric intake. Also be sure to get proper rest, and YOU MUST THINK POSITIVE.... NO MATTER WHAT THE SCALE SAYS!

    Some people put their scales away..... because it can be very taxing on you to do everything RIGHT, and yet see NO REAL RESULTS.

    Hang in there! Watch your sodium content..... and keep doing the DO..... and your body will respond in a very positive manner! You will need to embrace the changes, and when it starts working STICK TO IT.

  • condoleezachiapet
    Had the same problem. It's mostly water retention. I know how discouraging it is to see a bloated stomach and face after an intense workout. It took me about two weeks of eating and exercising consistently until I finally saw real results. Just keep going forward. I've tried starving myself before to lose weight quickly, but that only gives short-term results (and a cavalcade of other disastrous symptoms). Slow and steady is much more satisfying and long-lasting. :smile:
  • personaltrainerjulie
    Don't be discouraged! Your body is responding to the new stimulus of exercise. You're losing fat weight as you exercise. Your muscles are just becoming stronger as you give them a new stress; and they build a small amount of muscle in response to that new stress. That's not something to get discouraged about; that's something to be happy for. More/stronger muscle means a higher metabolic rate (burning more calories all the time). If you keep up your exercise routine, your body will have enough muscle to maintain your activities; and you won't gain more weight. You'll just keep losing the fat weight in response to your exercise regularity.
    Everyone who gets started feels discouraged unless they understand what changes their body's making. Give yourself another 4 weeks of regular exercise to show your body you'll be consistent; and you'll really watch the pounds shed-off! You can do it!
    - Personal trainer, Julie W