New guy needs help

Ok so this pretty embarrassing, but i need some advice and its too hard finding out facts from fiction even on the internet, cause everyone is out to make a buck. last year i decided i dont wanna waste away into a blob. i was 560, and i went down to 458 in september.

my car got msessed up and i was homebound for a couple weeks just going to and from work where i do nothing but work at a call center all day. i went back into my disgusting habits, and gained some weight back, then i grew up again for 2014 and lost all i had gained sept to dec. February i only lost 5 lbs !!! and i feel like ive hit my plateau and its really a pain in the *kitten* to run but i feel like im running out of options, however im more determined then EVER.

Im fitting into old close my ugly self was wearing almost 3 years ago...but my ultimate goal is 275. Maybe im being unrealistic, but i like to get there in a year...or less...

i eat around 1500-2000 calories a day 800 for breakfast, and then 500 or more for lunch then for 400 or less for dinner, it does vary.

im trying to go as low as i can. i cheat twice a month (yea i love pizza) and ill drink maybe once a week, but when i do drink its alot, (hard liquor only with a low calorie chaser, never beer)

i wanna see those results i had when i first started...this isnt something i want to play with along time, not too long ago i turned 24, ive been like this forever and its time to grow up and maybe try to love myself but im getting discouraged.

btw along with being fat af, im also pretty tall so it doesnt look as bad, but...its still bad x__x i stand 6'5'..(.__. )


  • JVSpades
    JVSpades Posts: 11
    my diet usually consists of:

    eggs, ham, turkey breast, grilled chicken strips, V8 juice, diet green tea, bread, once in a while broccoli, lots of those crystal light packets, low fat cheese, 25 calorie grape juice and ofcourse water.

    no fast food, no pop, no candy =(
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    with your height and a goal weight of 275 assuming sedentary ( no workout / sit all day )
    1500-2000 is way to low for yah

    Your BMR is: 2191 CALORIES/DAY - dont go below this
    Your TDEE is: 2630 - you can eat as much as this

    you can eat as low as 2200ish and lose weight 5-6x/week
    then eat as much as 2600ish 1 day/week eating out with family and friends

    add walking or brisk walk to your activity and that will accelerate your weight loss

    as for calorie intake. try to aim for this macros and input to your MFP

    Carbs- 200
    Protein - 250
    Fats - 110

    dont give up, keep pushing for a healthier you
  • Ozzzy66
    Ozzzy66 Posts: 36 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss. 5 lbs in a month is not that bad. Are you counting your calories on your cheat days? Do you count the calories when you drink? From what you have said I would guess your slowed weight loss is in the answer of those two questions.
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    It's not a race, you have a good maintainable weight loss going there. Keep it up, stay on the logging and on the forums (the forum kept me motivated when I struggled.)
    Take the advice from those who've been there and remember you have the rest of your life to look forward to not just one moment where you reach your goal weight.
  • JVSpades
    JVSpades Posts: 11
    Congrats on the weight loss. 5 lbs in a month is not that bad. Are you counting your calories on your cheat days? Do you count the calories when you drink? From what you have said I would guess your slowed weight loss is in the answer of those two questions.

    thanks, but 5 lbs is small chicken scratch, i need to be dropping atleast 10-15 a month, i remember first 2 months i lost 45 lbs and i thought maybe i could just go at that rate and ill be ok in like a year or so, wishful thinking..ugh.

    i usually drink including a chaser maybe around 1,000-1500 calories in alcohol, ya thats alot i know but when i drink....I DRINK.

    i cheat the last day or the month and the first day then its all business, i cant say that i do, but ill demolish a pizza pretty damn swiftly. :(
  • JVSpades
    JVSpades Posts: 11
    with your height and a goal weight of 275 assuming sedentary ( no workout / sit all day )
    1500-2000 is way to low for yah

    Your BMR is: 2191 CALORIES/DAY - dont go below this
    Your TDEE is: 2630 - you can eat as much as this

    you can eat as low as 2200ish and lose weight 5-6x/week
    then eat as much as 2600ish 1 day/week eating out with family and friends

    add walking or brisk walk to your activity and that will accelerate your weight loss

    as for calorie intake. try to aim for this macros and input to your MFP

    Carbs- 200
    Protein - 250
    Fats - 110

    dont give up, keep pushing for a healthier you

    why would eating more help me lose weight faster? yea true i dont move around too much but i try my best to hit the gym and atleast walk a bit, and i bought some weights cause id love to tighten up my arms and give my back some sort of shape.

    you think 275 is too low, i find rather ambitious and i know it would look pretty decent on me for my height, could be wrong tho, but if i could below, **** i rather be too skinny then too fat any day of the week.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    If you expect to lose 10-15 lbs per month, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Keep in mind that the less you weigh, the less food (calories) your body needs, the less you burn doing your daily activities and workouts.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    You're missing the point, It's not a race. Slow and steady is the way to go, 5 pounds in a month is perfect, really. If you lose weight too fast, especially at your size you risk serious heart damage.

  • RoseGoldDinosaur
    RoseGoldDinosaur Posts: 133 Member
    Slow and steady for sure! My best advice that works well for most people is to start adding first- add water (you won't have as much room for soda or booze), add raw fruit, add vegetables, add grilled salmon, add a new recipe (that actually looks like it might taste good), add an after-dinner walk, add 10 sit ups, add 20 jumping jacks. Add one thing at a time at a pace you can deal with and eventually these steps will add up to a healthy lifestyle. When you add healthy things, there's less room and less time for unhealthy things. Deprivation may help you lose for a while, but it isn't sustainable. As a first step, start adding healthy foods and healthy habits where you can. Once you have a repertoire of health foods you enjoy and exercises you at least somewhat look forward to, you can start to subtract the less healthy things. Eventually you only have pizza or hamburgers once in a while and you spend every Thursday boxing instead of playing Halo and Saturdays hiking with friends making memories instead of watching 6 more hours of TV you didn't even enjoy.

    And the number one rule about living healthy- don't give up! Success is never a straight line! Do your best and forget the rest!

    Good luck! :happy:
  • JVSpades
    JVSpades Posts: 11
    so today i walked 55 mins.

    then i ate around 820 calories from breakfast

    around the neighborhood of 330 for lunch
    and maybe 520 for dinner, ugh working backwards i know..

    about 40 grams of fat, tomorrow ill try to keep up with how many carbs i eat.
  • JVSpades
    JVSpades Posts: 11
    If you expect to lose 10-15 lbs per month, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Keep in mind that the less you weigh, the less food (calories) your body needs, the less you burn doing your daily activities and workouts.

    ugh thats true, and i need to intensify my workouts cause im not sweating that hard anymore, and i hit that stupid plateau i keep hearing about it...i figure it atleast be another 100 lbs before they became a real issue