5:2 fasting diet doubts...

Hey guys.

I'm cutting some weight off, but I'm having problems. Thing is, my goal is to make it faster, because I've had enough of not seeing the results I'm hoping to see. I'm 19 years old, 1.77m (~5'9) and 75kg (~165pounds). I want to cut down to 70kg, and make that stubborn belly fat disappear once and for all. I've been in a caloric deficit for quite a long time now and I've only lost 1kg (I was 76kg last week). I've heard that intermittent fasting has shown results for some people, so tomorrow (wednesday) and the day after (thursday) I'm willing to try it.


I workout 5 times a week, sometimes 6. If I workout 5 days a week, I have a day just for cardio (HIIT) and the rest for lifting(some cardio included as well for warmup) and core training. If I workout 6 days a week, I have two cardio days.

I'm following the 40 40 20 diet.
For maintenance, I need about 2500 calories, and I'm consuming about 2000 everyday (I NEVER go over this number)
If I apply this diet plan, on fasting days I'll have to consume 1000 calories ONLY... right?
And on "normal days" do I have to consume the same calories for my 500 calories deficit, or do I consume my calories for maintenance?

Also, I'll have to fast for 16 hours, and eat in an 8 hour window, right?
Thanks all. Sorry for my english.


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    With 5:2 fasting you would eat your maintenance calories 5 days a week and eat at a large deficit the other two. Usually these are two non-consecutive days of the week.

    16:8 fasting is a different form of Intermittent Fasting. This is where you eat your calories within an 8 hour window every day of the week. You can combine it with 5:2 fasting but you don't have to.
  • Well, if you're eating at a large deficit the other two, is it ok if I workout fasted? Plus, I think that way makes it a bit harder. It doens't work if you eat normally in those days (workout fasted, but then eat at my 500 calories deficit), right? My plan, initially, was to not eat for 16 hours straight, but when that period was over, I could eat my 2000 calories again. It doens't work that way now, does it?
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    First you calculate your BMR and TDEE:

    Here is the link to the 5:2 fast forum which is great in supplying you with answers.


    In effect you are eating five days a week somewhere between your BMR and your TDEE and on two non consecutive days, I.e. Monday and Wednesday, you are only consuming 500 cal (women) and 600 cal (men). This will create a deficit of 3500 cal per week which is the equivalent of losing 1 pound in weight.

    Now there is also 4:3 (same as above but three days fasting) and ADF (alternate day fasting), with the latter allowing you to not only consume what you want but also as much as you like. (ADF only)

    All of the above can be combined with 16:8 (you eat ALL of your food within a time frame of 8 hours and you give your body a rest for 16); 20:4 or 22:2, the last ones allow you to eat within either four or two hours.

    Now, I have done a combination of all the above and I have lost 8 kg in 12 weeks, which is in my particular case outstanding as I did not have to lose much. The more you have to lose the faster it goes.

    I am now close to maintenance and so far am very happy with this way of losing weight.

    And yes, you can work out on those days but you are NOT allowed to eat the calories back. You need to stick to your 500/600 cal and stay under your TDEE on non fast days.

    Best of luck
  • Wow, what a great response SKME2013. Thanks a lot!
    So my plan is to fast for 18 hours and eat in a 6 hour window. All I have to do is TO NOT eat over my BMR. Right?
    Thanks a lot, best of luck for you too!
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    Wow, what a great response SKME2013. Thanks a lot!
    So my plan is to fast for 18 hours and eat in a 6 hour window. All I have to do is TO NOT eat over my BMR. Right?
    Thanks a lot, best of luck for you too!

    No you don't want to eat above your TDEE since that is the total energy including exercise is that amount. You want to eat above BMR but below TDEE.
  • That looks easy enough. Thanks. I thought this would be waaaaay harder than I thought but all I have to do is skip breakfast, workout fasted and eat like I do in a regular basis. Thanks missabeez.