too self concious to go to the gym? tips on gym in general?

I haven't been to the gym this year and I've gained nearly a stone.. anyways.. I feel so rubbish and I've had 3 people say I don't look good at the moment, but I drove to my local gym and watched people go in who all had nice gym clothes and slim and I was too embarrassed to go in, so ended up leaving before I even got out of my car! I just binge eat all the time and I'm so lazy at the moment.

I know people will say 'its fine, ignore people' but my gym is kind of stuck up and known for people just trying to look pretty, I only joined because it was the cheapest and I don't want people laughing or looking at me, especially since I have no one else to go with.

tips or motivation please? also I'm new, so if anyone can give me general tips for the gym it would be greatly appreciated!

thanks guys!


  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Honestly, you need to look at why you're going there. It's not to impress anyone, it's to work out. It's for you, not anyone else. It's difficult to believe that it's the cheapest gym around and still the one that people are going to head to to be "seen". I've been to several gyms, and there's alwasy a variety of people there. Most of them aren't looking around at everyone else to see what's being worn or who's doing what; they're just focusing on their own workout, because that's why they are there.
    Focus on yourself and get in there and get that workout done.
    And figure out your binge eating problem - losing weight is about eating less much more than it is about working out. Working out is for fitness.
  • _AwesomeSauce_
    The only gym etiquette you should be concerned about is your hygiene. Who gives a F*#k what other people think of your clothes or how much weight you need to lose. However, since (at the moment) you do care so much what other gym ratts think, use that fuel to motivate you.
  • TommyJensen1987
    Have you considered just going for a walk/run? Nobody says you have to workout in the gym.

    At least when I run I turn into a complete *kitten* who really couldn't give a **** about what people think of me, how fast I run or anything else (which is very much not how I am normally).

    Other than that, get a par of ear buds and maybe look into going to another gym or with a friend?
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    Can you look at other gyms or do you have to go to the cheapest one? Because if you don't go, it doesn't really matter what the price is. I chose my current gym because it caters to a diverse population - people of a wide variety of weights, ethnic groups and income levels.

    I've never had anyone laugh at me at the gym, and I'm (still for a little while longer at least) an XXL plus size individual. I've found activities I love, and some awesome instructors who take the time to learn my name and say hi to me every week, and just have fun.
  • SillyC2
    SillyC2 Posts: 275 Member
    If you think they are staring at you, they are - but not for the reasons you think!

    Everybody is watching the newbies to make sure they are wiping down the equipment after they are done and racking their weights! Does that help?
  • pookiepie1
    pookiepie1 Posts: 13 Member
    I know were you are coming from as I feel the same. I feel like I am in a goldfish bowl, but I think this is just my own perception. I am heading to the gym tomorrow for the first time in over a year as I am determined to get fitter as well as lose weight. Luckily for me I will have company as my fourteen year old son is going with me as he needs to strengthen his muscles for medical reasons. We will motivate each other hopefully.
    I know there will be some people who will stare but at least I am trying to make a difference rather than doing nothing, and the majority of the staff that I remember were really nice.

    I think if you want to go to the gym than you need to just bite the bullet and do it, eventually you will be one of those slim ones that go and you can come across as welcoming to other newbies as you will have been in their shoes.
  • courtneysfitness95
    Thank guys these helped motivate me a little, I've just been reading forums and I've just thought, I just need to get over myself and think 'WHO CARES' whether I think that tomorrow when im sitting in my car is a different story but at the moment, im pretty motivated haha!

    I used to go with a friend to the gym and I know to clean the machines, it was always so gross when there was sweat on the handles of machines!

    I'm just going to bite the bullet. Thanks for the replies and telling me to get on with it! just what I needed!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    If you can't make yourself go to the gym, you can do workouts at home, too. I've never stepped foot in a gym and still work out regularly. Try,, youtube, workout DVDs, etc...
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Kudos to you for getting to the gym!! That's the first and hardest hurdle to step in the door. Don't worry about the other people in the gym - they should be focusing on their own workouts. If they aren't, they are a waste of time and air. Have fun being awesome at the gym.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    In my experience, nobody is staring at you and laughing or whatever...all of that kind of **** is in your head.
  • JobyHux
    JobyHux Posts: 178 Member
    Find a workout partner to help you keep you mind on the prize and focus on your workout
  • jmerseal1
    I feel your pain. I am 5'6" and use to be 135, now I'm 195(ish). I hated going to the gym because I would see all the girls who were what I use to be and well, it made me depressed. Finally, I got off my pity pot and got on the elliptical. I still compare myself to others at the gym. I don't know their story, for all I know that itty bitty girl next to me was my size last year. So I'm sweaty when I leave but I realize I am not there to impress anyone... Just make sure you don't have boob sweat if you go to the gas station after working out :blushing:
  • ripzone13
    ripzone13 Posts: 83 Member
    I know it's tough, but try not to think everyone is looking at you or judging you. Typically those at the gym are there for themselves. I know it's my personal time, ya I look at other people and find myself daydreaming about what their story may be, but I don't look at anyone person and think- "Good God they shouldn't be wearing or doing that!" We're all there for one reason or another...and I can gaurantee once you start going you'll see more than just skinny mini's and ripped abs. There will prob be a variety of peeps there getting their sweat on. You can do this!
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    Ive joined gyms before and they get boring after a while unless they offer classes. You can workout just as good at home with hand weights, dvds, walking, running, tons of things you can do for working out without a gym and not get bored while saving money.
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    Well, if you're already committed to a membership and have to pay no matter what, don't waste your money. Go! Find out the least busy time of day (call them) and go then.

    I've seen all sizes of people at my gym. Some are enviable, some are not. We're all there for the same reason.
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    So when you are at the gym and someone who is larger than you walks in do you judge them?
    ( correct answer is no). So then why w/should other ppl judge you?
    Besides size isn't an indicator of fitness. There are alot of trim ppl out there who are really out of shape and are probably jelous that you care enough about yourself to become a better you.

    Just go in there and fake it till you make it.
  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222
    So I've always been self conscience about going to the gym - what if im not doing things right? Im gonna get all sweaty and red - Im not gonna look like the girls who come in full hair and makeup - I have to wear spandex (DEAR GOD!!!!!)

    and then, all of the sudden, I got over it because F anyone else! And honestly, what was I thinking - who cares about my gym habits anyway ?
  • perfectjewel
    perfectjewel Posts: 15 Member
    Hey, I totally get it. Different gyms have different crowds, but I see you have no choice but to trust the gym you joined is the right one for you right now. Here's the truth of the matter: everyone cares much more and is preoccupied with how THEY look more than anyone else is! There might be some who judge, and these are the people judging themselves the worst. There are also those who judge positively, like "Good for her being here!" I personally smile at people and pretty much have my ipod turned up and live in my own world, not looking at others as they workout yet being conscious of their space and being courteous. Look in the mirrors and you'll pretty much see people looking at themselves! I never wear makeup to the gym, even when I taught fitness and was personal trainer for 11 years. One thing I had the thought of when reading your post - you might want to go pick up an outfit you feel good in for the gym. It doesn't have to be expensive and might make you feel a little more confident. Of course, never go cheap on shoes, but do know you can always find a great pair at an excellent sale price. I never pay more than $60 USD for them, and they're usually on sale from over $100. Just know you're not alone - it's a typical thing for people to feel they're not in good enough shape to go to the gym! Strange but true!