Im Stuck!

Hi there I've been using this app on my phone for a while now and it's great i love it, I wasn't aware that there was a community for it but im glad that i came across it.

I need some help! I have plateaued for a few weeks now and im not sure what else to do, i feel like i have lost myself completely and was wondering if there was anyone else that had felt like this or have gone through this already. I'm wondering how did you get through it?

I've been working out for 4 months or so and lost about 22 pounds but now, it seems like i have not gotten any results for about 3 weeks, and im feeling less motivated to do anything and it just feels like im gaining weight again. im 22 yrs old 5"6 and weigh about 168. Now when i go to the gym i just feel lost and like im not sure what to do anymore. I have been trying out different things i mix up cardio and strength training and sometimes i go to the classes held at my gym but it doesn't seem like im going anywhere. I was wondering if anyone could help me with this, or give me some advice for me to get out of this rut. :sad:


  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    Glad you found the community. Unfortunately, plateaus happen and sometimes, many times, in fact, it takes trial and error to figure out how to push through it. But one thing is for sure: do NOT give up. You've come so far, just stick with it. Don't let a plateau take away your feelings of well earned accomplishment. You can do this! I'm sorry I can't give you specifics, but I'm sure others will jump on this post and offer you advice!
  • Thank you so much, I don't have many people i can talk to about this with so hearing that does give me some much needed motivation! :happy: You are right thought, i won't give up and i never thought about the trail and error, seems i still have some more research to do :smile: Thank you again for responding! :bigsmile:
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I agree with the above ^^^

    You're doing GREAT!!!!!
    on your profile you can set it up so others can see your diary. That can help, sometimes we can have idea's on things to try and tweak to push through.

    Have you determined your TDEE and BMR and compared to what you're actually eating? Or did you pick a number and its been working?

    Good luck pushing through! it WILL happen
  • Hey Symbol,
    Sometimes plateaus just happen. I've been back to exercising for about four months myself and I made a lovely graph of my weight loss over that time and I found looking back that I just tend to get a small plateau every now and then, generally followed by a nice drop. Three weeks for a plateau is pretty normal. The main thing is to stick with what you have been doing and not give everything away because that is a sure way to put the weight back on - I've been there and done that!

    With your gym do they write out weight training programs for you every six or eight weeks or so if you ask for them? My gym does and it is fantastic in helping me feel motivated and gives me variety in the exercises that I am doing. Mixing it up keeps things fresh and does help with keeping your body working optimally.

    The other thing is that the closer you get to your goal weight the harder it becomes to shift that last few kilos. Hang in there and the weight will start dropping again.

  • rjmelton
    rjmelton Posts: 37 Member
    Just a tip that helped me push through was a cheat weekend. The wife and I had grandma babysit and we stayed the night in a hotel in another town and I forgot the diet for those 2 days. When we got home I went back to the diet and BAM! no more plateau.

    Now I still logged everything and went over both days by about 600 calories. The trip was not designed around the plateau but it sure did help!