How to avoid anorexia?



  • barbstav27
    Hotline free. Seriously. Call them.
    I'm going to call them if I start to go back to my old eating habits. Thank you so much for providing me with the number :smile:
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    Hotline free. Seriously. Call them.

    Please. Do. This. There was a lot of very good advice given. I hope you seriously consider seeking help, not "if" you go back to your old habits. Prevention like one of the other awesome posters stated. You've identified the problem. Now it's time to address it.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    Thank you to everyone who replied. I think for now I'm just going to see how things turn out without getting help first, since today was only my first day of my diet, and I was about to eat about 700 calories today, which is more than I'm used to. I'll try increasing it about 100 calories a week until I can get to a normal calorie intake, and see if I can maintain it from there. If it gets any worse I will seek whatever help I can get

    Eating (netting?) 700-800 calories is against MFP guidelines... because you need more than that starting now. Call the hotline. You need help, but you are in denial.
  • thesevolatiletimes
    thesevolatiletimes Posts: 59 Member
    The way to stop the cycle is simple - stop dieting. I struggle a lot with disordered eating, and I've come to find that attempting to diet always ends up triggering a relapse in Anorexia for me. Knowing how bad my physical and mental health can get during those relapses, I try to just avoid dieting all together. I really suggest you do the same. People with eating disorders (AN, BN, OSFED, BED, and such) tend to find themselves in relapses, when they try dieting.

    Focus on your health: nourish your mind and body with as many healthy foods as you can manage. It's okay that you're struggling with that right now, and try not to beat yourself up over the situation (or guilt yourself)! You cannot choose whether or not you have an eating disorder, which kind of sucks. What's cool though, is that you can choose to start pursuing recovery, and therefore also a healthy lifestyle.

    I won't give you the hotline number since it's already been posted on here, but do call! If you tell them that you cannot afford treatment, they'll help you to find more affordable treatment, and they'll let you know if there is anything free of charge in your area. ALSO, look for studies being done on those with ED's, as that's a way of receiving cheap/free treatment. It may be harder if you're not of majority yet, though. STILL, it's totally worth looking into!

    Feel free to shoot me a message if you need any support. I'm really proud of you for taking the energy to reach out, which I know from personal experience can be so gut wrenching! We're all here to support you in your journey to health, and I hope you start feeling better soon. <3

    PS. Throw out your scale, ASAP. Scales are useless.
  • barbstav27
    Thank you to everyone who replied. I think for now I'm just going to see how things turn out without getting help first, since today was only my first day of my diet, and I was about to eat about 700 calories today, which is more than I'm used to. I'll try increasing it about 100 calories a week until I can get to a normal calorie intake, and see if I can maintain it from there. If it gets any worse I will seek whatever help I can get

    Eating (netting?) 700-800 calories is against MFP guidelines... because you need more than that starting now. Call the hotline. You need help, but you are in denial.
    In no way am I going against MFP guidelines since I am not promoting anorexia. I'm seeking help for it. Nor am I in denial about anything since I am aware I have a problem, and I am aware that I need help, which is why I said I would call the hotline if I cannot fix myself on my own...
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    I am not going to tell you what to do, I have a similar issue and have been battling my eating disorder since I was 15. I havent beaten it but I have accepted it is part of who I am now and without having gone through it I would not be who I am today. I am fighting every day not to give into my urges, and that is really all I can advise for you: fight for each day, take it, it is yours!

    Feel free to message me if you want to talk.
  • ils_1231
    ils_1231 Posts: 249 Member
    Print out what you posted here.
    Call your doctor. Have a frank talk with them, and show them what you wrote here. It does NOT sound like you should be dieting. It sounds like you have an active eating disorder and need professional help. Not internet message board advice, PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE to manage your health and your body image.
    Please do that.

    Well I'm 5'6'' tall and I weigh 160 lbs. My doctor told me at my last physical I need to lose a little weight, but every time I try, my body decides to reject food. I dont want to burden my family financially by having to go see a doctor though

    regardless of what your GP says go to a therapist/mental health doctor. it doesn't matter if you are too skinny or too fat -- you have an unhealthy relationship with food. asking a forum how to avoid anorexia in a serious manner is not something taken lightly. i agree with the above poster. please seek help.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    YOU ADMIT TO EATING ONLY 700 CALORIES ON DAY ONE OF YOUR LATEST DIET!!!! Seek help since you are already exhibiting the behaviors you asked for help avoiding. You obviously cannot do this without help beyond what a message board can provide.

    I've noticed that you haven't opened up your diary. Something tells me that what we'd see is even more upsetting than your posts so far.

  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    Thank you to everyone who replied. I think for now I'm just going to see how things turn out without getting help first, since today was only my first day of my diet, and I was about to eat about 700 calories today, which is more than I'm used to. I'll try increasing it about 100 calories a week until I can get to a normal calorie intake, and see if I can maintain it from there. If it gets any worse I will seek whatever help I can get

    Eating (netting?) 700-800 calories is against MFP guidelines... because you need more than that starting now. Call the hotline. You need help, but you are in denial.
    In no way am I going against MFP guidelines since I am not promoting anorexia. I'm seeking help for it. Nor am I in denial about anything since I am aware I have a problem, and I am aware that I need help, which is why I said I would call the hotline if I cannot fix myself on my own...

    :flowerforyou: you are influencing others. People who just read and don't respond. It's not a good plan. Here read this. It has me on the right path:

    You said that you are seeking help for it yet you are not listening to the recommendation. Are you a troll??
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I think you're currently setting yourself up for failure because you're going into this with a mind set of self-hate. Thus turns unto restriction, control, and never being good enough.

    You also seem to be exhibiting black and white thinking (you can eat whatever you want when not counting but once in control you HAVE TO RESTRICT!).

    Unfortunately as others have said until you seek some kind of self discovery and journey to change your current perspective this is going to be a recurring problem.

    I'm not going to judge but generally these thought patterns are apparent in numerous aspects of people's lives. If not only for this situation it would definitely be beneficial to living an overall happier life.
  • skinnybearerika
    skinnybearerika Posts: 20 Member
    I'm a bit like you in the sense that when I get really excited about losing weight and see the numbers drop, i get extremely disappointed when they stop and will do anything to make them keep going down. Its a bit of an addiction and thats how you have to look at it.

    Personally, I start relapsing if i've skipped meals. I start feeling that "empty feeling" again and try to stay that way or start craving it. I find that it REALLY helps to keep other 1 or 2 days a maintenance day. Like MWSunday "diet". Other day's hit maintenance. And make sure you're doing that at LEAST 3 days. You're letting yourself eat food again. You'll find its also more fun this way. It will be much harder to get on that starvation train when you make sure not diet half the week :)

    Hope this helps and feel free to add me for support!
  • Iknewyouweretrouble
    Iknewyouweretrouble Posts: 561 Member
    I understand what you're saying. you start to diet and you go overboard. it sounds Iike process addiction, which happens in many things not just food. if you have process addiction dieting may not be for you. moderation/ integration is going to be your hardest task and it will probably require professional help- not from a doctor but from an addictions specialist. find some people who are great at integrating without extremes- people who go to the gym moderately and eat moderately. that may help facilitate this process. and of course there are some healthier people on here (some not). good luck.
  • Iknewyouweretrouble
    Iknewyouweretrouble Posts: 561 Member
    I'm a bit like you in the sense that when I get really excited about losing weight and see the numbers drop, i get extremely disappointed when they stop and will do anything to make them keep going down. Its a bit of an addiction and thats how you have to look at it.

    Personally, I start relapsing if i've skipped meals. I start feeling that "empty feeling" again and try to stay that way or start craving it. I find that it REALLY helps to keep other 1 or 2 days a maintenance day. Like MWSunday "diet". Other day's hit maintenance. And make sure you're doing that at LEAST 3 days. You're letting yourself eat food again. You'll find its also more fun this way. It will be much harder to get on that starvation train when you make sure not diet half the week :)

    Hope this helps and feel free to add me for support!
    interesting thought! I'm glad this works for you.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    Thank you to everyone who replied. I think for now I'm just going to see how things turn out without getting help first, since today was only my first day of my diet, and I was about to eat about 700 calories today, which is more than I'm used to. I'll try increasing it about 100 calories a week until I can get to a normal calorie intake, and see if I can maintain it from there. If it gets any worse I will seek whatever help I can get

    Eating (netting?) 700-800 calories is against MFP guidelines... because you need more than that starting now. Call the hotline. You need help, but you are in denial.
    In no way am I going against MFP guidelines since I am not promoting anorexia. I'm seeking help for it. Nor am I in denial about anything since I am aware I have a problem, and I am aware that I need help, which is why I said I would call the hotline if I cannot fix myself on my own...

    In the first post you established that you're not able to fix this on your own. You need to seek professional help today. And you need to see someone who specialises in eating disorders. You should not be dieting at all. Please, please ring the helpline. For your own future self's benefit. One day you will wish you didn't leave it so late. You deserve to live your life and not be a slave to anorexia. Go safe xx
  • teeya1984
    teeya1984 Posts: 33 Member
    I do the exact same thing...I have no idea what all the other replies said so I'm sorry if this echoes previous posts.

    I surround myself with healthy minded not seek out other ppl with eating disorders, don't compare your journal to others, don't google tips and tricks...nothing.

    Write down your goals and why you wanna live a healthy lifestyle and post it wherever you will see it the most.

    Remind yourself often that a healthy lifestyle change can be forever....anorexia cannot. You either die or fall back into bad eating habits.

    Don't be extreme. Make little changes - not huge ones like going from 2000 calories a day to 200. That way your weight won't plummet and you won't be tempted by restricting.

    Remember the ugly side of an eating disorder. Being thin due to starvation is fun for such a small period of time...then you get to deal with a messed up metabolism, thin brittle hair and nails, lethargy, depression etc etc. AND you don't get to enjoy food.

    I hope I could help a bit. Good luck. I know it's hard, but I hope some things that work for me, work for you ox
  • teeya1984
    teeya1984 Posts: 33 Member
    Aw I just read some of the previous posts. I understand you aren't promoting an eating disorder and TONS of people end up where you end up. I hope you work it out and find a lifestyle you can be happy and healthy with!

  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Thank you to everyone who replied. I think for now I'm just going to see how things turn out without getting help first, since today was only my first day of my diet, and I was about to eat about 700 calories today, which is more than I'm used to. I'll try increasing it about 100 calories a week until I can get to a normal calorie intake, and see if I can maintain it from there. If it gets any worse I will seek whatever help I can get
    Good. Just be honest with yourself if you do get stuck, and call the number.

    Best of luck to you <3
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Simple answer to a simple question

    how to avoid anorexia?

    eat food. eat enough food to meet your daily needs.


    if you have an unhealthy relationship with food and are incapable of doing this- you need to seek help. Plain and simple- there is no more discussion past this.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    My family doesnt have the money to go see a doctor or eating disorder specialist or anything like that :cry:
    They may offer some kind of reduced fee if you meet certain criteria or a payment plan. That's something you can at least look into while you try doing it without the professional help.
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    Print out what you posted here.
    Call your doctor. Have a frank talk with them, and show them what you wrote here. It does NOT sound like you should be dieting. It sounds like you have an active eating disorder and need professional help. Not internet message board advice, PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE to manage your health and your body image.
    Please do that.

    Well I'm 5'6'' tall and I weigh 160 lbs. My doctor told me at my last physical I need to lose a little weight, but every time I try, my body decides to reject food. I dont want to burden my family financially by having to go see a doctor though

    Would you rather burden them financially w/ bills from a doctor / nutritionist helping you to be HEALTHY & live well, or burden them with funeral costs? I do not say this to be cruel, just frank. I am a recovering Type II Bulimic (restrictive/over-exertive). If you continue to do this to your body, you WILL kill yourself.

    At 5'6" & 160lbs you are only about 6lbs outside of a normal BMI. You should not need to restrict very much at all to drop such a small amount, & should only be looking to drop .5lbs/week or less. But, & this is VERY important - you need to do so under the careful monitoring of a therapist & doctor / nutritionist. You are not currently in a mindset to do this safely on your own, & I think you know that. You will need to work on your body image & your relationship with food before you can even consider attempting weightloss.

    This will be hard, but it can save your life.