Help! I've fallen and can't get up!

I got off track about a week ago. I was doing really well for about 5 weeks, not dropping many pounds, but the numbers were going down slowly. I was exercising daily and logging everything I ate. Then about 10 days ago, my schedule got crazy, I stopped logging and my exercise plan went out the window! Starting this last weekend, I had no excuses. Life had gotten pretty much back to normal, but I can't get back on track. I am eating thing I shouldn't be and just don't want to log. I can't make myself get on the treadmill and certainly haven't made it to the Y. Maybe it's the cold weather??? Have any of you fell into a slump and how did you get out???


  • DP325i
    DP325i Posts: 677 Member
    I fell into a slump for about 4 months, pizza hut every night, playing video games all day,,,, realy all that you can do to get back on track is want it enough. I know it sounds crass, but its the truth, picture the body you want, and commit to achieving it. What worked for me is building up a certain level of disgust with myself. I avoided mirrors at all cost, and if I did need to look at one, I did not under any circumstance look down at my body.

    Just want it enough!!
  • Drkchyld
    Drkchyld Posts: 63 Member
    I fell into a slump for about 4 months, pizza hut every night, playing video games all day,,,, realy all that you can do to get back on track is want it enough. I know it sounds crass, but its the truth, picture the body you want, and commit to achieving it. What worked for me is building up a certain level of disgust with myself. I avoided mirrors at all cost, and if I did need to look at one, I did not under any circumstance look down at my body.

    Just want it enough!!

    I totally agree! I've fallen off for the last 6-7 months from getting married and some unfortunate events. And I get tired of feeling fat and looking in the mirror and not being happy with what I see. So in between my crazy schedule i try and get a workout in about 2 times a week. No matter how big or small. One day at the gym, a walk around the corner, dancing, or a dvd. Yes its hard to get back once you stop but dont give up KEEP GOING!!!!
  • I've been there....I go back and forth with dieting and exercise. What helps me is finding a workout buddy....when you are lacking motivation they are there to get your butt into gear :)
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    Slumps are totally normal! I'm actually pulling myself out of one myself.
    Think about what got you motivated in the first place. Post it RIGHT HERE for the world to see.
    Next, think of tricks that will help you get unstuck, like… plan out your meals (possibly even pre-log them) for the next day and promise yourself you'll stick to it for THAT day (and if you are successful, repeat!), print a couple new healthy recipes that you'd like to try, make a healthy (er) grocery list for your next shopping trip and stick to it, pack your gym bag and put it in your vehicle right now, if you do go to the Y, do anything BUT the dreadmill just for the fun of it (like do a body pump or spin class), download some new workout music, ask your friends for a little help/motivation (the support of friends work wonders)…
    I hope some of these suggestions give you some ideas on how to break out of your funk!
  • Hello Im Julia New to this Im am starting on Skinny Fiber next week just waiting to get my pills in that O ordered... Im doint likgt exercise to start WATP for 40 mins a day and riding my bike... GLad to be here
  • Hi Wendy, Life happens don't beat your self up with it we are human and sometimes life gets in the way. If your a mom like me married and just having to deal with life i feel is when I tend to slip too.. never to late hop on the horse and keep on going ..:)
  • Wow! you have done great!!! :)
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,866 Member
    If you can't be bothered to go to the gym, then have a look on youtube for thousands of exercise routines to get you going again. Fitness Blender do every type of exercise imaginable. There is also 30DS on there and many more. Even walking at home videos. Leslie Sansone is a good one for that. Maybe it is just a change from the old routine that you need. You could take a look and see if anything interests you.

    Leslie Sansone is great for getting me going. I promise myself I will just walk one or two miles, but once I get going I usually do about 5 miles. It is just the getting going that is the problem sometimes.

    Another good trick is to promise yourself just to put on your gym kit. Once it is on it is an easy progression to move to a Fitness Blender exercise or whatever you prefer. This may just get you back on track if you give it a go. Good luck.
  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    Nearly everybody hits slumps...we're human, not superhuman. :) I find, if I put on my gym clothes and tennis shoes right away that usually motivates me to get going. I also do quite a bit of self talking. It's hard to break a promise to yourself if you look yourself in the eye in the mirror and say it aloud. "I promise to follow my plan today."