4lbs in 2 Days!?

This is really discouraging :(

I missed one day of the gym Monday, and I weigh myself this morning to see the scale move 4lbs.

I didn't go on any crazy binge eating frenzy

I don't know or understand why this happned. Can anyone shed some light on this? I was SOOO close to finally being at 200lbs or even below it. Now back to the drawing board =/


  • JayBigelow
    JayBigelow Posts: 28 Member
    Try weighing yourself later on in the day. Weight is known to fluctuate, also when weighing always wear similar clothes you weighed yourself previously.
  • Or just weigh naked.
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    It's normal for your weight to fluctuate by a few pounds based on a lot of things--retaining water due to sodium intake, retaining water to help your muscles recover from a workout, where you are in your cycle, etc. Unless you ate an extra 14,000 calories this week, it's not fat! You gain a pound of fat by eating an extra 3500 calories.

    I'm right there with you in terms of being close to 200. I'm finally losing weight again after hitting a plateau for a few months (I realized the problem was inaccurate portion sizes and got a food scale). I was at 199 before the holidays, then gained a few pounds, and am now down to 203. Stick with it! You'll be there in the next week or two I bet!
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    It could be something as simple as water weight..... have you eaten more salt than normal lately? That will definitely hold the water weight on you....
  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    Your body weight fluctuates naturally and can do so by quite a bit. I have seen my waver by a few pounds over the course of a week without making any changes to my diet/exercise routine.

    One thing to consider is water. Hydration levels can really affect your weight. You will actually gain a pound or two over the course of the day as you drink water. This is ok. This is good, actually. You need to stay hydrated, so don't worry about a few pounds.

    Also, menstrual cycles can affect weight. You start to retain more water. I have seen my weight fluctuate by as much as 6 pounds the week I have my period.

    In the grand scheme of things, a four pound fluctuation isn't a huge deal. Just stick with a healthy diet (including lots of water) and exercise and know that it's normal.
  • Your weight naturally fluctuates day to day, even hour to hour. I highly doubt you actually gained 4 lbs. Relax. Some people suggest you shouldn't weigh yourself daily, especially if you can't handle seeing the numbers fluctuate--because they will.
  • weewdy
    weewdy Posts: 39
    You have not put on 4lbs of fat in 2 days so its most likely water retention. Have you been drinking the same amount of water? Also your weight fluctuates. You will likely lose it all next week. Dont be discouraged.
  • KrystalHocevar
    KrystalHocevar Posts: 24 Member
    Also make sure you are drinking plenty of water! I find if I go a day with not having much then my body holds on to more it reflects in my weight on the scale. And I weigh myself in the nude so different clothes don't change my numbers. Don't let this set you back!
  • Thanks everyone. I feel better about it now. I hope its all water weight. I'm cutting dairy out for lent so maybe this well help too
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    If you're in it for the long haul, there will be lots of ups and downs - some due to water weight, some actual real gains. It's expected and normal!

    Here's my chart of my weekly weigh ins. Note there are frequent gains, but the overall trend is nicely downward. This is an old one, but covers over a year and a half.

  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Only weigh yourself naked - right after you get up & pee - once a month two days after your period ends.

    No seriously, Same time, same clothes, same day each month.

    Don't weigh yourself after you exercise. Muscles retain water to heal themselves so you will actually "gain" a couple of pounds.
    Don't weigh yourself after eating.... I just love what a couple of pounds of food will do to the scale....
    Don't weigh yourself during your TOM..... You know you will be at least 5 pounds heavier.

    The human body has been known to fluxuate as much as 5 pounds in one day. Hide the scale and concentrate on the NSV- non scale victories... Inches you've lost around the waist, The clothes that fit better, Being able to jog for 1 minute instead of 15 seconds. That is so much more important than some number on the scale any day.
  • Only weigh yourself naked - right after you get up & pee - once a month two days after your period ends.

    No seriously, Same time, same clothes, same day each month.

    Don't weigh yourself after you exercise. Muscles retain water to heal themselves so you will actually "gain" a couple of pounds.
    Don't weigh yourself after eating.... I just love what a couple of pounds of food will do to the scale....
    Don't weigh yourself during your TOM..... You know you will be at least 5 pounds heavier.

    The human body has been known to fluxuate as much as 5 pounds in one day. Hide the scale and concentrate on the NSV- non scale victories... Inches you've lost around the waist, The clothes that fit better, Being able to jog for 1 minute instead of 15 seconds. That is so much more important than some number on the scale any day.

    I love this! It so hard for me to not weigh myself almost everyday. I've never been this close to where I want to be before so its this mental block I have. This is the first time I'm honestly doing this the RIGHT way and seeing results. I'll have to ween myself off the scale
  • TammyW18
    TammyW18 Posts: 244 Member
    weigh naked first thing in the morning... you probably have some water weight going on there... I see our diary is not viewable...but keep an eye on your sodium intake, perhaps?
  • alycleveland
    alycleveland Posts: 1 Member
    This is gross but I gain about 7 lbs right before my period.....and immediately drop it the day I start... Do you think its hormone related?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    it's water or poop. don't freak out. :)
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    This is gross but I gain about 7 lbs right before my period.....and immediately drop it the day I start... Do you think its hormone related?
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 877 Member
    Also, how is your blood pressure? Make sure that you aren't seeing any signs of hypertension. Water weight does fluctuate and is normal (especially among pre-menopausal women) and for many other reasons. Sodium levels. Potassium. Etc. Just make sure that water-weight gain is the problem and not a symptom of something else. If this only happens once or occasionally. I wouldn't worry about it, but if you see additional gains like this, check it out.
  • nomad1000
    nomad1000 Posts: 206 Member
    it's water or poop. don't freak out. :)

    Exactly this.

    And not to be too graphic but my husband who had been even on his weight loss for the last 2 weeks and lost 1.4 lbs this morning...by pooping.

    I personally weigh myself daily but I am trying to get a handle on what exercise and what I eat are doing to my system. I know there will be ups and downs but as long as the overall trend is down, I am good.
  • Kargicq
    Kargicq Posts: 72 Member
    Log everything in an app which smoothes the data (separates out the fluctuations from the main trend). There are a few out there, but I use Libra for Android...
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Hey, I gain up to 25 pounds randomly each month over about a week and then drop it after another week and a half. I wish I was only seeing 4lbs change ;)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    High sodium intake and high carb intake can wreak havoc on a weigh-in as well. I can be up 2-3 pounds easy after pizza night!