25 Things You Should Know About Sugar

eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
Just a sample from the article:

"2 Sugar Makes You Fat

No. Excess calories make you fat, not any one particular food or nutrient. Add excess calories and insufficient exercise, and you have a recipe for an overweight nation. Sugar is not uniquely fattening, nor does it cause more belly fat than any other food. Eating more calories than you burn is what increases body fat.

a) “Increased energy intake appears to be more than sufficient to explain weight gain in the US population.”


b) “There are several studies showing that high-sugar diets do not impair weight loss in the context of a low-calorie diet (32, 33), once again confirming the primacy of calorie intake in weight loss.”


c) “Among free living people involving ad libitum diets, intake of free sugars or sugar sweetened beverages is a determinant of body weight. The change in body fatness that occurs with modifying intakes seems to be mediated via changes in energy intakes, since isoenergetic exchange of sugars with other carbohydrates was not associated with weight change.”

http://www.bmj.com/content/346/bmj.e7492 "


  • Sundancer128
    is this any type of sugar? or primarily added sugars like cane, cornsyrup, etc?
    I find natural zero calorie sweetners and honey and fruit great!
    example: larabars and their simplicity versus cliff bars with their added ingredients