so frustrated about my weightloss?

Okay so I have mananged to go from 154 pounds to 124 pounds since october 2013. I worked out using Jillian Michaels dvds and ate healthier.My breakfast would consist of cereal and 2% milk (Go lean crisp, special k , cheerios) with coffee with milk and honey and lunch would be a egg omellete with some onions and tomatoes on 2 slices of brown breads and dinner would be spiced lentil.curry with brown rice or some fish with a healthy carb (brown pasta) and for snack Inwould have either almonds , figs, chobaninyogurt , larabars or fruits. In the past two monthsnInhave realized i need toneat more becuz im getting irratable losing my period and always cold and my hair is thinning. I have strted adding some extra calories such as a higher calorie.bread and some cheese on my omellete but one of my friends told me once I start eatinf regularly Im gonna gain ALL TGE WEIGHT BACK BECUZ I HAVE BEEN SO UN HEALTHY AND MY BODY.IS STARVING. I feel so frustrated and plus even after losing all this weight instill dont have a flat stomach and have lost alot from.upper body ( horrible for woman) what should I do now? Im 5'6 and MFP has me on 1200;calories a day. Will i.gain all my lost weight back when i start eating a little bit of ice cream ? :-( Indont wanna be on a diet my whole life i wanna have balances eating ! :-( Idk wht to do. Plus inhave strted taking vitamins


  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Go for a physical exam with your doctor that includes blood work. See a nutritionist if you need help. You can eat healthy and feel healthy without being hungry or rundown. Maybe something is off kilter in your body (ie, periods)or maybe you are not eating enough or the right things to nourish your body. You should feel like a million dollars and you will as soon as you figure it out. Good luck :)
  • vvendy_darling
    are you asking us if you're frustrated or telling us?
  • ccmiller89
    All you need to do is re-work your calories! I have a large coffee every morning from McDonalds with 3 creams. I also have 3/4 cup of Kellogs Fruit and yogurt cereal with 1/2 cup of skim milk. I notice you are using 2%...make the will not regret it or notice it taste any different! By making small changes like this (cut the milk and honey out of your routine too) you will save enough calories to have that ice cream. Maintaining a certain weight or looking a certain way is a lifestyle change. You shouldn't be worried about gaining weight. Live. Eat healthy...and it IS ok to splurge every now and then...just do it...and then get back on the wagon! Trust me. I am a mother of 4 boys in my early 40s and I work full time. I have done every weight thing you can imagine. The key is eating healthy, watching what you eat, and exercising. Try to focus more on how you feel than how you look. I enjoy doing 5ks either running, jogging or walking them...I also enjoy T25 (Beachbody). I constantly switch up my exercise so that it is fun. I put on ipod with all my favorite music and do kettlebell videos, biggest loser videos, walk on the treadmill uphill with weights, ride my bike or do T25. Make it fun. I look forward to my workouts because it is my alone time! Even if I have to wait until all the kids are in bed it is worth every second! Do I skip workouts? Sure I do. But then I go back the next day. Do I eat out with my friends and eat more than I should? Sure I do. But I get back on the calorie counting the next day. My point is - live. Good luck!
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    Yes, the symptoms you have listed are signs that you are under eating. No, it is not healthy or sustainable. Yes, you need to increase your daily caloric intake. Yes, you will gain back *some* weight. Your muscle reserve is depleted. No, what you regain is not all fat (only a portion is).

    Start here:

    To reset your metabolism, which is almost certainly severely lowered, you need to eat at maintenance for a MINIMUM of 8wks, or until you stop gaining weight for at least 2wks. Then, & only then, you can take a cut of no more than TDEE-20% (15% is recommended). Do not net below your BMR. Ever.
  • Alassonde
    Alassonde Posts: 228 Member
    I would suggest seeing a doctor. Some of your symptoms could be something else, like a thyroid problem. My sister has thyroid problems and has the hair falling out, cold all the time.....a doctor would at least be able to rule that out and determine if it really is your diet that is causing the problem.
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    Also, the frustration you described with the way your body looks is commonly referred to as "skinny fat" - basically, you have no muscle tone (largely due to your VLCD eating away at lean muscle mass). Both your starting weight & current weight are in the normal BMI range - therefore *weight* may not be the problem at all! Decrease or stop cardio, add strength &/or resistance training with weights & isometric exercises. This will NOT "bulk you up" - it will tighten your body & help boost your metabolism.
  • minaz101
    minaz101 Posts: 13
    How much will i gain back? :-(
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,298 Member
    Please try to relax. You seem to be in the at the low to middle of the advised range. As near perfect as it probably gets. People who have not learned anything as they lost the weight you have will put it all back on and some. But as someone who knows where they were too relaxed about what they ate you will have you eyes open to the downfalls/traps. If the people who were giving you the "Gipsy" warning are people who go out and eat for the sake of eating then may be don't keep their company too often, because they will help you make it a self fulfilling prophesy. Take a look at what you would be advised to have to maintain as you are increasing to this by increments or 100 calories under for a few weeks will give you a different view. Life will be good. This will give you the opportunity to regain the muscle you may have lost if the weight has come off a little faster than advised.

    Take advantage of your youth, live life to the full and eat what is needed to do this, no more no less, achieve the right balance over a day, a few days or a week or more. Your new vitality will bring you into contact with different people who will probably add more to your life than the take away. Be brave embrace the what you have achieved.

    Feel comfortable with yourself. LIVE Happy and healthily. LIVE WELL
  • jillyrobb
    jillyrobb Posts: 36 Member
    Assuming you're accurately reporting your diet, it sounds like you're eating a good variety of very healthy foods, and 1200 calories won't cause malnourishment in a 5'6" woman. You might occasionally feel weak or tired if your blood sugar drops between meals, but a snack would bring you back to feeling good right away. You'd have to eat far less than that for a long time to cause your hair to fall out. Something else must be causing the symptoms you describe.

    If you're not happy with the way you look, that's a different story. As others have said, you should look into lifting weights to tone up and increase your metabolism. The numbers on the scale may creep up a bit as you build muscle, but if you avoid panicking and keep eating enough protein to build those long, lean muscles, you'll ultimately be happier with your look.

    But again, if you're really eating 1200 calories *net*, after factoring in exercise calories, and you still have all those symptoms, you should see your doctor right away--before you do anything else. You're certainly not verging on anorexia if you're really eating as well as you describe, especially since your BMI is in the "healthy" range. Your doctor should do blood tests and see if there's something else causing your symptoms.