When to notice visible results?

When to notice visible results? How long ?
I'm a female. 160 pounds. 5 feet and 5 inches tall. My goal weight is 145 pounds. Lose fat and tone up.

I've been working-out since January but I only managed to workout 7 times the whole month lol. 30 min/ day.
Cardio: elliptical and treadmill
I attended a Zumba class...it was crazy lol. Can't walk for almost a week.
Calorie count? I didn't care during this month so nevermind.
included strength training for the back, biceps and abs...mostly for back and biceps. I felt stiffness in my biceps during this month, nothing drastic.

February, I started working-out everyday(almost).
>>5 days a week. 75 min/day Cardio(Interval).
>>treadmill(sometimes w/ incline)
Diet: somewhat healthy(lean meats,I love veggies but I eat too much rice), some chips(5 pieces a day lol), no soda. I don't like sodas at all. candies...candies...when I say candy, those gummy bears. I dont like chocolates. I stopped eating candies since the 2nd week of February, so it's all good now. I eat small meals btw, so I don't feel hungry too often.

I also added add'l strength training sessions...15 min. after the 75 min. cardio.
>>abs (Not too heavy-for as long as I can; Heavy enough-2 sets, 15 reps)
>>biceps(Not too heavy-4 sets, 10 reps; Heavy enough-2 sets, 10 reps)
>>back (Not too heavy-for as long as I can)
>>inner thighs(Not too heavy-for as long as I can, Heavy enough-2 sets, 10 reps)
>>outer thighs(Not too heavy-for as long as I can, Heavy enough-2 sets, 10 reps)
I was 156 pounds in the beginning and now I'm 160. Measurements? I see nothing. All I(and others) see is my face got slimmer. I look weird coz my face was already slim compared to the rest of my body, but nevermind, doesn't really matter right now. I also noticed that my arms have no visible cellulite anymore, still sluggish though. Felt stronger overall. But then again, when it comes to measurements, same old inches around my thighs/biceps/trunk, etc. lol :laugh:

March, I'll probably stick to the 5 days a week routine and continue to build strength and add weights if necessary. :wink:


  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    Don't email that person.

    That is all I can help you with.

    Good luck!

    My advice, I guess would be consistency. The clock starts over for me each time I am inconsistent, with my workout, my diet, ect. I usually see results in 6-8 weeks when I have stayed on program.
  • cwannabee
    cwannabee Posts: 23 Member
    I read somewhere (for the life of me I can't remember the article...thinking Runner's World) that it can take up to six weeks to see change from a new exercise program and/or diet. Just stick with what you are doing eating healthy in an appropriate calorie range and exercising regularly (shoot for 30 minutes 3 to 5 time each week, minimum, depending on what your schedule allows). You will see change. One day you'll put on a shirt and think, "hey this fits a little looser" or you'll find yourself constantly pulling up a pair of pants that used to never wiggle around. If it helps take pictures to compare. Once again, just stick with it....that's the hard part.
  • cpusmc
    cpusmc Posts: 122
    My experience was 90 days of consistent diet and exercise success before I started to see results. Its often harder for us to notice as we see ourselves daily, others see changes first. Use how your clothes fit as a guide. If the waist in my pants are loose my diet is solid, if my pants are tight at waist then i am off and need to modify the diet or increase exercise. I almost never use a scale, just how the clothes fit and a tape measure to determine bf%, weight is a secondary measurement.

    If you can stay consistent with the Feb workout and really work hard on the diet piece as that is 90% of the challenge, you should see the results you are seeking. only other note from what you posted might be to increase the strength training to 1 hr and then do 30 min of either steady state cardio or hiit training to increase the muscle mass and place you in a fat-burning state for a longer period of time. good luck...
  • Coltsatc
    Coltsatc Posts: 36
    I've been at it for 3 weeks and I don't really notice any visible results, but I did notice yesterday that I had to tighten my belt one notch!
  • kjill2121
    kjill2121 Posts: 3 Member
    Lol I just started here when I created this thread. Guess what, I've lost 5 pounds now...I think I was still over-eating months ago that's why my weight was a constant 160...After using MFP I realized that my calorie intake months ago was still too much even if I already cut it down...I've been tracking everything since the day I created this thread and I actually lost 2 pounds at the end of the 1st week lol...Thanks for the responses :drinker: