Losing what I regained.

Hello! I have been quietly viewing these message boards the past moth since I joined MFP and thought I would finally introduce myself. My name is Cris. I lost 175 pounds about 5 years ago but regained about 58. I have maintained that weight for the last few years. I thought it was time to do something about it and re-lose what I gained plus some! I recently went vegetarian and started seeing an RD. I have lost 15 pounds so far! I love this site. It keeps me accountable and these boards give me valuable info and motivation. Hope to see you guys around!



  • Thawks51
    Thawks51 Posts: 1
    Way to go Cris! I also am back to MFP. I lost 25#s last year and since Oct. have put almost all of it back on. I want to get that off and keep losing 25#s more......such a struggle but know staying with MFP will help.
  • diana_marie8302
    diana_marie8302 Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome! I lost about 45 pounds but wasn't quite to my goal when I slowly started putting about 30-35 pounds of what I loss back on. And now I'm really struggling so kudos to you and good luck! Sounds like things are working out for you so that's awesome!!! :)
  • Betty_Rubble
    Betty_Rubble Posts: 117 Member
    I'm Kelly. In 2005 I started losing weight, and after 18 months (and a lot of hard work!) I had lost about 75-80 pounds. I kept it off until late 2012, and have gained back about 35 pounds. I'm not sure it is even realistic now to try for the same weight and size I was then, but I'd like to lose another 16 pounds to be at my goal weight of 137. MFP helps me a ton!
  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    Two years ago I had lost nearly 40 lbs, and was within reach of my goal, had some nice new tiny clothes, even lost my mind and bought a bikini!

    Then I met this wonderful Welshman who cooks for me (kick-*kitten* fish and chips) and we started brewing our own ales...

    I gained back 20.

    So here we go again. But since I've done it before, I know how to do it again. I know what works. I will wear that bikini.
  • SarahLeeLean
    SarahLeeLean Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Cris!

    Welcome to the boards! I am in a very similar situation as you, but a wee bit behind in terms of current progress :embarassed: Two years ago I lost about 30 pounds (over the course of two years) but since hitting my goal weight I've slowly gained *almost* all of it back. I recently weighed myself after being in denial for quite a while, and upon realizing that I was 3 pounds away from my highest weight ever, I've decided that now is the time to refocus and not allow myself to reach that weight again. I think that we have a lot going for us this time around, like the memory of how great it felt to reach our goals before, and having the knowledge that if we did it then, we can do it again! Also, I think realizing what we did right and wrong the last time around will help us this time around. Keep up the good work!

  • anickap
    anickap Posts: 1
    Hello Everyone :) My name is Anicka and I live in Sunny Los Angeles California.

    I had a baby 2.5 years ago and then I got real happy just being fat. Not really! I could not fit any clothes and I didn't have money to buy big girl clothes and then I recently reconnected with a friend from before I was pregnant and fat and thus our meeting kick started the reason I decided it was time to lose the 80 pounds.

    Since getting serious about losing weight (Jan 21, 2014) I have lost 19lbs. I work out for an hour each morning 6 days a week and I am drinking HerbaLife weight management shakes to help me lose the weight.

    So far so good!!!

    Would love to have some MFP friends so we can keep each other motivated
  • St3veDurb1n
    St3veDurb1n Posts: 22 Member
    good for u i lost 4 stone about a year & a half ago ive put some back on so im back at it again