When do you start buying new clothes?



  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    I was told to go buy clothing 1 and half years ago. I have tried to look at Men's fashion magazines for guidance on what to wear. I think I do look better.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    When my pants literally fall off. I don't like belts.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    Honestly ? LOLOLOL I bought new clothes when my old ones fell off me one day !! I was walking up the stairs carrying laundry and my pants dropped to my knees ! Luckily hubby was walking up behind me so no one else saw !
  • ihadabadidea
    ihadabadidea Posts: 50 Member
    At this rate, about twice a season. When I shifted back to pants last fall, I found I had to replace all my current pairs because they would barely stay on with a belt. Now those new pants are too loose. It looks like I'll be doing the same thing with shorts this year.

    Shirts can vary a lot by cut, so I've gradually rotated from larger cut standard sizes to tighter shirts (i.e. skater t-shirts, slim fit) and then down to the next size. I only buy shorts with draw string waists so they fit a wide range of sizes, and I try to buy jeans and pants at thrift stores.

    My wife stayed in the same size clothes for 40 lbs. or so of weight loss, but since then has had to shift down a size every 3 months or so. She used to get most of her clothing at thrift stores, but since she went from plus to regular sizes, she's getting a lot more clearance stuff at Target or through sales on Amazon.
  • frangrann
    frangrann Posts: 219 Member
    Probably wiat til you are close to your goal weight. That being said: Jeans were on sale at Old Navy for $15 or check out the Clearance at Kohls. ( I love shopping!)

    I have lost and re-gained weight so many times that I have an assortment of different sized pants! Some usually fit. :)
  • lookin08902
    lookin08902 Posts: 12 Member
    This is awesome. Yeah, I've only lost 5 lbs so can't say anything's really falling off me, and I definitely do hope it's not all water weight!

    I do like seeing myself using the smaller and smaller holes though on my belt.

    I only ever wear pants, never dresses, which is why I feel it more I guess.

    Thanks for the answers everyone!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    At this rate, about twice a season. When I shifted back to pants last fall, I found I had to replace all my current pairs because they would barely stay on with a belt. Now those new pants are too loose. It looks like I'll be doing the same thing with shorts this year.

    Shirts can vary a lot by cut, so I've gradually rotated from larger cut standard sizes to tighter shirts (i.e. skater t-shirts, slim fit) and then down to the next size. I only buy shorts with draw string waists so they fit a wide range of sizes, and I try to buy jeans and pants at thrift stores.

    My wife stayed in the same size clothes for 40 lbs. or so of weight loss, but since then has had to shift down a size every 3 months or so. She used to get most of her clothing at thrift stores, but since she went from plus to regular sizes, she's getting a lot more clearance stuff at Target or through sales on Amazon.

    True story.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Thrift stores when I can - although since I am still a plus size, I find the selection leaves a lot to be desired. could just be the way it is in my area. You also have to go often - sometimes you'll find lots of things, sometimes you'll find nothing at all. This winter, I did buy a lot of new clothes - I figured the winter lasts longer, so I'll at least get a fair bit of wear out of the clothes. Hopefully, I will have to do the same next winter. For summer, I buy more dresses - for some reason, they seem to fit better/last longer. I will likely have to buy some new things this year although i think I bought some capris at the end of the season last year so they should be ok, but hopefully a bit loose, for this summer. I have a harder time spending $$ on new clothes for summer because it's just such a short period of time. Especially from the looks of this year. Pretty sure we will still have snow on the ground by the end of April! I also find I put more thought into the purchases - ie what do I have in my closet to go with this, how many outfits can I put together with this and other items in my closet, so I have less clothing, but just as many options.
  • sunnyhlw77
    sunnyhlw77 Posts: 204 Member
    I just buy in bits and pieces, I start with one pairs of pants and a couple tops, something to get me through to the next size down. I would also sometimes buy a size smaller as a "motivation" and try them on every couple weeks until they fit.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    I bought a short, fitted, shortER sleevee blazer in MY COLOR at 20% off at JCPenney. Because of it's cut, I know it will fit me for a long time. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have purchased it. Because like many of you I imagine, I have CLOSETS of small sized clothing that I can shop in.

    I can't wait to take all of my fat clothing to the resale store and shake my fist at the heavens and declare in my Scarlet O'Hara accent "With God as my witness, I'll never be chubby again!"
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I understand not everyone can but I buy new cloths when I change sizes.

    There is no way I am going to run around in this new bod and look frumpy in cloths that are too big and make me look fat.

    That's the fun of this journey...every season new cloths.
  • threefancy
    threefancy Posts: 93 Member
    If you work in a professional office setting, always wear clothes that fit well. Wearing loose, baggy, too tight or worn clothing reflects poorly on you, even if you are otherwise competent at your job.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I wait for the tax refund to arrive. Alternatively, my MIL clothes shops for me because she gets off on spending money.
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    I've bought a few new things for myself (Salvation Army/Goodwill, as well as clearance racks), but I also have gained a lot of my "thin-spirational" wardrobe from my best friend, who had dropped nearly 100 pounds over the past couple of years (and had gotten clothes from another friend). As I "undergrow" clothes, I pass them on to my sister-in-law and another friend. It helps everyone out by continuing on the journey of not having to pay outright for new clothes, as well as having an incentive to keep losing the weight! :)

    Once I hit goal weight - I'm getting a whole new wardrobe!
  • bermudamel
    bermudamel Posts: 212
    I hold out as long as I can then I hit the goodwill/salvation army to get a few smaller pieces to hold me over! i'm not done yet so I try to stick to mostly workout stuff (what I wear most after my work clothes) and pad it out w/a few key items. I also hit an Old Navy outlet sale and scored some cute tees I can wear for a while!
  • crazyminxx
    crazyminxx Posts: 13 Member
    Buy yourself "new" clothes even if they are 2nd hand and get rid of your larger clothes, this way there is no turning back. You will feel so much better!
  • rachrach7595
    rachrach7595 Posts: 151 Member
    I have been picking up jeans at the second hand stores/ op shops as I already dropped a full dress size. I had kept clothes when I was around another 10kgs lighter in my wardrobe so I am set for that. After that I think I will just pick up some bits and pieces as I need them. Kmart and Target etc etc are great go to places for cheap tops that are good for every day and they have work out gear.

    The reality is I will never be able to go out and spend a whole heap of money all at once on a new "new" wardrobe... so its really going to come in dribs and drabs on and "as needed" basis.