Just putting it out there

I am 40 years old, and unhappily overweight. I have all of the best intentions, I read and read and make plans and even have a membership to a gym (although I haven't been in 4 months). I want to be healthy, the number on the scale doesn't mean as much as feeling good about myself and being comfortable in my own skin.

My issue, I am so afraid to fail, so afraid of trying and it not working that I sabotage myself on a regular basis. Chips and condiments and beer, I love them and can convince myself that it is my right to eat these things often.

I have made an appointment for tomorrow at the gym to start again. I just hope that something clicks and I can make a real effort this time!


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    There's no reason you can't enjoy chips and beer, just work them into your calories.

    Remember, this is a lifestyle change and there's no need to give up the things your enjoy. Set your goal to lose 0.5 or 1 lb per week and you'll have a sustainable calorie goal which allows you to enjoy the foods you love.

    Good luck in reaching your goals.
  • Grankakes
    Grankakes Posts: 128 Member
    i'm not a patient person. I want to see results immediately. so I don't start watching what I eat because I know i'll just quit in a couple of weeks because I don't see any results. but I've got to get this weight off. by beautiful grandchildren need a fun Grankakes!
  • staceybeee
    staceybeee Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement, I just changed my goals from 2lbs a week to 1, my calorie allowance went up over 300 calories! This feels like a much easier goal to strive for. I just have to remember, slow and steady wins the race.

    Patience is not my strong suit either but something I will be working on as well :)
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Start with a small attainable goal and build from that. I'm sure that your confidence about the whole situation will start to improve as you begin accomplishing your goals...no matter how small they are.