College students?

Im new to this site, but I already find it really useful! I'm 19 and 171 pounds and I want to get down to 150 for the summer. I've always been a little overweight and I've tried dieting, but I feel like I always start over. I really want to follow trough with this! I go to the gym 5 times a week (3 cardio day, 2 strength) and am keeping my calories between 1200-1350 pr day. I'm hoping to lose the weight by mid May, but it can be so hard when all you're friends want to go out for drinks and ordering pizza is so much faster than going to the grocery store (especially in the winter #canadianprobs). I am just really hoping to see success and support with this site and hopefully that will translate with results!


  • little_firebug
    little_firebug Posts: 22 Member
    Oh my gosh--I totally know how you feel! I am almost done with school but between that and my internship it is really hard to find time to cook and plan my meals. I'm trying to stick to 1200 calories a day too. I don't have trouble staying within that range if I cook but finding time to cook AND go to the gym is not making it easy. Tonight my friends ordered Chinese takeout and even though I ate super small portions, I'm now waaaay past my sodium intake for the day. haha
  • vivre17
    vivre17 Posts: 28
    I just remind myself that junk food is practically poison for my body. Having an intense mindset about it helps I guess? Sometimes it doesn't lol, but it's not everyday. Once in a while I'll succumb, but that's probably once a month, if even.
  • DP325i
    DP325i Posts: 677 Member
  • Hey girl, im 22 and I know exactly what your talking about. But I'm kinda worried... If your doing high intensity cardio that many times a week and keeping your calorie intake THAT low, your doing your body more harm than good. Your going to be slowing down your metabolism really bad. You'll probably see better results if you eat more than that many calories (say 1400+) but stick to lean proteins, fruits, veggies, no soda or highly processed foods, and lots of water

    Personally I've always added at least 300 to whatever MFP tells me, and I've dropped over 60 lbs in 1 year.

    Im not a nutritionist, but that's what has worked for me.
  • karenpio92
    karenpio92 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I´m a Computer Engineering student. I´m 21, 1.76 cm, 57 Kgs. I´ve been using this app for a yer and I´ve lost between 9 and 10 Kgs. I think this app really helps, mostly when you loose control and feel really anxious. Now I just use this for those days when I´m feeling out of control. This would really help you to know your portion sizes, and when you become familiar with that you will no longer need this apps (just as a reference XD).
    Is important not to get obsesed with calories and try to focus in the quality of your food, less procesed foods, more veggies and fruits, less meats. That´s the key, or at least that´s what worked for me. Now i´m eating mostly vegan during the week and it´s very difficult to gain weight again.
    My best wishes! Enjoy your food and the excercises ;)