Hi. My name is Bethany, and I am a food addict.



  • sadvegan
    sadvegan Posts: 9
    I am a food addict too. Though I'm on the smaller scale at 130lbs 5'1. I force exercise on myself normally after a binge. My normal weight is about 106lbs.. I yoyo like mad and I really wanna end my unhealthy relationship with food.
  • huneydrop
    huneydrop Posts: 84
    I disagree with the person above me....you don't want high fat!


    You should get at least 30% fat daily, but everything in moderation. You also need good carbs in your diet. The key is balance. These "fad" diets don't work for long, and people usually end up relapsing on them.

    If are keeping your carbs low fat is nothing to fear, this is very uniformed of you. It is also why I told the op to do their own research. I'm doing it ( as are MANY people) and I'm healthier now than before and 70% of my diet is fat. Dr and blood test verified. Oh and I'm also losing weight so tell me again how low carb/high fat is bad for you?????

    I've been eating on a 30% fat daily allowance, and I've lost a substantial amount. Mine is also Dr. and multiple tests approved. I posted the risks...It is not uninformed of me; I've been researching diets for a long time. I agree the OP needs to do their own research so she can decide for herself what is best.

    Lol that site is wrong on so many points it can't be taken seriously. Obviously written by someone with no clue about keto and just spewing the same old same old. A lot of keto sites will actually break it down and back it up, they are much better resources than just an article that backs up nothing it says. Even the one comment on the page calls it out as being bs.
  • LazyRunner_2212
    LazyRunner_2212 Posts: 299 Member
    There are online meetings you can watch and participate in at overeaters anonymous website. They also have a lot of good literature on their website and google. A lot f their suggestions help. They made their program based on alcoholic anonymous. Like you said before it's like a drug addition. But it's more than 'like' a drug addiction it is the exact same. Food releases similar chemicals in the brain that people have when additcted to drugs and alcohol. It's helped to to try and think of it like this. Addiction can manifest in many areas of peoples lives. Some people choose drugs and alcohol and others choose food and shopping. It's all the same. That instant gratification and then regret. It's like Dr Jekyll and mr Hyde.

    One huge thing that I read from there that has really helped is taking it "one day at a time" thinking in the mindset that "just for today" I won't overeat or over indulge. Or if I'm craving ice cream or something else I know I can't control myself with then I will say ok for the next hour I won't eat it and see if I still want it. Usually that helps and my mind stop obsessing on it and I don't eat it.

    Also I don't allow myself to get too hungry. I try to eat every 2 hours. I can't control myself when I'm too hungry.

    I also do NOT keep anything in my house I know I overeat. (Chips, snacks, candy, chocolate, even bagels)

    I've accepted I can't control myself.

    Hope this helps. Always looking for more friends and motivators. Add me.
    ^^ this
  • lmmathis86
    lmmathis86 Posts: 223 Member
    I'm with you 100% I love food to a point where i have to fight with my self to not eat unhealthy! It drives me crazy but i;m tired of being un happy with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck and feel free to add me if you want!
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    I disagree with the person above me....you don't want high fat!


    You should get at least 30% fat daily, but everything in moderation. You also need good carbs in your diet. The key is balance. These "fad" diets don't work for long, and people usually end up relapsing on them.

    If are keeping your carbs low fat is nothing to fear, this is very uniformed of you. It is also why I told the op to do their own research. I'm doing it ( as are MANY people) and I'm healthier now than before and 70% of my diet is fat. Dr and blood test verified. Oh and I'm also losing weight so tell me again how low carb/high fat is bad for you?????

    I've been eating on a 30% fat daily allowance, and I've lost a substantial amount. Mine is also Dr. and multiple tests approved. I posted the risks...It is not uninformed of me; I've been researching diets for a long time. I agree the OP needs to do their own research so she can decide for herself what is best.

    Lol that site is wrong on so many points it can't be taken seriously. Obviously written by someone with no clue about keto and just spewing the same old same old. A lot of keto sites will actually break it down and back it up, they are much better resources than just an article that backs up nothing it says. Even the one comment on the page calls it out as being bs.

    Again, I encourage the OP to do her own research. You and I obviously disagree, but the OP should know that there are multiple options out there and she should research them thoroughly.
  • huneydrop
    huneydrop Posts: 84
    I disagree with the person above me....you don't want high fat!


    You should get at least 30% fat daily, but everything in moderation. You also need good carbs in your diet. The key is balance. These "fad" diets don't work for long, and people usually end up relapsing on them.

    If are keeping your carbs low fat is nothing to fear, this is very uniformed of you. It is also why I told the op to do their own research. I'm doing it ( as are MANY people) and I'm healthier now than before and 70% of my diet is fat. Dr and blood test verified. Oh and I'm also losing weight so tell me again how low carb/high fat is bad for you?????

    I've been eating on a 30% fat daily allowance, and I've lost a substantial amount. Mine is also Dr. and multiple tests approved. I posted the risks...It is not uninformed of me; I've been researching diets for a long time. I agree the OP needs to do their own research so she can decide for herself what is best.

    Lol that site is wrong on so many points it can't be taken seriously. Obviously written by someone with no clue about keto and just spewing the same old same old. A lot of keto sites will actually break it down and back it up, they are much better resources than just an article that backs up nothing it says. Even the one comment on the page calls it out as being bs.

    Again, I encourage the OP to do her own research. You and I obviously disagree, but the OP should know that there are multiple options out there and she should research them thoroughly.

    We agree on that! ;)
  • comittobethin
    comittobethin Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you guys so much for your helpful tips and your kind words. It really is encouraging to know that I am not alone in this struggle. To the person who said "take it one day at a time", that is currently what I am trying. I know that I can do it, I just get lost in the enormity of it all. Hopefully, this time next year I will be writing about how I overcame my addiction and kicked some holiday *kitten*!
  • sparkleberries
    sparkleberries Posts: 19 Member
    bump 4 later
  • flabbybunker
    flabbybunker Posts: 57 Member
    Hey Bethany, Im a food addict also.

    I have the cravings also. I now eat carrotts and apples. Also I eat banannas and drink lots of water now. Adding Fruits and veggies and eating them when you get hungry will curb that hunger believe me . If you must eat, eat fruits and veggies when you get that craving :)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I disagree with the person above me....you don't want high fat!


    You should get at least 30% fat daily, but everything in moderation. You also need good carbs in your diet. The key is balance. These "fad" diets don't work for long, and people usually end up relapsing on them.

    If are keeping your carbs low fat is nothing to fear, this is very uniformed of you. It is also why I told the op to do their own research. I'm doing it ( as are MANY people) and I'm healthier now than before and 70% of my diet is fat. Dr and blood test verified. Oh and I'm also losing weight so tell me again how low carb/high fat is bad for you?????
    My way of eating is not a fad, it has been around as long as people have been counting calories - guess that's just a fad too.

    I would think that unnecessary restrictions would be horrible for a self-proclaimed food addict.