The day after leg day! Advice needed :)

Hi all,

Just looking for some advice on the best way to recover from a big gym session, usually two days after when I'm feeling most sore and stiff! :)

I'm trying some gentle running (or walking if its a very tough day) but just wondering if anyone had any recovery advice that has worked (protein immediately after workout etc).

I'm careful about stretching immediately after and the next day but still finding I want to curl up on the couch rather than keep going :)

C x


  • BigTireFlipper
    BigTireFlipper Posts: 116 Member
    Massage is an awesome way to recover. Can't afford a session? How about one of those foam rollers from walmart? I have a Rumble Roller and oh it hurts so good to break up the knots and tightness and get the muscle groups sliding over each other like they should. Search Youtube for some ideas. I also made a stiff roller from a 4" PVC pipe with a piece of yoga mat spray glued to it.
  • algwynt
    algwynt Posts: 76 Member
    warm up before workout then warm down with stretching this will help to avoid aches and pains.your body is full of lactise acid after exersise, this is what causes the pain, disperse it and you will not ache.happy days
  • GummyHuman
    GummyHuman Posts: 193 Member
    warm up before workout then warm down with stretching this will help to avoid aches and pains.your body is full of lactise acid after exersise, this is what causes the pain, disperse it and you will not ache.happy days

    Can't drinking lots of water help with that as well?
  • megaen29
    megaen29 Posts: 95 Member
    A protein shake will make a world of difference. I'm at the gym very regularly and when I don't have my protein I get so sore for several days. With the protein and I have no pain.
  • Lifelink
    Lifelink Posts: 193 Member
    Agreeing with what everyone is saying on here, so +1 to those that are being helpful.

    I want to add on that being stationary is the worst thing you can do to get rid of soreness. Your body needs that blood flow to get nutrients to your muscles, so some light cardio/walking/whatever floats-your-boat will help the soreness go away ten-fold as opposed to sitting around. Just go easy to avoid injury.

    Best wishes.
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    The best day to recover from leg day is another leg day!

    I'm serious. But don't over-do it just do a few sets at 60%.
  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    Lots of water before, during and after exercise

    Protein shake within 30 minutes after exercise (this works for me, although some don't see the benefit)

    Warm up and dynamic stretch before exercise

    Static stretch after exercise

    Gentle run (or walk) the day after leg day

    Pain reliever (I like Motrin) for particularly bad DOMS

    What everyone else said. Hand in there, over time it becomes less painful. If you haven't been exercising much and just started, it might take you a few weeks or month to get over the worst of it.
  • sstephiee
    I drink Verve after big workouts!! It is packed with vitamins and anti- inflammatory ingredients.
    Try it! You'll like it!
    I would take the video admins daily, but their expensive.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    If I take a break from weight lifting such as a month or two and go back to lifting I will get very sore, especially if I'm doing a high volume routine that I was doing before I took the break. Otherwise I rarely experience soreness unless I do a different exercise I haven't done in a while or add more sets and exercises to my routine (increase volume).

    I never found anything to prevent soreness besides not overdoing it in the weightroom with tons of sets and exercises as a beginner or working out again after a long hiatus; but to treat soreness I use hot baths, light walking and stretching, and sometimes a topical remedy like Icy Hot or Ben Gay.
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Like others have said, I find that protein after lifting, either in the form of a meal or a snack, significantly decreases the likelihood that I will be sore.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Some nice slow, medium resistance stationary biking works for me. It's rough to start but by the end getting the blood flowing through my quads seems to really help.
  • calamarione
    calamarione Posts: 16 Member
    The stiffness/soreness you feel is due to your muscle fibers breaking and repairing themselves (outer fibers break and are replaced toward the core of you muscle tissue). Commonly this is known as delayed onset muscle syndrome (DOMS) and yes the pain/fatigue is usually at the worst within 48 hrs.

    Those outer fibers are broken down and recycled just like everything else in your body. This is a process and processes always take time. But like any process it can be sped up. Water, electrolytes, carbohydrates and protein are all used in the process so don't short your body. Low impact movement can help by moving nutrients and water throughout your body.

    Good luck!
  • TammyW18
    TammyW18 Posts: 244 Member
    Water water water and protein... also ice baths are great for sore muscles. When I run long runs, I find the day or two after a slow recovery 2-3 mile run works out the sorness too.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Hi all,

    Just looking for some advice on the best way to recover from a big gym session, usually two days after when I'm feeling most sore and stiff! :)

    I'm trying some gentle running (or walking if its a very tough day) but just wondering if anyone had any recovery advice that has worked (protein immediately after workout etc).

    I'm careful about stretching immediately after and the next day but still finding I want to curl up on the couch rather than keep going :)

    C x

    How long have you been lifting? Or, rather, how many sessions have you done so far in this cycle?

    As mentioned, DOMS, can easily peak 48-72 hours later. Not only for lifting. I ran 30 minutes on Friday for the first time this season and 48-72 hours later I felt like I had been hit by a truck - in spite of following an excellent recovery routine.

    As you adapt to your training, the severity of the soreness should start to mititgate itself somewhat.
  • catgallagher28
    Thank you all so much- this is awesome. Massage booked for Sat and will give the protein and water a go!

    Been lifting for around a year and a half but have taken a three month break recently. Always had this problem and delayed doing any more sessions until the discomfort was gone (which can take 5 days!). We try a few lighter workouts to keep everything moving :)

    Thank you all again!
  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222
    work out again... promise it works
  • alexflynn011
    alexflynn011 Posts: 19 Member
    bike machine works
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Been lifting for around a year and a half but have taken a three month break recently.

    Bingo. There's your answer!

    You will adapt pretty quickly and not have as severe soreness after a couple of weeks of lifting again. No worries...
  • amm8589
    amm8589 Posts: 55 Member
    Great tips mentioned, massage will be great, but in the meantime, try soaking in an Epson Salt bath. You can buy a bag for $5.00 or less at any grocery store or pharmacy, and add a cup or two to warm bath water. It's a great way to relieve sore muscles!
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Foam roll.