Why Butter is Better



  • "Some butter in the diet might be fine, but it definitely should not play a large part in it. "

    haha--I don't think the author (or Grokette) are suggesting that butter should make up the majority of anyone's diet! No on is saying, "Eat butter with a spoon--the more, the better; it'll promote weight loss!"
    The article is just suggesting that a little butter is better than a little margarine (and the like). I agree.
  • This is the best news I've heard all week! I love butter! Okay, okay.......in moderation.:happy:
  • Saturated fat isn't bad because it's natural? So is cyanide and asbestos. I'm guessing LDL cholesterol (found in butter) is good too then?

    As for butter promoting weight loss, I know a couple of people that eat a lot of butter and they do look like it too. By that I don't mean that they are skinny either.

    As for that foundation: "The anti-vegetarian and anti-soy views of the foundation have also been criticized in several publications."

    Edit: What happened to "If it’s “beige” or “white,” keep it out of sight."? ;)

    Some butter in the diet might be fine, but it definitely should not play a large part in it.

    The notion that dietary cholesterol has any significant affect on blood cholesterol is going the way of the dodo...you need to update your research.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Saturated fat isn't bad because it's natural? So is cyanide and asbestos. I'm guessing LDL cholesterol (found in butter) is good too then?

    As for butter promoting weight loss, I know a couple of people that eat a lot of butter and they do look like it too. By that I don't mean that they are skinny either.

    As for that foundation: "The anti-vegetarian and anti-soy views of the foundation have also been criticized in several publications."

    Edit: What happened to "If it’s “beige” or “white,” keep it out of sight."? ;)

    Some butter in the diet might be fine, but it definitely should not play a large part in it.

    The notion that dietary cholesterol has any significant affect on blood cholesterol is going the way of the dodo...you need to update your research.

    My research is updated. The scientific and medical community are starting to back away from the notion that Saturated fats are bad when they truly are not bad for us.

    And it is a proven fact that dietary cholesterol does not play a significant part on blood cholesterol, even the stupid commercial for cholesterol lowering meds says that 90% of cholesterol is made in the body, only 10% of the cholesterol comes from food.

    And it is also a proven fact that the more cholesterol you eat, the less your body has to make, therefore lower cholesterol levels.
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    You've convinced me. I going to use the unsalted kind. Makes a whole lot of sense.
  • The only time I use margarine or butter(never butter) is when I'm coating my pan for my omelettes. I'm going to look into Extra-Virgin for that though. I just don't eat enough of it to make one or the other really worth while. But I do like that butter is a cleaner choice than margarine and if I'm not mistaken it's cheaper too.
  • And it is also a proven fact that the more cholesterol you eat, the less your body has to make, therefore lower cholesterol levels.

    Alright, enjoy your coronary heart disease.

    You might want to look up the difference between LDL and HDL.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    And it is also a proven fact that the more cholesterol you eat, the less your body has to make, therefore lower cholesterol levels.

    Alright, enjoy your coronary heart disease.

    You might want to look up the difference between LDL and HDL.

    I know the difference between HDL and LDL and also VLDL.

    My levels are GREAT and have been for quite a few years. No signs of Coronary Heart Disease here and it is now a PROVEN fact that Saturated fats does NOT cause heart disease.

    Please do some research and reading.
  • maureensm
    maureensm Posts: 183 Member
    I love you for posting this. I love butter. Can't do without it.
    Oh yeah, and I've lost close to 90 pounds- butter and all.
  • electromg
    electromg Posts: 70 Member
    My family stopped buying margarine when I was a kid, saying that it's even worse for you. Now I have a better idea. I had no idea there were transfats in margerine and spreads. I thought they were supposed to be "healthier". And whats up with it costing more? These are all interesting facts. I avoid butter, but its good to hear we can use it every once in awhile.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    id go for real butter and real bacon anyday...margerine and turkey bacon can kiss my buttox LOL (turkey bacon is the same number of calories,tastes gross, and is heavily processed, it is not natural for turkey to look or taste remotely like bacon..thats just not right!!! people that dont eat pork at all..i support your eating of the turkey bacon, but not people that consume other pork products!) lol
  • Theres a documentary out there call Fat Head. You can watch it on net flix. It covers this very subject in great detail and has some pretty funny parts too.. Its a GGGRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTT documentary.Check it out, I'll let you decide. As for me i chose saturated fats in moderation.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    If anyone has the opportunity to partake in Irish Gold butter (found at Trader Joe's) or my favorite in the world................Amish roll butter, you will be in heaven!!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I had made a breakfast sandwich this morning and put a little vegetable spread (similar to Country Crock) on my bread. I then went to rinse the knife off that I used and that stuff DID NOT BUDGE from the knife until the water got really hot. I said to myself, "Why are you putting that in your body?" I use butter to bake with and I think I'm going to switch to it for everything. Will whipped butter have the same benefits? Do you know? Thanks for posting!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I totally agree. I'd far rather eat butter than manufactured rubbish. And margarine tastes like sh*te.
  • tmaksparkie
    tmaksparkie Posts: 279
    Just watched fat head documentary, very good points in that movie I recommend it.
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    Oh my goodness! I don't think that anybody is suggesting you take a bite out of a stick of butter in lieu of your daily vitamin! I think that a lot of people think that eating healthy means eliminating butter. I do not agree. I prefer butter over margarine because of taste and I am not sure exactly what margarine is! A little bit of butter on veggies makes me like them more and eat them more.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I eat one or two pats of butter daily with my vegetables.
    If I fry eggs, I use 1 pat of butter ... delicious! (I eat the whole egg ... gasp!)
    I also include flaxseed, avocado, evoo & coconut oil in my diet.
    All in sensible, moderate amounts.
    My cholesterol is perfect.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    More of the same, how anyone can buy into the idea that something made in a lab is better for you than something made by nature is beyond me.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    More of the same, how anyone can buy into the idea that something made in a lab is better for you than something made by nature is beyond me.

    Bcuz the FDA said it is safe and the American Heart Association endorses it because saturated fats are the devil........ :devil: :devil:
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