The Weightloss Journey I wish I had never started



  • ninapturner
    ninapturner Posts: 14 Member
    I think you have eating disorder because of the emotional baggage you carry about your family and your teenage years. If you truly want change than it has to begin by learning to like yourself. Find positive things you like about yourself. Your smile, your hair whatever but being positive will put you in a better mood. You need a life that you like and enjoy. Stop worrying about what your mom does and focus on making new friends that will care and support you. Girl-You need a counselor. I'm worried about you and have parent issues myself. My dad left my brother and I at 9 yrs old and I have a wicked step dad. I finally realized that I was giving them to much focus and blaming them for my choices. You can make your choices to free yourself from this pain and get help. Everyone on this site will support you and I am here if you want to message me. I can help you find a counselor to talk with because you are special even if you don't see it. God has a plan for you and I bet you are stronger than you give yourself credit for. Please don't be so hard on yourself. You need a break and food is not going to make you feel better in the long run, I know because I'm a food addict and if you can't let food become your everything. I'm praying for you to have strength and feel love back in your heart.
  • Dressdrive10
    Dressdrive10 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you everybody for taking your time to reply, it really means a lot to me, you have all been so nice and supportive I didn't expect this but I really don't deserve such kindness.

    Last year I was told by my GP that my eating habits were normal and that I wasn't overeating (I found this shocking) and I wasn't overweight enough to have binge eating disorder or to be referred to see a nutritionist (and this was at my heaviest), I found this confusing as if I'm not overeating then why am I overweight?

    I am currently looking for a counsellor, I have been with two in that past 6 months very briefly through my GP but I struggled to talk about my issues as they were very focused to time and diagnosing within the first session. I felt they were rushing me and putting words in my mouth, it was really uncomfortable and very awkward it made me feel a lot worse, so I had to stop seeing the first one. The second one said she was not suitable for me after 2 sessions and said she would put me in contact with one of her colleagues but this was 2 months ago, so in the meantime I am looking for something affordable and private.

    Good for you! Yes do try for another counsellor. You need to see someone who gets you and can really help. Power to you! You are worth the best.
  • ComradeTovarich
    ComradeTovarich Posts: 495 Member
    I've been there, with both the college thing and turning to food for comfort. It probably seems like a mountain that you're trying to chip away with nothing but a toothbrush, but it's not insurmountable. Get somebody professional to help you and you'll definitely be able to fight this off.
  • cmaguire305
    cmaguire305 Posts: 34 Member
    I want my medal!!!

    But really, I thought of several things while reading your book. 1. Holy crap, I have never even met anyone that took a three-week vacation. 2. I can totally relate to feeling abandoned by parent(s) 3. I also place food way too high on my list of things that are important to me. 4. I wish I could help in some way. So if you need another MFP friend, maybe one who's not too quick to respond, sucks at being motivational, is fairly anti-social and very crude, I'm here.