Question for people who have lost 40 + lbs or more

I see a lot of you guys have lost a great deal of weight (impressive) and I was wondering if you would share 1. What is your strategy / tactics 2. how long did it take and 3. what was the hardest part for you personally?


  • kewpiecyster
    kewpiecyster Posts: 154 Member
    I have already lost around 85 pounds - most of which was before I joined. It has taken a little over three years because I was just increasing exercise and trying to eat a little less without any sort of monitoring. Once I joined this site, the weight came off a little quicker, but I haven't really been at it since Christmas. I am just trying to get back into tracking on a daily basis. The hardest part for me is to continue when the motivation is gone. I have a hard time pushing myself once my "LET'S DO THIS!" has left. :)
  • FattyFatsoMcTubby
    FattyFatsoMcTubby Posts: 170 Member
    1. I make sure I have a calorie deficit almost every day by logging every calorie I eat and that I burn
    2. I started my journey on 8/12/2013
    3. Getting started
  • kristarablue2
    kristarablue2 Posts: 386 Member
    1. I have had many strategies over the last couple of years (I have lost over 100 pounds), weighing and tracking food seems to keep me on target better than anything

    2. I lost the first 70 pounds in about four months, the next 20 took about 8 months and I have vacillated up and down since

    3. Seeing myself how I am now instead of how I was for most of my life.
  • katierrt
    katierrt Posts: 113 Member
    1, I had no strategy in the beginning, only moving around and getting my heart rate up
    2, I'm still working and I started this new lifestyle the end of October 2011.
    3, the hardest part is talking myself into working out each day. The new way of eating is so much easier these days tho I do cheat a bit more now. I don't have a workout buddy and I haven't had one, so getting motivated is all up to me.

    Research food, fruits & veggies etc, and figure out the benefits of the foods you consume. That was the biggest eye opener for me, seeing how the food helps your body. Make your food feed you the way its supposed to do!

    Good luck! :)
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    Always ask myself: In 6 months, do you want to be smaller, or the same/potentially BIGGER than you are right now??? I would always think that with so much to lose that 6-18 months to see progress was, well, not good enough or fast enough and kept me from my goals... now I just tell myself in 6 MORE months how much more AHMAZING I will look and to keep up the good work :flowerforyou:

    I started in August 2013.
    LOG and WEIGH all the food.
    I believe that exercise is my "insurance" that I will lose SOMETHING that week.
    Accept that I may only lose 0.5 lbs one week, but will generally show a lager loss the following week :-)
    Don't give up... Really, just 1 lb at a time :smile:
    I still eat (too many) treats, BUT I am in control! There are a few trigger foods I know I cannot have in my house (Little Debbie, I'm looking at YOU!), but I still eat pizza, beer, and stuff. Just wayyyyy less. I used to eat platter of restaurant nachos for dinner like once a week, so progress is progress.

    Good luck to you:smile:
  • dehumanised1
    dehumanised1 Posts: 21 Member
    Before my 'blip' around Christmas, I managed to get to 40 lbs off. Took me 80 days to do so. My strategy was just to follow MFP's guide for calories based on a sedentary lifestyle, and any working out I did was a bonus. Hardest part was dealing with impulse cravings. Around Christmas, I completely caved to those, and it took me a couple of months to get back on the wagon. But in doing so, I've gained a little more steel in my resolve and the weight is coming off again just as quickly as it went on which is encouraging. Good luck =)

    Edit to add; as CTCutie said, weighing and logging absolutely everything was key for me, even if you think "Oh it'll only be 20 calories" it's still better to be safe and log it. Being honest with your logging is crucial.
  • brandiegirl16
    brandiegirl16 Posts: 372 Member
    i lost 60 lbs and have maintained for 5 years. It took me 5-6 months to accomplish that number.. has taken me 5 years and 5-6 months to accomplish that number. The lifestyle never ends.. it truly is a way of life.. not a diet, not a fad.

    Consistency and accountability is my secret weapon.. that i why i am still on this site logging my food, supporting others and gaining support from people who are in the same boat.

    The hardest part is the mind/body connection. Still to this day, i see that girl who weighed 200 lbs in the mirror. Just like anything in life.. ya get good days and bad days, It's what happens next. Don't let one bad day discourage continued progress.

    Take pics see your progress as you go. Reflect back on how far you have come, not on how far you have to go to get there. Small goals at a time. Enjoy your victories and accomplishments. Don't be so dependent on success by numbers .... especially those on a scale. The scale is evil. If you want to focus on numbers, measure yourself.. recheck them once a month. You will see progress. You will feel progress in your energy, and in the way things fit you. Celebrate those victories. Your health is the best victory of all.

    Best of luck on the journey!!!
  • Str0ng_Heart
    I pay attention to my calories now, and try to get off my bum.. i eat no more than 1300 6 days a week, then on one day i eat up to 1700
    I started a week before Christmas
    I had to decide to do it, i had to want it.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    - realize it took years to put it wont come off in days
    - if youre going to live by the scale pick a time and always weigh yourself then (saturday mornings 8am for me)
    - accept the fact that your weight will yo yo
    - accept the fact your weight may even go up even though you did ever thing the same as last week that you lost
    - dont make this a X week thing. make the change for good.

    best of luck
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    1. Don't quit. 2. Over a year. 3. Relearning how to eat.
  • giggalz
    giggalz Posts: 54 Member
    took me about 2.5 years..I was on ww's..for the last year Ive been using mfp and working out..still figuring it out ..and figuring out what works..

    for me the hardest part is seeing the work i've done..others can see it..I still really just cant..unless I put a picture up side by side..then I'll see it..but if i go look in the mirror
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    My strategy is to set small goals instead of one big goal and to realize that as long as I'm making better choices, my health is improving so even if I am stagnant for a bit, I'm still better off.

    I have been at it for 2.5 years now and would ideally still like too see about 10-15lbs gone or about 5% more bodyfat.

    The hardest thing for me has been realizing that I had many toxic people in my life and that continuing those relationships would be very detrimental to my overall health goals. Also dealing with a bit of body dysmorphia and being too hard on myself.
  • christa279
    christa279 Posts: 222 Member
    I lost the first 37 lbs before I started actively logging my food. I did that by changing the foods I ate, cutting down my portion sizes, and cutting out soda as a daily beverage of choice. I started drinking more water, eating more fruits and veggies, and limiting fast food. I also cut out a lot of prepackaged, processed foods.

    I knew that as I got closer to my goal weight it would take more effort and get harder, so I decided to come back to this site and start tracking. As the loss started to slow down, I found that weighing my food has helped me to better understand portion sizes and to keep the downward trend going.

    I added in exercise last month, when it started getting more comfortable and easier on my joints.

    I don't think there really is a "secret" to weight loss. For me, it has been about being honest with myself.
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    Journaled every day for about 9 months
    Was always around my calorie goal
    Did excerise that I liked (running and Zumba)
    Weighed myself the same time (morning after I went to the bathroom) same day of the week and posted my loss right after on MFP, Yay!

    What kept me going?
    I didn't have a lot of control in my life at the time I started MFP and this was the one thing I felt I did have control of.
    I remember a few bad things said to me about my weight when I wanted an extra slices of pizza
    My first pair of skinny jeans!
    feeling better about myself and feeling more healthy overall
    I also started feeling a tad bit more attractive and I NEVER want to lose that, call me vain but yeah that is a big one for me
  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    1. What is your strategy / tactics 2. how long did it take and 3. what was the hardest part for you personally?

    1. Eat less calories than I burn in a day, both of which I track as consistently as I am able (accuracy is only so possible since everything we really have is estimates, but consistency helps make up for flaws in the accuracy). I walk a lot more now (13-14,000 steps a day), and wear an activity tracker to count those steps and calories, and I go to the gym 3x a week for some strength training, but that's the most I do exercise-wise

    2. I've lost 65 lbs so far and it has taken me 8 months. I started in June, but was trying different things so I don't count one month of trial/error figuring out. I started out at 2 lbs/week goal, and switched to 1 lbs/week about 7 lbs ago.

    3. Logging accurately. I have some psychological block when I know I'm going over my calorie allowance where I don't want to write it down when it puts me over. I've gotten much better about it though, especially about tracking all the little things like cooking oil and when I have a piece of mentos once in a while. I know the numbers are what matter so I have to remind myself that I need those numbers to be as honest as possible. My body counts it even if I don't count if here, so I just have to remember that every time I don't want to log something.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I see a lot of you guys have lost a great deal of weight (impressive) and I was wondering if you would share 1. What is your strategy / tactics 2. how long did it take and 3. what was the hardest part for you personally?

    *Educate myself. (What is a REAL portion size, what are healthier alternatives to my GOTO foods, how can I make my GOTO foods still a aprt of my life, etc..)
    *Weigh out my foods using a food scale
    *Advance prep of some meals, snacks, etc. helps with grazing
    *Log all my food on MFP. Good, bad, everything in between.
    *MOVE MOVE MOVE. Walking. Get started, then looked into HRM for a more accurate cal count
    *Eat those melted off calories back *NOM NOM*

    Length of time:
    I lost 140lbs in 2012. On standby right now due to unexpected pregnancy and delightful baby. Will be resuming once weather warms up and my walking spots open back up again.

    Hardest Part:
    Recognising that I am an emotional eater, and finding ways to work with/around it. The weather is sort of my main whine point. I hate walking when its 100+ outside, or if its below 10 which it has been quite a lot this winter. Staying motivated I think is anyone's hard point.
  • callas444
    callas444 Posts: 261 Member
    My only promise to myself at first (even before I found MFP) was that I had to do something that I can do for life. So I decided to eat the food my family eats in a reasonable portion, and stop being a ridiculous pig with snacks. I was eating probably 4000 or 5000 calories a day which got me up to 340. A good half of that was treat food, binging daily on whatever food no one could see me eat.

    The hardest part remains, I will likely always struggle to control my eating during the week before and week of my period. The hunger is real and the cravings are many.

    My biggest tip is to start slow and make changes you can live with, because, sister, diets WILL fail. Always and forever. You must change your relationship with food and your activity level in order to make a permanent change in your weight. Losing it once is hard. Losing it over and over and over will kill you inside, heart and soul.

    I've lost 77 pounds (a few of those before I found MFP) since mid-June. (Size 30/32 down to size 20 jeans!) I have maintained my losses with only a 2 pound fluctuation here and there. (mainly hormonal) It hasn't been easy but it's definitely something that I can live with forever.
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    I was almost 200 lbs when I got serious two years ago and am now near my goal weight. I do what a lot of people here have noted:

    Log food.
    Weigh and measure.
    Control environment (don't have cake/cookies in your cupboard) so you don't start to obsess about them and eat the whole box.
    Figure out what your "trigger" foods are and keep your distance. Pretty much like the above tip!
    Choose clean, healthy, largely unprocessed foods, as they provide actual nutrition, as well as satiety.
    Crucial for me was accepting that exercise had to be part of my weight-loss journey. It is also vital for the maintenance part of the journey as well. A year ago I got a Fitbit which has helped me understand (and accept and embrace) the need to be more active.

    My improved appearance (and better fitness) have been very motivating in keeping to my guidelines. That is not to say that I follow the above rules 100%, but probably closer to 95%. Good luck to you on this worthwhile journey.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    - realize it took years to put it wont come off in days
    - if youre going to live by the scale pick a time and always weigh yourself then (saturday mornings 8am for me)
    - accept the fact that your weight will yo yo
    - accept the fact your weight may even go up even though you did ever thing the same as last week that you lost
    - dont make this a X week thing. make the change for good.

    best of luck

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I see a lot of you guys have lost a great deal of weight (impressive) and I was wondering if you would share 1. What is your strategy / tactics 2. how long did it take and 3. what was the hardest part for you personally?

    Join MFP, log and weigh all food, reasonable deficet, don't stop eating food I love/want just smaller portions, lift weights.

    I've been doing this since January 6th 2013....

    Hardest part....finding an exercise I took me 9months of exercise I "liked" but didn't want to do forever...found weight lifting...not that exercise is necessary but part of this for me is getting more fit as well.