I am a compulsive eater

I am a compulsive eater. I am struggling to abstain from eating between meals. Right now my goal is just to learn to limit myself to eating during meals, with perhaps a scheduled snack in there if I am unable to stick with three meals in a day. I am beginning to attend OA meetings (12 step program for people with food/eating issues). I am hoping to use this tool as a way to be accountable to myself, and to others, and to stay on track. I would like to lose weight eventually, but for now I am working only to gain control of when I eat (how often, over how much) and eventually to discontinue my embarrassing binge-eating behaviors.

I would love to have any support available here, and would welcome "friends" who are willing and able to help a food-obsessive person to develop healthier eating habits.


  • I'm one aswell. As for binge eating, whenever i have an uncontrollable urge to binge, i have prunes. Yep, prunes. 5 prunes are 100 calories and i cant eat more then 10 without feeling so full im gonna explode. This is because they absorb water in your stomach and expand. So prunes+lots of water is a good way to go!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Food is fuel and not entertainment. You need to learn to listen to your body. Definitely check out OA or WW and do what works for you. Good luck !!!
  • I am right there with you. I consider myself a compulsive and even an obsessive eater. I love food; it's my best friend. I think about food all day long and I know that I rely on it to make me happy. Which eating bad makes me feel guilty because I know the pizza and nachos are very bad for me. Just wish things didn't have to taste so good.

    I have thought about joing OA many times; theres just not that many options for it where I live. I think the best thing that people like us can do is focus on each meal rather than constantly thinking about the long term goal. I know when I think of how much weight I need to lose I get discouraged. We are always going to struggle but over time our screw ups will become less and less; as long as we don't give up.

    If you wan to friend me I would be happy to join the journey with you. It's always nice to bounce ideas of people that know what you are going through!!

    Good Luck!

  • ninapturner
    ninapturner Posts: 14 Member
    I Know your pain because I am going through the same thing. Food has become number 1 in my life. When I am happy, sad, bored I turn to food. With this program I am forcing myself to be disciplined enough to follow a food plan and not eat anything that is not on the list. I've ask my family to help me by not offering or bringing me junk. It is hard but like a drug addict or alcoholic I will take one day at at time and really put a conscious effort in. I love to cook and am scuh a foodie. I don't want my daughter and son to pick up my bad habits and they are teenagers so it has started rubbing off on them I'm ashamed to say. Diabetes run in my family so I feel like I'm on a race against time for changes to take place. That Is why I started this yesterday....so we can do this together because I will understand. Being accountable and having to write it down and knowing someone is looking at what your eating and if your staying on target helps me. If I did not have this I would keep talking myself into starting another day. The day is here and now -we can do this but we have to make it a priority and know we are important. I have not felt like myself in a long time and want the outside to match what I feel inside. Stay on here because you are with friends.
  • kncybul
    kncybul Posts: 13
    Since I started here, I have controlled my compulsive eating. I don't know how I have been able to do it, but I have controlled it. It seems so much easier than when I was contemplating doing it.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    I am a compulsive eater as well. Now that I've started logging my food every day and planning my meals, I find it much easier to control when/how much I eat. I take lunch and snacks with me to work, and eat as often as I wish, but only from the food I bring. Nothing else. I find being structured and planning for food makes me more conscious of my eating, my compulsive eating was mindless. And now I allow myself only one food at home to "compulsively eat" and that is pickles. Although now it's not really compulsive any more, it's controlled. Maybe it's about changing habits.
  • Even if you eat as low as 1200 calories a day, you can plan it to where you can eat 6 times a day. Do you think this might help you? I'm not suggesting you go that low, but just for an example: 200 calorie Breakfast, 100 calorie snack, 200 calorie lunch, 100 calorie snack, 500 calorie dinner, 100 calorie snack. If you do research, and you have a food scale you can find many things that fit into that 100-200 calories category. My advice is to find out how many calories a day you need to be eating, and allow yourself to eat SEVERAL times a day, but just in a very limited way. It helps a lot to not feel deprived and it just takes a little planning. I hope all goes well for you!
  • MeRoHa
    MeRoHa Posts: 95 Member
    Even if you eat as low as 1200 calories a day, you can plan it to where you can eat 6 times a day. Do you think this might help you? I'm not suggesting you go that low, but just for an example: 200 calorie Breakfast, 100 calorie snack, 200 calorie lunch, 100 calorie snack, 500 calorie dinner, 100 calorie snack. If you do research, and you have a food scale you can find many things that fit into that 100-200 calories category. My advice is to find out how many calories a day you need to be eating, and allow yourself to eat SEVERAL times a day, but just in a very limited way. It helps a lot to not feel deprived and it just takes a little planning. I hope all goes well for you!

    Definitely eating more often but within the calorie limits and also eating foods that create feeling of fullness. I also make sure I get protein throughout the day and try to at least get the minimum suggested protein for the day. One of my go to snacks is Light and Fit Greek Yogurt and I stir in walnuts and/or almonds.
  • mcdees2011
    mcdees2011 Posts: 1 Member
    I have night time eating syndrome! I start to binge around 1am on chocolate biscuits, then crisps and maybe a few cakes before falling asleep, only to repeat the cycle on the next hour until around 4am.
    On average I can consume between 400-800 calories throughout the night every night.

    Food is my comfort it helps me to sleep!
  • Kelly_NC
    Kelly_NC Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Happy,
    As someone who has struggled with compulsive overeating/emotional eating, I'd like to recommend finding a TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) group near you. Here is their website to see if there is a group near you: http://www.tops.org.

    I have tried to join OA in the past but couldn't find a group that fit my needs (info along with accountability) and personality (extrovert) but I joined TOPS last September and they have been great for assisting me with staying focused on health (not the food) and they are wonderful people who are very supportive.
  • lilardie
    lilardie Posts: 1
    Me too...but only at night! I can do well all day...soon as it's night time.....I hit the cupboards and graze.... I try to go to sleep and fail due to insomnia. I found if I don't watch TV right before bedtime ....I sleep better and don't head for the kitchen in the middle of the night! Good luck :)
  • ME TOO! My family says I have a hollow leg and they don't know where all of it goes. I love food so much and I could never get enough! Super unhealthy relationship with food - I gathered all the willpower I had and drastically changed my diet and stuck to it for a week - now im hooked, I rather feel better, have more energy, and look better than have those M&Ms and pepsi or those oreo cookies, or the trader joes mac and cheese, OR...or ...or.... Now I'm hungry :-(
  • booksgiver
    booksgiver Posts: 149 Member
    I can relate and still even after a loss of more than 100 pounds it's a daily battle. I think we have to find what works best for us and that may involve some trial and error. Feel free to add me if you like as I've still a ways to go.
  • mitzi2013
    mitzi2013 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm also a compulsive eater. I tried OA but it just wasn't the right fit for me. I hope you find it works for you. The support on MFP is wonderful and everyone is very incouraging. They helped me get control for a while and I lost 52 pounds. Of course now I've relapsed and I'm just getting back on the horse, so to speak. If you need any advice I'll do my best to help. Good luck to you!!!
  • I use to be a compulsive eater too, I still have my days when I slip up and eat something I know I am going to regret later. Some people say to eat every few hours, to me that means constantly snacking and that has never helped with my weight loss. I find eating every 4 hours lunch breakfast and dinner and ONE snack in between meals has worked wonders. Sometimes its also good to get down to the bottom of why we over eat, for me it could be emotional reasons, or I just didnt care and wanted it but it didnt NEED it. When I feel the urge to over eat that moment I just remember why I am doing all of this in the first place and then I put that extra food down. And its a great feeling when you had that will power and self control not to go over boared with your favorite snack or food. It is a lifestyle change so you dont want to cut your favorite foods from your diet, that is the main cause to people over eating and then giving up because the feel like they failed, after a good week reward yourself with a nice treat, that way you have something to look forward to. Its trail and error as someone else said, you will find what what works best for you.
  • I'm new here, this is one of the first posts I saw. Some of you guys have described my situation perfectly. I love to exercise which has kept the bulk of the weight off but I eat like crazy and always at night as well!! I've joined up to at least log what I eat and be able to see how bad it is :( Weight loss is kind of a dream at this point but I like to think I can get there one day! (hence the username :p )

    I dont know how much support I can offer but feel free to add me, anyone :)
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    Me too. It is possible to control it...at least most of the time. I still fall off the wagon every now and then. You have to just jump right back on the next meal or day.
  • tealgrove
    tealgrove Posts: 36 Member
    I am a compulsive overeater and a food addict. Food is my drug of choice. Sugar was once the death of me.

    I started going to OA meetings in November and it took me a bit to "get on board" but I can honestly say that OA has most likely saved me from a life of overeating, and health issues.

    I have 90 days of abstinence and I feel so much better even if it's just in my head. I have a much better outlook on life and I have made commitments to change a great deal of things in my life.

    Try it. It can't hurt and it's a program designed to help people like us. It's not for everyone but if you are serious and open minded OA can help you.

    It's a big step. I understand all that. it will be life altering but that's what we need.

    Good Luck. If you want to add me as a friend go ahead. I'm here.