Those of you that have lost 20 pounds in 2 months.

I am aiming to lose 20 pounds in 2 months. I currently weigh 184 and want to lose about 50 pounds overall.
I have already lost 10 pounds since January and over 12 inches.
Honestly I will be content with what ever weight I lose but I’d like to lose 20 pounds in 2 months and I’m willing to put the extra effort it takes. Right now my diet hasn’t been the cleanest, if I’m being honest, I do enjoy foods I love every day and yes it has been working for me but I’m not getting the results I want and oftentimes I feel like I’m taking a step forward and then stall, then continue, it’s never a consistent loss and I think my food is to blame even if I stay within goal.

I wanted to ask how others how they’ve done it so I can learn and apply some things.
What did you eat? How much? What was your workouts like? How much cardio vs. weights etc. Which did you find helped more, cardio or weights?

Thanks for all your help


  • TitanGM
    TitanGM Posts: 1,161 Member
    I lost 20lbs in 2 months 2 years ago which I'd not recommend anymore. To accomplish that I ate extremely clean, and didn't put a fruit in my mouth for 3 months. (sugar intake of any sort will stall the weight loss). I did eat plenty of veggies and lean meat a lot. Even in a strict diet never deprive your body of proper nourishment. I would lie if I said I didn't use supplements. They do boost the weight loss, but be extremely cautious of what you take, and if you can afford it always talk to a doctor before using any kind of supplements.
  • courtneylee31
    courtneylee31 Posts: 178 Member
    The stall is called a plateau. You are busting through those. What you are doing is working. Don't change it yet. Just tweak it. If you really want to lose then weights. 100m sprinter vs marathon runner. Explosive vs slow and steady.

    I have seen exactly what weights can do. Cardio doesn't compair
  • DeeDeeMee
    DeeDeeMee Posts: 133 Member
    Hi Nascha. Sounds like you're making great progress so far!

    I've lost 20 Kilos in the last six months, which works out as an average of 1 kilo (2.2 pounds) every 10 days. This is about what is considered the healthy rate of weightloss, any faster isn't all that great for you. It also might not be possible for you physically so you run the risk of disappointing yourself. I've also found that the weight hasn't come off evenly. I lost a regular kilo a week for the first nine weeks and then it started getting pretty random so expect some weirdnesses and don't freak freak out if there's a week or so where you stay at one weight and then suddenly lose a few pounds overnight.

    As long as you're consuming less energy than you're burning it's literally impossible not to lose weight so do keep at it.

  • Nascha333
    Nascha333 Posts: 56
    Thanks for the quick reponses guys. :)
    I have to agree, the only reason why i'm trying to lose that much that quickly is because i want to be in better shape for when i start the motocross season again. Last year i fell and broke my clavicle and it had much to do with not being in shape. I had to go through multiple surgeries. Truth is, i should have started sooner, and i did, but fell off the wagon, started then fell off again. It took me a long while to get into this mindset. As the months passed i became aware that soon enough it would be spring so in Dec. i started and i haven't looked back. I am really happy with the progress i've made thus far. I am just trying to get to around 160-165 before i start back. I've started back walking on the treadmill everyday this past week and then that's when i stalled again, i think it may be water retention, i don't know but it seems everytime i do cardio the scale stops moving. It can get discouraging. I really think i need to do more weights. I workout at home, i live too far from a gym and working out is really new to me as i've never worked out in my life but i will check online for some helpful workouts. Try and switch it up a bit.
    I see so many of my friends getting good results i think what am i doing wrong? What can i change?
    I have stopped binging and it has made all the difference for me. I've lost about 6 pounds since (and with minimal exercise). I'm going to tweak and clean up my diet more. It may be hard at first but if i have to go strict for a bit to get better results sooner i will do that.
    I wanted to hear what others have done to lose 20 pounds in a shorter amount of time to see what i can apply to help me achieve that 20 pound loss.
    I also think i will finally open up my diary so that it will help keep me accountable and on track.
    I appreciate all the advice! thanks everyone.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    I lost 20lbs in 2 months 2 years ago which I'd not recommend anymore. To accomplish that I ate extremely clean, and didn't put a fruit in my mouth for 3 months. (sugar intake of any sort will stall the weight loss). I did eat plenty of veggies and lean meat a lot. Even in a strict diet never deprive your body of proper nourishment. I would lie if I said I didn't use supplements. They do boost the weight loss, but be extremely cautious of what you take, and if you can afford it always talk to a doctor before using any kind of supplements.

    No.... sugar will not stall weight loss. Sugar is an energy source.

    "Supplements" will not boost weight loss. A calorie deficit is the only thing required for weight loss and only an increased deficit will lead to increased losses.

    With that being said, OP, you have 50lbs total to lose. 10lbs/month is completely unnecessary. Aim for a 1-1.5lb per week loss. If you want to be in better shape for motocross season, eat and train. You also don't need to eat "clean" in order to see results. Read these:
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    I started last week of Dec. and am down 22 lbs. So it was more like 10 weeks. But really, the first five or six fell off really fast - the so called "water weight". And I expect it to come back as soon as I stop eating at a deficit, so I'm somewhat short of your goal in reality.

    I eat around 1,700 calories a day with a "cheat day" every now and then, and a little over from time to time (like today). Loads of cardio. I'm training for a half marathon and up to a seven mile long run. Doing about 15 miles a week at this point. I'm in the gym doing something 5 or 6 days a week. No special diet. Just log it and try to come close to my macros. Working harder to get the protein lately.

    You could go a little faster if you can stick to a bigger deficit. I have read a few things that make me think it's not a great idea to eat less than you're BMR. Might look at that and set that as a bottom figure. Personally, I'm never in danger of coming in below that. lol

    Good luck!
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Diet is going to be your biggest factor -- it's going to determine 80%+ of your results. There is a lot of debate about what is the best diet for any individual. If you're looking for quicker fat loss, I'd personally recommend a low carb diet, with an emphasis on quality proteins, good fats, lots of vegetables and occasional fruits -- and eliminating refined carbs (bread, pasta, etc.), reducing sugar and staying away from most processed foods.

    As for exercise, the two things I'd recommend most are lifting heavy (look into Starting Strength -- 3x5 work outs) and sprinting. They are literally two of the best things you can do for yourself to limit lean body mass loss or ideally maintaining it while losing weight/fat.
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    I lost 20lbs in 2 months 2 years ago which I'd not recommend anymore. To accomplish that I ate extremely clean, and didn't put a fruit in my mouth for 3 months. (sugar intake of any sort will stall the weight loss). I did eat plenty of veggies and lean meat a lot. Even in a strict diet never deprive your body of proper nourishment. I would lie if I said I didn't use supplements. They do boost the weight loss, but be extremely cautious of what you take, and if you can afford it always talk to a doctor before using any kind of supplements.

    There is so much wrong in this, it's not even funny.
  • Nascha333
    Nascha333 Posts: 56
    Thank you, very helpful! :)
    I agree, it is completely unnecessary, it would be amazing, but honestly i would be happy with whatever loss i achieve. I know with training i will be in better shape than i've been before.
    I've eaten what ever i wanted and have gotten results. I honestly think i struggle with moderation and consistency and that may be the problem here causing me to stall in my weight loss. Accuracy, that too i need to work on. I'm up for switching things up, see how that does for me and if it doesn't, i'll be tweaking again i guess.
    Thanks all for all your advice and suggestions! It helps!
  • Nascha333
    Nascha333 Posts: 56
    I started last week of Dec. and am down 22 lbs. So it was more like 10 weeks. But really, the first five or six fell off really fast - the so called "water weight". And I expect it to come back as soon as I stop eating at a deficit, so I'm somewhat short of your goal in reality.

    I eat around 1,700 calories a day with a "cheat day" every now and then, and a little over from time to time (like today). Loads of cardio. I'm training for a half marathon and up to a seven mile long run. Doing about 15 miles a week at this point. I'm in the gym doing something 5 or 6 days a week. No special diet. Just log it and try to come close to my macros. Working harder to get the protein lately.

    You could go a little faster if you can stick to a bigger deficit. I have read a few things that make me think it's not a great idea to eat less than you're BMR. Might look at that and set that as a bottom figure. Personally, I'm never in danger of coming in below that. lol

    Good luck!

    wow, congrats on your success thus far! I am at a larger calorie deficit, 1260... which may be too low or not from what i read. I know others have eaten more and have still lost. It can be a bit confusing and a little overwhelming but i know losing weight doesn't have to be as hard as people think it is. Calorie deficit = weight loss.
    Again, i'm thinking my stalling may be because i'm lacking consistency and accuracy, maybe patience too. ;)
    All i know is that i'm all in and not giving up, i'm just hoping to get better results sooner by maybe applying some of what others have done to achieve such great results sooner but either way, i'll be content with what weight loss i achieve no matter how long it takes.
  • Nascha333
    Nascha333 Posts: 56
    Diet is going to be your biggest factor -- it's going to determine 80%+ of your results. There is a lot of debate about what is the best diet for any individual. If you're looking for quicker fat loss, I'd personally recommend a low carb diet, with an emphasis on quality proteins, good fats, lots of vegetables and occasional fruits -- and eliminating refined carbs (bread, pasta, etc.), reducing sugar and staying away from most processed foods.

    As for exercise, the two things I'd recommend most are lifting heavy (look into Starting Strength -- 3x5 work outs) and sprinting. They are literally two of the best things you can do for yourself to limit lean body mass loss or ideally maintaining it while losing weight/fat.
    Thank you! very helpful! :)
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    I've lost about 25 pounds since I started January 6th, but, to be honest 25 pounds off a big fat guy like me is w-a-a-a-y differerent than 20 pounds off someone your size -- I think you're being very aggressive in your goals.

    Pretty sure my diary's open, so feel free to look around. Didn't do anything special other than cut my calories and started light exercise (T25) on a daily basis. Had a few big burns when I was able to make it up on the ski hill, but they weren't the main reason for the weight loss (I know because I skied less than usual this year, but most years I gain weight during the winter).

    For motorcross, I certainly would recommend a short-ish full body workout like T25 or P90x3 (T25 requires less equipment, and you can usually get a good deal off of Craigslist). That way you can go into the season with your muscles somewhat in shape.
  • Nascha333
    Nascha333 Posts: 56
    I've lost about 25 pounds since I started January 6th, but, to be honest 25 pounds off a big fat guy like me is w-a-a-a-y differerent than 20 pounds off someone your size -- I think you're being very aggressive in your goals.

    Pretty sure my diary's open, so feel free to look around. Didn't do anything special other than cut my calories and started light exercise (T25) on a daily basis. Had a few big burns when I was able to make it up on the ski hill, but they weren't the main reason for the weight loss (I know because I skied less than usual this year, but most years I gain weight during the winter).

    For motorcross, I certainly would recommend a short-ish full body workout like T25 or P90x3 (T25 requires less equipment, and you can usually get a good deal off of Craigslist). That way you can go into the season with your muscles somewhat in shape.

    Thanks! :) I will. :)
    I'll look into both the T25 and P90x3 too!
  • loribee1961
    Hi there.....I have lost 25 lbs. since Jan. 6, 2014. I started out doing circuit training 3 days a week and keeping my calorie intake at 1200 calories per day. Drinking lots of water! I am now doing the Focus T25 workout 5 days a week and still keeping the Calorie intake at 1200 per day. The first 15 lbs came off in 6 weeks and 10 more the second 6 weeks. I have been at it for about 12 weeks now.

    I have had out of control eating days along the way....I love candy so I have over indulged in that a few times along with over indulging in other foods a few times as well. But when I have a bad eating day. I remind myself that I don't have to quit reaching for my goals and I get right back on track the next day. I continue to do my workouts! I have 15 more pounds to go and I will be at my goal weight but I know that I still have to stay accountable and continue to workout even when i reach my goal. I have lost 50 lbs three different times in my life and as soon as I reached my goal i stopped doing the things it took me to get the weight off and it came back on a lot quicker than it came off! So you have to make a lifestyle change to stay lean and fit! Best of Luck to you!!