Motivation is tough

I am one of those people who just cannot get motivated to do anything. I remember sitting at home all day doing nothing and weighing 300 pounds at the age of 21. It took me all the motivation in the world for my family to convince me to try a personal trainer. I stuck with it for a few months putting in the minimal effort. What helped me in that session work was the food tracking and being part of weight watchers at the time. I learned how to count food and track my points. It was easy for me because I didn't have to walk or run, just watch what I eat. It wasn't until I dropped 70 pounds over that year and a half that my family (mother) decided she wanted to lose some weight (Februrary of this year 2014). I decided why not and did it with her. WIth 3 people in my life (not family) passing away, I decided that they would want me to be healthy and continue to live. I therefore began to walk at first a couple miles a day. Then I joined MFP for food tracking and exercise. 2 days ago March 3, 2014, I joined a local gym and now am doing strength and cardio training. But since I joined, I have lost an additional 2.5 pounds. There I said it, there are unusual ways to find motivation, but you need to figure something out that works for you. It took 3 people leaving my life for me to better my life.


  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    You don't have to do it all at once, in fact it has been my experience from MFP that people who jump in with both feet burn out the quickest. It has helped me (and continues to help me) to do it in tiny increments. Although my daily improvements are itsy-bitsy, I try to improve just a little each day. After awhile, those little improvements add up to big ones. This is silly, but sometimes when I exercise I sing in my head the verse about the ant cutting down the rubber tree plant from the song High Hopes by Bing Crosby. I am that ant.
  • idkmybffeva
    idkmybffeva Posts: 3 Member
    Good for you for finding some motivation. I have a hard time getting motivated with not just exercise but other things as well. I'm about 30 lbs overweight. I walk a lot for work but sometimes it's not enough so I have been using MFP religiously for the last 3 days and I have synced it with my FitBit. I'm excited to stay motivated and hopefully shed these lbs with you! I will add you so we can keep each other motivated!!
  • glbrocks
    glbrocks Posts: 37
    Thanks, I used a FitBit too at one point but according to MFP it wasn't doing as much for me. Congrats on starting out though, that can be the hardest step in all of this. My goal is to lose a total of 120 pounds. I am well over half way there now after 1.5 years of working on it. Slow and steady wins the race is what I have always heard. Take it a day at a time and do not let yourself get discouraged. I am routing for you too!!!