Need friends in their 20's trying to lose 20/30lbs :)

Hi Everyone, my name is Francesca, I've been up and down with my weight loss, I lost 30lbs in 2012, but then I just sort of hit a weight I didn't hate, instead of one I loved and stopped there. Over the course of the last year, with lots going on and and some minor runs of illness my maintenance has slipped and I'm back up to a weight that I'm not very happy to be.

My goal is to get back down to the weight I was before, and then to go a little further- hopefully to my ideal goal weight for my height. My plan is to lose 30lbs through a healthy diet and lots of exercise over the next few months. I've found that its a lot easier with support and accountability, so if anyone wants to add me that would be great. I have an open diary so you can see when and where I'm going wrong, and hopefully set me right :)


  • Hey let's do this. I've been exactly the same I balooned a few years back and then slowly but surely battled my way down to a weight I was kind of comfortable with, but it's still miles off the dream weight. So I've stagnated at that weight but I'm looking for people to help me kick on and finally lose that last 40lbs. You in?
  • Francesca3232
    Francesca3232 Posts: 16 Member
    That's so similar to what I did, I'm exited to get down to the weight I really want to be this time :)
  • amygauv
    amygauv Posts: 17 Member
    feel free to friend request me :) I was the same way, I'd eat healthy get to the weight i want and then not care lol this time its for real !
  • emmsw42
    emmsw42 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm there with you! Trying to lose 10 lbs although 15 would be even better! You can do this and we can help each other!
  • 21 here. Trying to be down about 20 lbs by my 22nd! :)
  • mommyeli13
    mommyeli13 Posts: 1 Member
    22 just had my first baby and ready to lose that baby weight. I just started looking in the mirror and realizing how big i actuallly was and it was frightening! I need to get healthy for my new baby and so I can finally feel comfortable with myself. Looking forward to going on this journey with you all! I'm trying to lose around 45lbs I just started my lifestyle change two days ago so let the journey begin! :)
  • Francesca3232
    Francesca3232 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks so much for the support guys, I think I've added all of you (or you've added me) :)
  • hey feel free to add me too

    I did the same thing and now just trying to get back to a size that I am comfortable with
  • I've been yo-yoing around with diet and weight loss for months... I actually just promised myself starting yesterday that this would be my start to a serious lifestyle change! I'm 21, 5'9" looking to go fro 175 to 145-150... hopefully by the end of school in June. I'm starting with a low carb, high fat diet, and will try incorporating exercise as I get more comfortable.

    Add me and let's do this!!
  • Foodiethinking
    Foodiethinking Posts: 240 Member
    I'm free for adds :)

    I started at 227lbs and wanted to lose 47lbs. I'm currently at 208lbs so nearly halfway and another 28lbs to go :) am so happy with my weight loss so far!
  • Same here :) Feel free to add me!
  • Francesca3232
    Francesca3232 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks guys, added :) looking forward to making a change
  • Best of luck to you! Just keep doing what you're doing! You'll reach your goals in no time!
  • Francesca3232
    Francesca3232 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks everyone :)
  • kattyg90
    kattyg90 Posts: 1
    23 here trying to lose 30 pounds! x
  • feel free to add me! I keep dieting, loosing a few lbs then putting it back on, i'm in this now to reach my goal, I need all the support I can get!
  • Hello! I'm looking weight seriously for the first time in my life, I'm 20 and I've never had a bmi higher than 25, and I've used it as an excuse not to hit a weight I'm happy with. Well no more, I deserve to feel comfortable in my own skin. Feel free to add :)
  • LeafyGreenGirl
    LeafyGreenGirl Posts: 17 Member
    I added the OP, anyone feel free to add me though!! :)
  • anyone, feel free to add me, im 25 and trying to lose my last 20lbs.
  • NiBo1689
    NiBo1689 Posts: 20
    Friend me please! I need to get back on track. :)