I didn't reach my goal :(

I wanted to lose one pound a week for a total of ten pounds in ten weeks. I am a 26 year old woman, 5'2" in height. I was a small kid all my life, and was active. Even in the early half of university I didn't gain weight even though I ate so much processed foods. I was 110 pounds for years. After working at cafés for a few years I gained ten pounds. I know that may not sound like a big deal, but on me it looks bad. It looks chunky. My activity level has dropped as well. I honestly don't like working out. I'd rather just have active hobbies - but lets be honest, a lot of the time we don't even have time for our hobbies. Today was the day I should have weighed in at 110, but I was 112.4. A few weeks ago I was 110.8 so I went to the pub with my husband to celebrate - ate a lot. Ever since then I have been utterly stuck at 112ish and CAN'T get back down. I've just started working out a bit in the morning. Has anyone else been completely stuck at a plateau? How did you get past it?

Also I am in need of more friends who are online daily. I could really use the motivation, support and friendship! Feel free to send me a request :)


  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    That is not fat, that is water retention.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Your goal wasn't very realistic based on your stats. .5 pounds per week is what you should have been aiming for, but hey, you did pretty good, and falling short of your goal on such tight margins is not failure, it's not even a bad thing. Just continue on, and congrats on the loss.

    ETA, you're not on a plateau, you're retaining water, drink more water, you'll be fine.

  • kschhr
    kschhr Posts: 103 Member
    Two pounds is NOTHING. So minuscule, why even worry about it?
  • cjazz72
    cjazz72 Posts: 80 Member
    Well for me I don't just use the scale. I use the tape measurements too. Reason being that muscle is denser than fat, so you might have lost body fat (which is good!) and gain muscle. I also take progress pictures just to see that I have physically changed rather than just the number on the scale. So if you do just those things you can overcome the plateau oh no moment. PS I add ya in case you needed more support =D
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    A few weeks isn't a plateau and your goals were off. Instead of striving to lose a pound a week, how about you just worry about the long term goal.

    Make sure you are being accurate when logging food (weigh and measure every lick, bite, taste).
  • namluv
    namluv Posts: 194 Member
    don't be so hard on yourself or you will have a problem sustaining this effort for long. Keep in mind that life happens sometimes and it's important for you to have the resilience to persevere.
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    I would just get a new goal.. That's what I did instead of dropping the number on the scale. Haven't looked back.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Calm down. Weight fluctuates. Do you look good? Because obsessing over the number on the scale isn't doing you any favors.
  • Toblave
    Toblave Posts: 244 Member
    Perhaps your goal is wrong. Using weight as a measure of success can backfire as it's not necessarily representative of health, it's just a number the scale gives you when you stand on it which is comprised of water, bone, muscle, fat, what you had for lunch and other things. Why not look at your body composition, your measurements or how you look and feel instead?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Go drop a deuce and relax...

    You do realize that your weight fluctuates naturally right...and that's not fat or anything right...you do realize that 2 Lbs of fat would represent roughly 7,000 calories over your maintenance calories right?

    Stop obsessing about some stupid number...you're not going to look any different after you take a dump and drop a pound or two.
  • brandiegirl16
    brandiegirl16 Posts: 372 Member
    i wouldn't focus so much on the numbers on the scale.. they are evil.. they fluctuate too much for things that are and are not realistic. If you want to focus on numbers, i suggest you use a measuring tape and track your measurements monthly. Only use the scale as a gage and not everyday, maybe once a week.

    This is a hard one and i am staying this as a person who has been there, not as criticism. You need to find better ways to celebrate your goals. If overindulgence of food/drink is your reward, you are going to find yourself in a constant vicious cycle, this exact situation. Remember what you are doing.. the hard work you are putting in.. no need to sabotage yourself.. there is a better way to "reward" a job well done. Go get a manicure, do something that will make you feel good.. not give you regrets.You need to figure out your relationship with exercise/food and lifestyle. Consistency and accountability is what is going to get you there.

    Do you weigh and measure your food, are you consuming your minimal water intake... are you committing to an routine of exercise???

    it takes 21 days to make a habit!! Plateaus happen... to everyone. Don't get discouraged.. you can only change today, not yesterday. Everyday is a new start, a clean slate a beginning point. Stop looking behind you.

    Best of luck on your journey.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    You are worrying about 2 lbs on the scale? Do you realize your body weight can fluctuate several pound over the course of the day? You know food and body waste have mass right?
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I suspect that you need to poop.
  • WoodenLamb
    WoodenLamb Posts: 21 Member
    I wish I never even posted on here.
  • sunfastrose
    sunfastrose Posts: 543 Member
    Wow, I wish I never even posted on here. Thanks for the discouragement. I know my body, and being able to grab a ball of fat on my stomach is not just water retention. Believe it or not, you can weigh 112 pounds and still have lumpy rolls. I think a pound a week is a completely fine goal. One of the first comments in response was that I should have lost 5 pounds a week. WHAT THE HECK. I could never ever acheive that! THat's way too intense. AND if my goal was so ridiculous, then why did I just about reach it? Screw you negative people. I'm not obsessing, I'm upset because I set a goal for myself and I didn't make it. It doesn't mean I'm going to eat a tub of ice cream and jump off a bridge.

    I think you misread the first comment. Not 5 pounds - point 5. As in half a pound a week. If you have less to lose it takes longer to lose it.
  • WoodenLamb
    WoodenLamb Posts: 21 Member
    I totally did read it wrong, I need to head out to work and tried to read the comments quickly. Gah. I have to apparently add that I drink quite a bit of water. Since many people suggested I don't drink enough. Honestly I just wanted support, i didn't expect so many people to tell me my goals are all wong.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    I don't think they're trying to tell you that your goals are wrong. What they're trying to tell you is that your goal of 10 pounds in 10 weeks is very, very aggressive. When you're already at a low weight, losing a pound a week is extremely difficult, bordering on impossible. They're saying that if you set yourself an impossible goal, you're not a failure if you can't meet it. Losing eight pounds in 10 weeks when you're already at a low weight is impressive. You've done well. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't keep going, but it would be kinder to yourself to set goals your body could achieve (like 1/2 a pound a week).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Stop PMing me OP...telling you to poop isn't being "mean". It's called sarcasm..lighten up.
  • Runfaster14
    Runfaster14 Posts: 90 Member
    First, I am also 5'2" and i would love to weight 110 but that is not realistic for me. I know you said you don't like working out but I strongly suggest adding some weight training to your lifestyle. Your "flab" will slowly go away and be replaced with muscle. You may weigh the same, or even a little more, but you will be much happier with the way you look. You state you want to get rid of the fat rolls but you seem to think the only way to do that is to lose weight. You can stay at 110, which your body seems to want to do, and be in extremely good shape if you replace some fat with muscle.
    Get some bands and start at home while you are watching tv, do some situps, muscle training will transform the rolls to smoothness. Good luck.
  • WoodenLamb
    WoodenLamb Posts: 21 Member
    Just a recap. I got pretty bent out of shape about some of the comments. I had a feeling I shouldn't say my actual weight, because I realize I'm not a heavy person. More so, I was just venting because I was darn close. I don't think I'm fat. But I have some chub I could lose, and would prefer to lose. Maybe if I just posted pictures without saying numbers more would understand as it is noticeable. I am proud of my success so far, and will continue. Ps. I actually laughed about one of the poo comments. But cwolfmans came across aggressive and demeaning. I can take a joke, but I do not think online bullying is a joke. As a dad, you should know that. I will not be reading anymore comments on here, nice or otherwise. But feel free to send a message if you really want.