Rest Days: How much resting is resting?

What does your "rest day" look like? The way that my schedule works out, I try to rest on Sundays... But I normally burn way more calories according to my Fitbit. I have high- intensity (for me at least) cardio workouts about 5 times a week. But on my 2 rest days I always have Swing Dance classes/ practice. I wore my HRM during my last hour session and it said that I burned 550 calories. Our practices normally last about 3 hours.

So my question is... is this considered resting? Or do I have to legit be sitting around all day to be resting?


  • jenna762001
    jenna762001 Posts: 27 Member
    Right now I have 2 rest days a week. Thursday and Sunday. I do a medium long run monday (8-10miles), shorter runs Tuesday Wednesday and Friday (3-5 miles followed by crossfit classes) and saturday I run long (12-20 miles). My rest days have generally no designated running or weight lifting. I still run errands, play outside, clean house, take walks or bike rides, stretch, etc. And sometimes I'll jog a couple miles with my kids if they're training for a race, but the intensity is way lower. Like a recovery run. Super easy pace. Sometimes if i sit around too much on a rest day it makes my soreness worse. Its good to keep things moving, just not at my normal intensity. My muscles and tendons need healing time from the weights and running or I end up injured. Rest days are about rebuilding and healing. Everyone's body is different as is everyone's workout routine. So everyone's rest routine will vary too. Some people only take one rest day every couple weeks. That just doesn't work for my body and routine. Find what works for you and go with it. In general there is nothing wrong with doing cardio every day. It's repetitive motion activities or resistance training that people need rest from so their bodies can heal.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Couch, box of Cheez-its, Netflix.
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    Couch, box of Cheez-its, Netflix.

    This above!!! I tend to take my rest day on a Monday, so after work, home, hot bubble bath, dinner, bed and watch movie.

    Summer time if it's a nice evening the dog may get an extended walk, but it's not even really walking properly it's more of a saunter, proper sleep in my mind is the most important, if I don't get enough sleep I struggle!!!

    If it' working for you then it's fine, just watch out for the warning signs of over-training, if they creep in you might need to adjust the levels on rest days
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    My rest days are Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday for my training days. I like to do one to two active rest days on either Wednesday and or Saturday. I use those days to do some ab work and cardio. If I don't feel like it due to a tough workout or needing more rest I don't do it. I listen to my body. Sunday I don't do anything that has to do with the gym.
  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    I push myself hard on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, doing the arc trainer, c25k, and strength training.

    use Tuesday and Thursday as a semi rest day. I still go to the gym but I see how long I can run (up to 4 minutes so far) and then deduct twice that from a leisurely hour walk.

    I don't go to the gym on the weekends but I usually work weekenda, So I'm not spending the day in bed - although once in a while a might - but I'm not working up a sweat.
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    My rest days just involve not going to the gym. Normally that is the weekend and those days are often active, but no working out.

    I don't have very many and I don't schedule any. I take them ad hoc when my body feels like it needs one.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Rest days for me are days when I don't lift. On those days I usually do Cardio and/or an Ab workout.
  • michellewelch2010
    michellewelch2010 Posts: 147 Member
    My rest day is Sunday but involves a hike with the dogs (or a snowshoe right now).
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I make sure I have an actual REST- do nothing day.

    Usually when BF is visiting.

    I have days where I'm not lifting- but I'm in dance class. Days where dance/lift is on the same day. But I always make sure i have one day where I do absolutely nothing.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    My rest days are Monday and Friday. If I can drag my *kitten* out of bed I take the dog for a walk in the morning. I also usually go for a 3 mile or thereabouts walk at lunch generally just to keep my muscles warm, blood circulating, and just generally stretch everything out. In the evenings when I get home from work I usually do about 30 minutes of restorative yoga...but that also depends on whatever else is going on and I often miss on Fridays because we take the boys out for dinner pretty much every other Friday. Also, sometimes I just forgo the yoga and spend a good bit of time with the foam roller.

    I think a rest day is going to be different for everyone. I honestly couldn't do much on a Monday even if I wanted to...I do an advanced spin class on Saturdays and my long ride on Sundays (getting progressively longer as I am training) Monday I'm pretty much shot to **** and don't have any legs. Tuesday is a recovery ride day (but sometimes just a walk) and then heavy lifting in the evening. Wednesday is a high tempo 15 miler as is Thursday. Thursdays are actually two-a-days for me as I have that tempo ride earlier in the day...then I reload and hit the weight room in the evening. I chill on Friday as, at that point, I'm gearing up for a pretty brutal weekend again.

    ETA: a lot is also going to depend on age and whatnot...I just don't recover now pushing 40 like I did in my 20s and rest is that much more important is is timing of recovery nutrients and quality of those nutrients.
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    Thanks for the responses, everyone. I see that it just varies for everyone. I'm glad to see that alot of you are still somewhat active on your rest days, it kinda puts my mind at ease. But if I start to feel really worn down, I'll whip out those cheez-itz and hang on the couch. :)
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    I work a desk job and do a lot of sitting at home. I do about 30-60 minutes of High impact cardio 6 days a week and then on the 7th day I'll still do cardio (just more low impact). I consider it a rest day but hate that others do not. I think for some, a rest day LITERALLY means to just sit around all day and not consciously exercise. I could never do that unless I was sick...
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    The purpose of my rest days are to rest the muscles that I'm trying to grow. My rest days personally mean no strength training. Otherwise it could be running a 5k, biking 20 miles on a trail, or Redbox. It just depends.

    I think the important thing is to not work the same muscle groups day after day.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Rest days for me are days when I don't lift. On those days I usually do Cardio and/or an Ab workout.
    ^ This.
  • buzybev
    buzybev Posts: 199 Member
    My rest days are on Saturdays, but I spend the first portion of the day at job numero #2 working with children that have special needs. So I'm on my feet for 8+ hours walking around, lifting, bending etc. So it's really just a break from planned/scheduled exercise.
  • ChrisS30V
    ChrisS30V Posts: 157 Member
    I try to stay fairly active on rest days, as the thought of sitting around all day and doing nothing is very unappealing. Nothing too crazy, though. I usually walk around the lake, go for a short bike ride or go hiking, just something to get me moving for an hour or two.