Eco Atkins follower

im a vegetarian and i want to restrict my carb content to only 20g per day while increase my protein content to 60g or more per day. i have tried different options of protein rich foods but end up with huge amounts of carbs everyday. if anyone here has tried the eco atkins...please suggest foods that would be a good option for me.

my food diary is open for anyone who would like to analyse the foods that im eathing.

Eco atkins does not restrict fat intake and has no restrictions on the calories either. i have been trying to keep my calorie intake withing 1000 kcal just because i am not able to find a good source of protein which will not give me any carbs.


  • Miamiuu
    Miamiuu Posts: 262 Member
    Maybe try a protein shake just until you are done dieting. They usually come with a decent amount of protein with little carbs. If you dont drink milk they make soy protein powder, or even hemp protein powder.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Is dairy out? Cheeses have an "OK" amount of protein per 100g (25g in that much cheddar with <2g carbs.). That's a lot of cheese though. Almonds are also "OK" when it comes to protein/carbs. For 10g of net carbs, you get 21g of protein (100g again). Of course, that's a ton of almonds and cheese. And, you're still a bit short on the protein you want.

    I imagine it will be pretty hard to keep under 20-25g of carbs a day, while getting sufficient protein and calories, and be strictly vegetarian.
  • richachaudhary
    richachaudhary Posts: 20 Member
    On my way home today i was wondering how a vegetarian can reach that state of ketosis, which is the initiation phase of eco atkin.... my brain has come up with a very wierd solution and im not sure how easy it would be to implement.

    My idea generated from what you said about cheese and soy milk along with protein shakes. I am planning to have as many helpings of soy milk added with a protein powder throughout the day with maybe 1-2 cubes of processed cheese(that's the only one we get easily in India) along with 4-5 almonds. All these will give me enough protein and almost no carbs. And since there is no restriction on the amount of fat or the total kcal intake for the day i can have enough helpings to satiate my hunger.

    The idea sounds far fetched at the moment but i can keep myself motivated with the fact that i have to do that only for 14 days after which i can shift to legumes, vegetables and some fruits

    Planning to implement my plan from tomorrow itself.. will post my experience shortly
  • Miamiuu
    Miamiuu Posts: 262 Member
    It might be a little hard for you if you drink all the soy you want because I did a search and it said one cup of soy milk is 15 carbs. Do you have a low carb soy milk of some type? If you cant stay below 20 maybe try staying below 50 and see if you start losing weight.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    okay 1k calories a day is too low....

    and if you aren't in a calorie deficet you wont lose no calorie restrictions on calories.

    Being a vegetarian and doing atkins is a tall order...sort of mind blowing actually...

    If your goal is to lose weight all you have to do is stay in a "reasonable" calorie deficet to do that you need to log accurately which means weighing your food...

    If you aren't losing weight now you are probably eating more than you think and based on your diary you don't weigh your food so that chances of that being true just got higher.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Eggs any good for you ? 6 grams protein each, no carbohydrate.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Eggs any good for you ? 6 grams protein each, no carbohydrate.

    Eggs have 0.4g-0.6g of carbs per egg. So, they are good. Don't get me wrong. A dozen eggs gets you 72g of protein with only 7g of carbs. It's just not absolutely zero carbs.

    Mmmm, I could eat a dozen eggs right about now. I love eggs. A nice 5 egg omelet with cheese and bacon... OP might want to skip the bacon.

    That said, I am not sure eggs would be considered to be vegetarian in OP's book. Some vegetarians avoid eggs, others do not. They are great.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Eggs have 0.4g-0.6g of carbs per egg.

    perhaps in the US, where they don't measure carbohydrates but do it by subtraction. says less than 0.1g per egg by analysis.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Perhaps. But, if your goal is to strictly limit the amount of carbs (I would say 20g and under is a very strict limit), then it is better to use a number that may be an over-estimate than one that may be under.

    I think we both agree that the absolute amount of carbs in an egg is minuscule and non-zero. The difference is really in how much weight we want to give to that value when using it in logging carbs.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    indeed, eggs are too low to bother counting. You'll be going over on something else before the carbs become an issue.
  • richachaudhary
    richachaudhary Posts: 20 Member
    you are right...staying on only soy milk was very hard, and soy milk does contain some amount of carbs...

    i checked my weight if i lost any and to my surprise i did even after eating all the cheese and fried stuff in the world i still lost almost a kilo.

    i also did some more research on eco atkin and found that a lot of people start it from the OWL phase instead of the induction phase since avoiding plant based carbs is not possible for vegetarians
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Go to and read about the different stages - that you did not know vegetarians start in OWL shows you have not read the book. At least read the site.

    While there go to the recipe section and select vegetarian. Lots of meals for the various stages.

    Good luck, it works but you do need to know how first! :wink:
  • richachaudhary
    richachaudhary Posts: 20 Member
    Go to and read about the different stages - that you did not know vegetarians start in OWL shows you have not read the book. At least read the site.

    While there go to the recipe section and select vegetarian. Lots of meals for the various stages.

    Good luck, it works but you do need to know how first! :wink:

    Thankyou... i will read it tonight itself... you are right i have still not read my book, its sitting on the bookshelf for over a week now, havent been able to go through it cover to cover yet... i do my little research work during breaks in office....
  • knitnbabe
    knitnbabe Posts: 16 Member
    I just found out about the Eco Atkins on the US News web site. I am planning to start on Sunday. I need to make an adjustment. I have been working out alot and have been actually gaining weight...I finally stopped weighing myself. The Eco Atkins seems like a great fit and I am anxious to try it because I too think my problem is with too many Carbs. How are you doing now since it has been almost a year?