PCOS patients and even those who don't have it, pls add me!

cRiSCeL021 Posts: 16
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone! I have been using MFP for 20 days now, sorry if I didn't introduce myself since I started because I didn't know what to say. Anyway,I'm Tina, 23 years old. I found MFP when I was trying to look for the calories of the foods I ate one day and so I thought MFP was useful so here I am now.

I was diagnosed with PCOS just this November because I had a missed period last September for the first time. The only treatment that was suggested to me was a medicine I have to take for 6 months, exercise, diet and less rice (I'm asian). I will have my 2nd opinion when I get to the USA this January though because the ob-gyne who checked me up only used ultrasound to diagnose it but I read in various sites that a lot of things should be checked first especially the blood before it can be called PCOS and ultrasound alone is an insufficient proof. I don't have the other symptoms like hair on the chest, faces and other parts where men usually grow their hair, skin taps, thinning of hair on the head and some other symptoms of PCOS, that's why I was wondering if I really have that(not that I trust the doctor but I just want to be sure). My only symptoms are a missed period for the first time and multiple cysts found in my ovary. I read also that some normal women have polycystic ovaries but it doesn't mean they have PCOS. Well I did gain a few pounds especially on the waist when I stopped from school last October, 2009, but I think its because I went from being active in school(walking for 2-3 hours everyday and doing various sports and activities) into sedentary(sitting or sleeping all day especially after eating a lot,it was really bad I know).

So I'm very very much hoping I don't have that because I want to have children in the future and don't wanna have the complications PCOS can give. I will still continue the medicines, especially the diet and exercise though just in case and even if my doctor was wrong.

So yeah,this is my story. I hope I didn't bore you for being a little dramatic, lol. I also hope you guys will add me especially to those who suffer PCOS(Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and maybe we could help each other with this journey. I need your opinions and tips on how I can succeed. And I also want to have friends too, thanks! :)


  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    Keep us updated with your final diagnosis, please.
    I do have PCOS, and have been diagnosed for years (I have several of the symptoms and have had several tests).. I've dealt with the infertility issues when I was married. And now that I'm single, I'm focusing on diet and exercise to help manage the symptoms and hopefully by doing so now, I won't have as much trouble getting pregnant when I meet a good guy and get married again.

    I hope all works out well for you =)
  • i was diagnosed with PCOS about 6 years ago and i was missing 3 periods at a time. I took medication Glucophage for about a year and the symptoms became less....and i had gained weight too. i stopped taking the medication eventually and began to exercise and eat healthy and slowly naturally things fell into place and ive even forgotten i had it!

    So basically it can be cured by diet and exercise. i'm sure you will be okay
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    Cysts, especially big and abundant, are not normal. Missing a period because of them is also not normal. I have been suffering the effects of pcos since I hit puberty but none of my dr's were smart enough to check for it. Only after I lost my period for a year & gained 65 pounds did someone figure out that something wasn't right. It used to be an occasionally missed period. Then it was a few months, then it was a year. But, just because I have pcos it didn't stop me from having 4 kids :wink: Most symptoms I had were alleviated after I lost 60 pounds. It doesn't have to be a life sentence. A healthier lifestyle and diet can help. I hope that when you get into the states they run blood tests to determine if this diagnosis is correct. Hang in there, you are lucky to catch it early before the other symptoms crop up. I don't have them all either, and my hair isn't thinning lol If anything it just gets thicker :flowerforyou:
  • Hi and welcome, hun!
    I was diagnosed with PCOS a few weeks ago, all my life doctors told me it was polycystic ovaries 'til it wasn't anymore. Get a second, a third, a fourth opinion if you feel it's necessary. I've beaten myself for years because I didn't know I had PCOS but most of the things wrong with me makes sense now and I'm still learning to deal with it.
    I can relate to your worries pretty well, thought I don't think I can be of much help except on supporting you when you need it. It's pretty much what has been said, eating well, exercise and maybe medication.
    Don't fret. Everything will be fine, until there, we'll be here for you.
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Being overly concerned is a good thing! Keeps you wanting to learn more about PCOS....Knowledge is power...keep learning all you can and doing all you can to get better. Good luck! God Bless...
  • Keep us updated with your final diagnosis, please.
    I do have PCOS, and have been diagnosed for years (I have several of the symptoms and have had several tests).. I've dealt with the infertility issues when I was married. And now that I'm single, I'm focusing on diet and exercise to help manage the symptoms and hopefully by doing so now, I won't have as much trouble getting pregnant when I meet a good guy and get married again.

    I hope all works out well for you =)

    Yes, I will! I think you're doing great based on your updates and I got really inspired by you. Thanks!
  • i was diagnosed with PCOS about 6 years ago and i was missing 3 periods at a time. I took medication Glucophage for about a year and the symptoms became less....and i had gained weight too. i stopped taking the medication eventually and began to exercise and eat healthy and slowly naturally things fell into place and ive even forgotten i had it!

    So basically it can be cured by diet and exercise. i'm sure you will be okay

    Thanks! That inspired me. Although reading a lot about it really got me scared and sometimes make me cry.
  • Cysts, especially big and abundant, are not normal. Missing a period because of them is also not normal. I have been suffering the effects of pcos since I hit puberty but none of my dr's were smart enough to check for it. Only after I lost my period for a year & gained 65 pounds did someone figure out that something wasn't right. It used to be an occasionally missed period. Then it was a few months, then it was a year. But, just because I have pcos it didn't stop me from having 4 kids :wink: Most symptoms I had were alleviated after I lost 60 pounds. It doesn't have to be a life sentence. A healthier lifestyle and diet can help. I hope that when you get into the states they run blood tests to determine if this diagnosis is correct. Hang in there, you are lucky to catch it early before the other symptoms crop up. I don't have them all either, and my hair isn't thinning lol If anything it just gets thicker :flowerforyou:

    Thank you! I really smiled when u said you have 4 kids despite the fact that you have PCOS. I really want to have children someday and learning that it is the main cause of infertility in women and is related to diabetes depresses me. But I motivate myself so much that I will have kids someday if I get healthier and fit. That's why I wanted to have friends with women with PCOS to also help me keep motivated. The cysts that were found in my ovary are really small, less than 1 cm but they are too many, more than 10 I think. I am so thankful to my cousin, a nurse, who told me to have my check-up ASAP because it really isn't normal to have a missed period when I asked her I missed one.
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    Keep us updated with your final diagnosis, please.
    I do have PCOS, and have been diagnosed for years (I have several of the symptoms and have had several tests).. I've dealt with the infertility issues when I was married. And now that I'm single, I'm focusing on diet and exercise to help manage the symptoms and hopefully by doing so now, I won't have as much trouble getting pregnant when I meet a good guy and get married again.

    I hope all works out well for you =)

    Yes, I will! I think you're doing great based on your updates and I got really inspired by you. Thanks!

    Thanks =)
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I sent a request.
    I have pcos. Dx'd officially in 2003 even though I went to a doctor in 1999 with my concerns.
    I went through numerous tests, ultrasounds, sonohysteogram, blood tests, glucose testing, meds like provera, metformin and clomid (high doses of the last two).
    Got pregnant and miscarried in 2004, took a year and then got pregnant in 2005, gave birth in 2006.

    I'd never get a period without meds .. meds to bring it on, more meds to ovulate.

    Then after having my daughter I went on a birth control pill to regulate my cycle. Stopped taking it a year or so later because the possible side effects scared me so I focused more on getting healthy with food and exercise.

    It's a depressing chemical imbalance to have .. makes weight loss a tad more difficult.

    There are so many sign and symptoms for pcos and not every woman will represent with the same so doctors are labeling people as having pcos even with one or two signs because it's such a broad spectrum.

    Glad to report that after losing weight and exercising and making better food choices, the cycle is more regular.
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    Caperfae - I too have never had periods that haven't somehow been medically induced... even now...

  • There are so many sign and symptoms for pcos and not every woman will represent with the same so doctors are labeling people as having pcos even with one or two signs because it's such a broad spectrum.

    That got me scared and worried. I have too much regrets for abusing my body too much by eating a lot of unhealthy foods especially sweets and too much meat and not doing any exercise and activities. But I'm still hoping its not too late yet though, very very much hoping. :)
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    I got diagnosed just before i turned 16, i've had a few years to deal with it, although information on it has only really become wide known recently (i battled with a gyna and dr for 2 years to get diagnosed, it was pretty unknown back then). As i had times of periods not appearing for 5 months at a time prior to that.

    It would probably be better to read books on the subject, as the internet can be quite scarey for research or a drs prefered website. (there are a number of websites made by people who have pcos).

    It's scarey when first diganosed (i cried for days but then again i was 15 !!!) i'm fine with it now just wish getting rid of fat was easier, and I could get free laser hair removal lol
  • hey, I also have it and I am just a 20 year old college student....I also don't have all the other symptoms. It is kind of a frustrating thing to have, but thankfully it can be altered just by a healthier lifestyle, and eating more organic foods, and trying to keep your mood up...
  • i have had PCOS, which has resulted of course in a bit of weight gain, depression, and irregular periods. when I went to india this summer, our lifestyle was fairly active, all the food was unprocessed (and lots and lots of veggies) and i spend greater amounts of time around people....within a month I started back on my regular cycle period, gained confidence and forgot i was ever depressed and dropped a significant amount of weight...makes me wonder if the condition has been a product of the processed foods that are consumed.
  • ammp
    ammp Posts: 107 Member
    Me too, pcos sufferer. Not offically diagnosed yet. Had thyroid tests, estrogen/testerone tests, diabetic tests, internal ultrasounds, the works. During my appedectomy when I was 16 they told my mother I had "highly cystic ovaries". The thing I first learned was inconclusive test results don't mean you don't have it. I have the weirdly placed weight gain, skin issues, hair issues, and at my highest weight would go 12-16 months between periods. Now that we are interesting in getting pregant, shedding the extra poundage is very important to me. I am thinking about taking Metformin, anyone else try it??
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi! Wow congrats ammp for having lost already 22 pounds, which can be a great challenge for someone who has PCOS. I have tried lots of different diets without success but this time I think I will tough it out. As for Metformin, my doctor put me on it, I take it when I am at home or off from work. For some reason, it gives me cramps, diarrhea and I think it is the cause of my dizziness but I still take it when I remember or have time.
  • CassieH818
    CassieH818 Posts: 221 Member
    I have PCOS and was only diagnosed when I FINALLY went to an infertility doctor after years of trying to get pregnant. All my life I have been overweight and would only have a period 3 or 4 times a year, max. Sometimes I would go 6 months at a time without one. My family doctor, at the time, obviously didnt care because she always brushed it off.

    Im happy to know what it is and was even more happy to know that I could help it.

    After 5 rounds of infertility treatments, I was finally pregnant and now have a beautiful 15 month old daughter :) Just because you have PCOS doesn't mean you wont be able to have children so have hope! It may not be as wasy as 123 but its possible!

    Oh, on another note, after giving birth my periods have been regular for over a year :)
  • ammp
    ammp Posts: 107 Member
    Thanks for the support!
    I buckled down and made my Drs appointment for next Wednesday - going to talk about Metformin.
  • CassieH818
    CassieH818 Posts: 221 Member
    Thanks for the support!
    I buckled down and made my Drs appointment for next Wednesday - going to talk about Metformin.

    Good Luck!
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